Firstly, I wanted to put an up to date pic of me here as the profile pic on Hive is a few years old! I don’t seem to be able to change it though, so I guess I am stuck with my younger face 😝
A quick introduction to me… I am a northern lass from England who loves to be creative, as well as loving all things Bulldog related.
My favourite pastimes are currently Bulldogs (obvs), photography (mainly macro,) woodturning and crocheting.
After talking to @steevc, I have decided to do a #woodturningwednesday theme to try and create some order in my manic brain.
My first few projects have been pretty haphazard (like my mind) so there is no rhyme or reason to any of it, other than I wanted to make something and practice my woodturning skills on the lathe.
I haven’t been turning for long and I am still very new to the art, so please don’t be too harsh when I refer to a chisel as a ‘thingy’, or happen to refer to a bowl blank as a piece of wood 😂
My first piece was fairly simple. I had a chunk of oak and decided to make a miniature oak barrel tea light holder. I don’t have any during pictures I’m afraid as I wasn’t thinking about blogging at the time, but here is the finished piece…
Pretty basic shape, but it was a great way to practice without getting too complicated.
My next venture, was a little bowl. I didn’t want to go too big because I keep snagging the wood and if you take a huge chunk out of it, the whole blank could be wasted.
However I wanted to make something slightly more complicated, so I decided to do a lidded bowl. Trust me it is harder than it sounds 😂
The hardest thing I found with this piece was that the wood was still fairly wet when I turned it. As wood dries, it changes shape and cracks. You have to jump on those cracks pretty sharpish with some superglue if you don’t want them to spread. (Although I do have some ideas about using the cracks as an interest point in future projects…)
I was so proud of myself when it actually fit together, in fact I did a little happy dance!
My current project is a gonk! If you don’t know what these wonderful creatures are, they are cute little gnomes with bushy beards and hats. Google them, you won’t be disappointed 🤪
Here are the starting pieces…
I now need to turn their noses and stick on some beards and away we go!
There we have it, #woodturningwednesday is now in my diary and I will try and update you each week as to my turning-learning projects!
I hope you like the pieces and didn’t get too lost inside my manic mind… Thanks for stopping by 🥰
Much love, C and the bulldogs xx