Visiting the coffee shop: Artesano Café - Coffee as a craft and art in a historic corner of Caracas (En/Es).

in #hive-15252425 days ago

Tapa Artesano Cafe.gif

Greetings, dear Cinnamon Cup Coffee community! It is a real pleasure to write a few lines in this space again, particularly because I really enjoy sharing experiences, moments or simply the memories that come with visiting a particular place. And precisely speaking of places and memories I want to share with you a truly special place in Caracas: the Artesano Café coffee shop.


In the center of Caracas, right where Plaza Bolivar is located, stands one of the oldest historical monuments that has become an element of identity of being a Caracas resident. I am referring to the Caracas Cathedral, the seat of the Archdiocese of the Capital.


Its original name is the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Ana, its origin as a temple dates back to 1557 when Caracas was barely 10 years old, so its walls and corners radiate the echoes of historical moments that have defined us as a country.


Right on the north corner between Plaza Bolivar and the Cathedral is one of the coffee shops that over time has become an iconic place in the city and is a trending topic on social media. I am referring to Artesano Café.


Long before the profession of being a coffee maker became a trending topic on social media with that aesthetic style, this small place had already taken the art of making coffee very seriously in a professional manner and little by little it was gaining a reputation in the city as the place where the best coffee is prepared. I had visited this place on the recommendation of a friend but since the pandemic I had not been able to return, so I took this opportunity to revisit this place with my nephew and his grandmother.


Just entering this place is like isolating yourself from the hustle and bustle and chaos of the city, you breathe an air of relaxation and tranquility that invites you to take a seat and order a good coffee.


Once you place your order, the bartender prepares your coffee. My mother and I ordered a mocaccino, and it is a real pleasure to watch these people do their job, not only because of how well it turned out, but because of the time and care they took to do it.


I ordered my order in a large glass, while my mother was served in a small cup. And boy does this place live up to its title as the best coffee shop in Caracas. From the careful presentation of the foamy mocaccino to the moment you try it, it is a unique experience that I recommend to anyone who wants to visit Caracas.


I didn't want to leave the place without first asking if they sold the coffee in a particular presentation for sale. It was then that they told me that they did indeed sell their coffee at a price of $3 for 200 grams, and with how exquisite it was to taste that delicious mocaccino, I didn't think twice about taking a piece of this magnificent coffee home with me.



My impressions of the Fruto Santo coffee

The interesting thing is that it is not a particular brand, the only information we are given is the altitude at which it was grown, which is a medium-light roast, and the name of the roaster. Other than that, the origin of this coffee is a mystery. Maybe next time I will ask them from which part of Venezuela this coffee bean comes.


When the time came, we began the ceremony to prepare this coffee at home. One thing I almost forgot is that when I ordered this coffee at the counter in the store, they gave it to me in beans and then ground it to have it ready to be dispensed in the coffee maker. And oh, friends, you have no idea how strong and penetrating the aroma of this coffee is. If there is one thing I regret about this presentation, it is that they did not have a larger quantity (500 grams or 1 kg), because 200 grams seemed very little to me.


Once the coffee maker was ready, we prepared this infusion in a ratio of 3 small cups of coffee/3 medium cups of water so that the coffee was strong enough. Once turned on and strained, we proceeded to serve and taste this coffee. I must admit that there is nothing better than a freshly ground coffee. This is because no matter how carefully a coffee brand is packaged, it will always lose what we call here the "spirit" or aroma of the coffee. The Amanecer and Paramo brands are the ones that best preserve their aroma.


Well friends, as a conclusion, this “artisan” coffee is undoubtedly exceptional with a flavor that evokes past times, that of a Venezuela that was a continental power in the coffee industry, I am sure that soon we will return to that status.

With this I end these lines that I wanted to share with you, in particular I want to dedicate this post to my dear @rosmiapure because if providence allows it and we get to meet here in Caracas this will be the place where I would invite her to have a cup of coffee.See you in a next review where I may visit another historical place full of memories and recollections. Best regards!


Versión Español:

Tapa Artesano Cafe.gif

Saludos apreciada comunidad de Cinnamon Cup Coffee community! Es un verdadero gusto volver a escribir un par de líneas en este espacio, particularmente por lo mucho que disfruto compartir experiencias, momentos o simplemente el recuerdo que nos genera visitar un sitio en particular. Y precisamente hablando de lugares y recuerdos quiero compartir con ustedes un lugar verdaderamente especial en Caracas: la cafetería Artesano Café.


