My Quest for Digital Wellness 📱➡️📴

in #hive-1516623 months ago



This is a term that apparently has become more popular in recent times. For me this is a term that i just looked at and heard of today but it's one concept that I plan on inputting in my daily lifestyle from now on.
Digital Wellness means the act of maintaining a healthy relationship between technology use and the body's overall well-being.
It's a concept that advices humans on how to manage digital devices to reduce it's impact on their physical, psychological, mental and relationship health.

This concept is far more important in this times as its the age of digital appliances.
There's hardly a person who hasn't come across and used one or more of these appliances and at the same time, it's extremely common to find people who abuse these appliances and in return get abused by them.

I for one, is a prime example of the former.
Being in this generation, having fun online, working online, writing online and reading online. I have found it quite hard and rather impossible to imagine a life without my mobile phone.
I wouldn't call myself addicted, but I would say I'm dependent.
This dependence increased since I started writing on hive.
The time on my phone increased, the time without staring at a screen reduced.
This, as I have noted, has affected me in numerous ways including...

- Sleeping Pattern..


Writing, as so many may know is a time oriented endeavor, and with how busy my life is at the moment, the most amount of quiet time I have is in the night.
At such, so much of my writing is done at night, but it's not everytime one knows just how long a piece would take to be done. At such, most times, my writing encroaches into my sleeping periods and makes my body have to rearrange the whole schedule.

- Estranged Offline Relationships

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Relationships with people online and offline is considerable different.
Offline relationship requires a certain type of determination and intuition that online relationships do not need. While at the same time, online relationships need a finesse of words and actions to help build a mental image of yourself to whoever your conversing with.
Throughout this last year, I've noticed just how low my offline relationship has been. The lack of determination in going to visit and talk with some people, simply forgetting others and being forgotten too.

- Psychological Numbness

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Created using Canva

Before the writing of this post, I've been suffering from a burnout.
And to be honest, it's one that was expected, after such an active last week of commenting and posting, my mental state needed some time to recover.
My burn-outs though are quite serious because I feel a kind of laziness in doing any type of intellectual work.
So as I have been inactive on hive this weekend, the same way I've been unable to read or talk to people, a total brain blackout where only the barest minimum can be done.
Sleep, bathe, eat and repeat.

A minor form of depression some may say...

As I realized this term and noted these symptoms in me, I went searching for how to improve digital wellness.
Found a lot of methods but I chose some that I really have a chance of following to the letter.

  • Engaging more in offline activities

I've always been a jovial energetic guy -whenever I'm not passing through a burnout-, so I feel this is something I can truly get behind.

  • Enforcing Phone Curfews and Sleep Schedules

This would be a little hard but I guess I can try, I don't particularly hate sleep, i just have to prioritize it more.

  • Going to visit and rebuild offline relationships

This is one that I've already started doing and having so much fun in.
Visiting and spending quality offline time with old friends. Trading stories and just laughing together is something that can't be done online and is something that needs to be done once in a while.

These are just a few things that I've started doing to help increase my digital wellness.
As of now, I'm just in the early stage of it, but like everything in life.. I'm taking this quest step by step.

This is a response to the #juneinleo monthly prompt " Day 22: How to ensure Digital Wellness in our Daily life" posted by @leogrowth.

You could check this prompts out if you don't know what to write and need some ideas...


As always there are some lovely prompts on here...

My Instagram page.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Love the numb illustration.

Sorry about the burnout. Not going to happen in my case, because I have family all around, all the time. Hive is my respite😇.

Hope the next week is more relaxing for you, @seki1

Keep up the good work. 👏

Recognized by Mystic artist Gudasol

You are loved.

Interested to to help music map spread more good vibes on Hive?.

Sorry but I laughed at some point…you suffered a burnout after actively engaging? Awww isn’t he such a cute baby?😂
Now I have something against you anytime you come up with hate for pink😂