Some cherished memories of Grogu

in #hive-152367last year


Grogu / March 2022 - April 2023

You came into our lives one April. And in April, you also left. Yesterday, it was a month since your departure.

These days a friend sent me a text which says that the pets who leave us go to the sky and become stars. And since then, when the sky is clear at night, I look at the stars to see you shine. As you used to shine in our home the year that life gave us the gift of you.

But this post is not about how sad we still are about your unexpected and early departure, but about the beautiful memories I have of you. I can't capture them all in one post, but here are a few.


I remember when you arrived. You were so small and helpless. You were afraid of everything. We fed you with a syringe for a few days until you learned to eat. And we used to take you with us to pick up R from school since we were afraid to leave you home alone. We carried you in a little red bag.

But soon you got used to us and made our home your little kingdom. You didn't like too much the visits of strangers in your kingdom. But you loved to be with us and we loved to be with you.


Your favorite toy was Tucky the fabric toucan that R gave you. You loved to play with him and chew on his beak, although I'm not so sure Tucky liked it, hehe.


At some point, you discovered that you loved getting into the fridge. And every time someone opened the fridge door, there was a high probability that you would sneak inside and lay back to enjoy the coolness.

A couple of times, when I was distracted cooking you even stayed locked inside for a few minutes. But that didn't make you give up, and you kept taking advantage of the slightest opportunity to sneak inside.


And then there was your favorite chair. Your chair, the one that was once my desk chair and that I still can't sit in today without watering my eyes.

At first, we shared it until you made it clear that it was your place to take an afternoon nap and that you didn't want to share it.


That's as long as the hubby wasn't home because then you liked to settle down at his desk. And if he got up without warning, you would throw whatever you could find on the floor, starting with the wireless mouse that I don't know how it still works.

You loved to throw things on the floor from the shelves. And to lie down in front of the TV covering the remote control sensor. You also liked to scratch the TV screen sometimes when you didn't want us to watch it. That didn't make me laugh at the time, but you don't know how much I would give to see those little claws scratching the screen again.


You and I agreed that we don't love photos, let alone selfies. But we would both do anything to please R, who was without a doubt your favorite hooman. This one was the last I took of us together to send to R.


We said goodbye to you on April 10th with deep sorrow, stunned, and with so many questions that will never have answers. We left you with Tucky to accompany you on that last trip, and we planted a bird of paradise bush very close, and Uncle A told me it has already started to grow. But I like to think of you more as a star shining in the sky. You'll be in our hearts forever.

This is my entry in this week's #dreemportchallenge, which this month is in collaboration with the Hive Memorial Forest community. Share your loved memories with a special one and don't forget to send your entry to Dreemport tomorrow, Friday Thursday by 5:00 p.m. PST

Thank you very much for reading.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

May 11, 2023

If you're reading this and you are not on Hive yet, I invite you to join through my referral link. And I could delegate some Resources credit to help you get started.


Grogu, why you have to leave too soon 🥺. When you remember the memories with him, that's one of the most painful part of living. Remembering all thr good things and happy memories we had to a person or even to animal 🥺❤️

He left early, and it is one of those things that cannot be explained 🥺 It was painful to lose him, but the moments we lived are so special that I am so grateful to have had him. 🤗

Fly high Grogu..

Thank you

What? Grogu passed? Didn't expect it...but how? Did I missed a post about his passing?
Sorry to hear that....and yes, he is a star now. He made your life brighter back when he is still with you.

Yes, Grogu passed a month ago. I wrote about it, it was very painful and sudden. Suddenly one day he woke up with partial seizures, we didn't even know they were seizures. Because he was just drooling and pretending to chew. We thought at first that he was intoxicated, we took him to the vet and it turned out that they were partial seizures. The tests came out well, so they discarded the intoxication but he did not react to any treatment, and two days later he left us. We were told that maybe it was a congenital problem, and apparently, sometimes the effects appear after the first year. But we never knew for sure what happened to him. It was very sad. And we miss him so much. 😿

🥺🥺 that's too sad. Maybe because he's too young and his body couldn't take any treatment...
Are you planning to adopt a new one?

At first, I didn't want to adopt another one. I think I wasn't ready. Losing Grogu was very painful. But a couple of weeks ago, a friend's cat weaned her kittens, and she convinced us to adopt one. His name is Milo. He is very different from Grogu, much more restless, but it has been good to have him at home.

que bonita idea haberla dejado en ese lugar especial y haber sembrado esa planta, de seguro siempre les recordara ese ser tan especial.

Hola Caro. Ese es el jardín de la casa de los padres de mi cuñado que es muy grande y tiene mucho terreno. Fue una bendición poder enterrarlo allí porque me angustiaba mucho que haríamos con él.
Un gran abrazo.🤗

Poor wee grogu - sadly missed

Thank you, hoosie


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Grogu left unexpectedly and I do hope he would become a star up there, shining 🌟.

He left memories all round you; his favourite chair, your desk he claimed his, in the fridge enjoying the coolness.

You really love your cat and I'm quite sure he loves you too, even though he's not with you. I came in through #dreemport.

Thank you, sassy partner 💕


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Memories are always great! Especially when we focused on the good times, there is always the reason for separations but pets or humans they will remain in our hearts! Very nice post!. I came from #dreemport! God bless!!

Thank you very much, blessings to you

aww Super Eli my favourite is the last one of you and my charming wee rascal of a nephew Ageese 💙💙💙

I miss him so much, Super Ed.
He was a special one, your charming wee rascal nephew 💙💙😿

Awe Eli, what a beautiful tribute to your Grogu, but you do have very special memories. That last photo of the 2 of you, is really lovely!
They can be such rascals, one minute aloof and letting you know they're the king of the castle and the next minute act like cute little babies melting one's heart.
Grogu's star indeed shines on forever, especially in your heart xxx

Thank you, Lizzie!
You are right. Grogu's star will shine for us forever.
Love to your little charming rascal Poe 😻

What an amazing pet, your absence might have created a void that might not be filled but the memory of you shall forever be preserved on the this platform.

Dear little Grogu - what a blessing he was in your lives and you in his... this post was written with such love and affection, Eli - it was palpable. It actually made me smile a number of times seeing and reading about the things he got up to! Throwing stuff everywhere from the desk? He sounds like he would have gotten on fabulously with @blackdaisyft's little cat 💗And I love that picture of you and Grogu... precious times. A picture to treasure. Sending you a big !Hug

I'm sure he would have gotten along great with Daisy's kitty. Thank you, Sam 💗


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Dear @coquicoin, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @samsmith1971.

🌈 Grogu had Tucky to be with him going over the rainbow bridge 🌈
Its the memories who make it worth, that our pets are only short time accomopagnons in our life
❤️ Much love for you and this is a wonderful selfie!
Rest in Peace ❤️ Grogu (and Tucky)

Thank you, dear Beeber 💗 You are right. It's so worth it for the beautiful memories. 🤗

Big !HUG dear

Dear @coquicoin, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @beeber.