En el Centro de Caracas justo donde se ubica la Plaza Bolívar, se erige uno de los monumentos históricos más antiguos y que se ha convertido en un elemento identitario de los que es ser caraqueño, me refiero a la Catedral de Caracas, sede de la Arquidiócesis de la Capital.


Su nombre original es la Catedral Metropolitana de Santa Ana, su origen como templo se remonta a 1557 cuando Caracas apenas contaba con 10 años de fundada por lo que sus paredes y esquinas irradian los ecos de momentos históricos que nos han definido como país.


Justo en la esquina norte entre la Plaza Bolívar y la Catedral se encuentra una de las cafeterías que con el tiempo se ha vuelto un lugar icónico de la ciudad siendo trending topic en las redes sociales, me refiero a Artesano Café.


Mucho antes que el oficio de ser varista se volviera trending topic en las redes sociales con ese estilo aesthethic, este pequeño lugar ya se había tomado muy enserio el arte de hacer café de forma profesional y poco a poco se fue haciendo una reputación en la ciudad como el lugar donde se prepara el mejor café. Había visitado este lugar por recomendación de un amigo pero desde la pandemia no había podido volver, asi que aproveche esta oportunidad para revisitar este sitio con mi sobrino y su abuela.


Tan solo entrar en este lugar es como aislarse del bullicio y el caos de la ciudad, se respira un aire de relajación y tranquilidad que te invita a tomar asiento y pedir un buen café.


Una vez que pides tu orden, la barra te prepara tu café, en mi caso y para mi madre pedimos un mocaccino y es un verdadero placer ver a estas personas hacer su trabajo, no solo por lo bien que quedó, sino por el tiempo y cuidado que se tomaron en hacerlo.


Yo pedí mi orden en un vaso grande, mientras que a mi madre se le sirvió en una taza pequeña. Y vaya que este lugar le hace honor al título que ostenta como la mejor cafetería en Caracas, desde la cuidada presentación del mocaccino espumoso hasta el momento de probarlo es una experiencia única que recomiendo a todo aquel que quiera conocer Caracas.


No quise irme del lugar sin preguntar antes si vendían el café en una presentación particular a la venta, fue entonces que me dijeron que efectivamente vendían su café a un precio de 3$ los 200 grs y con lo exquisito que fue paladear ese rico mocaccino no lo pensé 2 veces para llevarme un pedacito de este magnifico café a casa.



Degustando un café hecho con puro corazón

Lo interesante es que no es una marca particular, la única información que se nos da es la altura a la que se cultivo que es un tostado medio claro y el nombre del tostador, fuera de eso el origen de este café es un misterio, quizás la próxima vez les pregunte de que parte de Venezuela viene este grano de café.


Llegado el momento iniciamos la ceremonia para preparar este café en casa, un elemento que casi olvido es que cuando pedí este café en la barra de la tienda, me lo dieron en grano y posteriormente lo molieron para tenerlo listo para ser dispensado en la cafetera. Y oh amigos no tienen idea de lo fuerte y penetrante que es el aroma de este café, si algo lamento de esta presentación es que no tenían una de mayor cantidad (500 grs o 1 Kg), porque 200 grs se me hizo muy poco.


Una vez lista la cafetera, preparamos esta infusión en una relación de 3 copitas de café/3 tazas medianas de agua para que quede lo suficientemente cargado el café. Una vez encendido y colado procedimos a servir y probar este café. Debo reconocer que no hay nada mejor que un café recién molido esto se debe a que por más que se cuide el empaquetado de una marca de café éste siempre perderá lo que aquí llamamos el "espíritu" o aroma del café, siendo las marcas Amanecer y Paramo los que mejor conservan su aroma.


Bien amigos como conclusión este café "artesanal" es sin duda excepcional con un sabor que evoca a tiempos pasados, la de una Venezuela potencia continental en el rubro cafetero, estoy seguro que pronto volveremos a ese estatus.

