in #hive-1525247 months ago

5 things I love about coffee.

The taste It is one of a kind the area grown, roasting, extraction it all plays a part in making a coffee taste a certain way. it is very hard to achieve a good taste and when it is good it is perfect.

The atmosphere in the cafe Sitting in a coffee shop whether relaxing, working or socialising there is just a calm feel to the room and it is very enjoyable to be in and a part of.

Energy Yep there is no better drink to get you through those long days, coffee does the job.

The Range offered There are so many brewing methods, so many coffee types and there are always new ways of making coffee and that excites me. it is awesome knowing that there isn't a "one-way method" of making a coffee and that it all comes down to preference.

The morning rush Sure no one likes standing in line at a coffee shop to grab a coffee to go, but it is an important ritual to do in the rush hour mornings. Knowing that other people are doing what you are doing and being involved in that although normally annoying, it is what makes coffee coffee.



Sitting in a cozy coffee shop is always relaxing. And if you have a coffee companion with you it is even greater!

You are right...this is a good list. I love coffee so let's drink to that ☕☕

I love your list of preferences, sitting in a cozy coffee shop is fascinating, the ambiance, the music and the decoration make you want to come back for another cup of coffee.
The range of products that we can make with coffee and above all the way it is prepared, it is magnificent that there are so many varieties.

I prepare my coffee in the mornings, and then my day is more relaxed and I can calmly have another cup in any coffee shop.

In truth, in the mornings a good coffee is very necessary to activate our body and start a new day of work.

I leave you a cup of coffee.

It's incredible how coffee creates a perfect atmosphere for any type of meeting. There is nothing when coffee lovers come together and share the precious elixir 🤣


The atmosphere in the cafe Sitting in a coffee shop whether relaxing, working or socialising there is just a calm feel to the room and it is very enjoyable to be in and a part of.

I hadn't thought about it. That one completely slipped my mind! It must be because my coffee time happens regularly at home. And besides, coffee shop managers here like to play music that doesn't make you relax. If I could visit a coffee shop where I could get that "calm feel" you're talking about, I would've definitely included that feature in my top 5.