Con esto termino estas líneas que he querido compartir con ustedes, en particular quiero dedicar este post a mi estimada @rosmiapure por que si la providencia lo permite y nos llegamos a conocer aquí en Caracas éste será al sitio donde yo la invitaría a tomar una tasa de café. Nos vemos en un próximo review donde quizás visite otro lugar histórico lleno de memorias y recuerdos. Saludos!


The images for the reviews were taken from my Redmi 9c cell phone and the translation was done with the Deepl translate.


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The place looks like a real beauty. Charming I would say. It would be worth visiting it once I go to Caracas. It would be great. I would also choose to buy their coffee and try it at home.

@neruel! @bulkathos likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bulkathos. (7/50)

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Hello! That's right, my friend. This place has a very particular charm. You feel isolated from all the chaos of the city in a quiet place with relaxing music, perfect for enjoying a coffee in good company. Best regards.

Brother, how nice that you are passing on the best of tastes to your nephew. Video games and a good coffee, 10/10. Excellent my Bro.

Hi More! haha ​​that's true, I really spoil that boy, he really liked the atmosphere and even the golfing because he's more of a cinnamon roll eater.

@morenow! @bulkathos likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bulkathos. (9/50)

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Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

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All images belong to millycf1976

Thank you, I really appreciate your support! Best regards.

This post is a 10/10
I love your point of view and insight to bring us a historically incredible post. You make us want to know certain places and go to those coffee shops to taste the good coffee and appreciate such an excellent view.
On the other hand, I would be delighted to attend that place and to be able to count on your appreciated presence. I even imagine to be able to talk more in depth about that area that must have interesting historical moments and of which I am sure you must have knowledge of some of these, or if not, with your company, the good coffee and talk about something, it will be a moment to keep very well.

Thank you for those words Rosmi! I'm glad you liked it, these sites in Caracas are full of stories and anecdotes that make it much more attractive for the purposes of writing a review. Regards.

@rosmiapure! @bulkathos likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bulkathos. (6/50)

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Tengo tiempo sin visitar Caracas, pero este sitio suena super ideal para desconectarse después de una larga caminata @bulkathos 🙌... gran post. Saludos!

@helicreamarket! @bulkathos likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bulkathos. (11/50)

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Muchas gracias por tu comentario Helena, tienes toda la razón este lugar es precisamente para eso, desconectarse y pasarle bien con amigos. Saludos.

Hombre, nunca he probado un cafe con dibujos, la verdad creo que me daría como pena tomarlo con un dibujo tan bien elaborado, se ve que es muy delicioso, asombrosas fotografías mi estimado amigo.

Man, I have never tasted a coffee with drawings, the truth is that I would be embarrassed to drink it with such a well elaborated drawing, it looks very delicious, amazing pictures my dear friend.

@lionsaturbix! @bulkathos likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bulkathos. (10/50)

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Thank you very much, friend Lion! There is no doubt that these guys from Artesano Cafe do a very dedicated job, which has made them very well known in the city. Best regards.

It's an excellent coffee shop, I didn't know they sold ground coffee there, next time I'll be on the lookout, thanks for the tip 😁

@neilamarcano! @bulkathos likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bulkathos. (8/50)

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Thank you

Hi, thanks for your comment. Yes, they do sell their coffee ground. Next time I will ask where that coffee comes from because it is really good. Regards.

That's really cool, greetings 🤗

An extraordinary experience. Very well described your tasting and I agree with you: nothing better than a freshly ground coffee.
If I have the opportunity, I will visit this cafe and buy some of their packaging. They are very well identified. The third wave of coffee is catching up with us.

Hello! I assure you that you will not regret it, not only is the coffee exquisite, but also the rolls and the golfiados! They are simply heavenly. Best regards.

@adncabrera! @bulkathos likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bulkathos. (12/50)

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It is a wonderful experience, I can only imagine the aroma, the taste and the sensation of the artisan coffee, as well as the place. I think it is harmony in general, each one of those details, and to get away from the noise, well it is even better, thanks for sharing that moment with us🤍.

Se nota una maravillosa experiencia, solo imagino el aroma el sabor y la sensación del café artesanal, además del lugar. Creo que es armonía en general, cada uno de esos detalles, y alejarse del ruido, pues es aún mejor, gracias por compartir ese momento con nosotros🤍