CLOSED - Coffee Conversation Event 73 (Jun 29 - Jul 1)

in #hive-1525243 months ago

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Welcome to our Coffee Conversation Networking Event
, which runs on
Jun 29 - Jul 1, 2024!

Cinnamon Cup Coffee, the social hub of the blockchain, strongly believes in the power of networking and building rapport amongst members. Therefore, we invite you to join this #coffeeconversation by leaving a meaningful comment on the topic below, for a chance to #WINHIVE & some #HBD.

Event 73 Jun 29 Jul 1.jpg


What's your favourite or just an interesting or cool quote about coffee? Why does it appeal to you? Share a coffee-related photo that was taken by you to compliment your answer.


☑️ Drop a comment on the question

☑️ Comment on other authors' comments.

☑️ Post comments within the Countdown timer, which ends on Monday right before midnight UTC.

❌ Please do not write a post on this topic.

Prizes & Benefits of getting involved

😉 A mysterious selection from the comments will be made to distribute some Hive.

😎 This is an excellent opportunity to show different sides of your personality and connect with other authors and community members.

❌ Please do not write a post on this topic.

This exercise aims to get you thinking, increase interaction among members, and boost community spirit by leaving your comment on this post. Enjoy, follow all the guidelines, and give us your best:)

The Coffee Team

We are looking forward to this week's conversation:)))

Cover Photo Created using Canva Free photo Images and the second photo created using Canva also

The Coffee Shop Prompt Real Stories and personal photography Thursday to Wednesday Coffee Conversation a Networking Commenting Event Saturday to Monday Spill The Beans a Creative Coffee Stories Wr.jpg

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Delegations to the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community is welcome, by sending them to @cinnccf or @hive-152524, our community's account.


Another return to our coffee experiences and expectations. Excellent social coffee every week that connects us.
They expect my participation.


The quote I liked the most of the ones I read referring to coffee is:

"Coffee helps those who sleep little and dream a lot ☕'"

I find it a bit romantic.

Happy start of the week to all of us dreamers who can't stop dreaming without a cup of coffee.


Though I process coffee at the farm, I love sleep a lot more than I care to admit and of course dreaming too. But I will have my cup after sleeping, really. The best part is the coffee helps in getting the dreams to come true. 😴

The best part is the coffee helps in getting the dreams to come true.

I agree! 🙌 @coffeenlove

I like that last thing you wrote, that coffee helps dreams come true.... Totally agree.

Hey, @jordy0827! How's it going? It's a romantic quote 💯 and I love it; coffee and inspiration have always been hand and hand. That's a lovely table in the photo, btw 😍

Of the quotes I've read, this is the one I've liked the most so far. I'm glad you like it so much.

@jordy0827 A simple phrase that's spot on when you think about it.
It's my first time hearing it, but it's wise, indeed!
You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-8.jpg

I'm not sure if it counts as a quote, it's a lyric from a song I love that goes

The coffee is warm, but it's not too good,
Or maybe it's misunderstood like me

It's a song Jack White wrote for his wife and it's just a very intimate and true portrayal of actual love. Because at its core, that's what actual love is, not fly me to the moon nonsense, but buttering someone's toast while they're making the coffee. :)

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My unusually milky coffee (new pack, too bitter otherwise).

Sad that it was a bitter coffee. I understand the feeling of reality hitting over all the sugary words that are normally spoken when it comes down to love. Hoping your next batch is better than the one you're drinking. ☕️

I sure do...thank you for your kind words, @coffeenlove

Hello, @honeydue grateful for the clarification and for your reading. The truth was that I confused the word quote... language things🫣, I imagine.
Anyway, it's already fixed.🧐🤔🥴

I've never heard that song, but that's a good quote that resonates with me too 🤗

I don't know that song...but if it's about coffee, I like it.
Thanks for your observations.
For me, coffee with milk is for very particular occasions, @honeydue

I haven't heard that song yet, there is always a first time. You are very right with your quote, many times, we jump to conclusions.

buttering someone's toast...

That can be too personal. No one butters my toast but my husband 😂🤣

I'm kidding! It's true. Love is just like that. I found the song on YouTube; it's nice. Loved the lyrics.

My coffee was unusually milky today, too. It would've tasted better in that lovely panda mug.

A powerful phrase with a deep meaning beyond the literal. I will listen to the song with a delicious cup of coffee.

I leave you a cup of coffee for this day.☕


Hello, @rinconpoetico7 I was surprised not to have seen you here. I'll also leave you a cup of coffee...


I've never heard the song, but I like the quote.

“To me, the smell of fresh made coffee is one of the greatest inventions.” - Hugh Jackman.

Sensory experiences begin and are integrated into relational memory in the brain, creating associations and connections that form the basis of memory. The aroma of coffee for instance, might trigger vivid with memories of your favourite person, location specific events, depending on the type of aroma and it’s a relation to other sensory inputs, this demonstrates the complexity and richness of relational memory.

The quote captures the sensory pleasure of the coffee and emphasis on the experience provides.




I love it, that same thought is shared by all of us who love coffee. It is one of the best things that humanity has.

It's a coffee tasting, where is it?

Hey Sandra! Yes it's a cupping event with the industries elites. It's in Bangalore India, some of these coffees were from our farm including 3 more farms. 💯

Wow,@coffeenlove. That must be exceptional. I've never been in anything like it. India has a lot of tradition in coffee... including, by the way, that it was an invention of that country.

Well, if you’re referring to South Indian filter coffee, then yes, I love how they have made it since the start and enjoyed it with a little bit of milk and a little bit of sugar. Sometimes the locals add Chicory to it, which is a root of a plant from the dandelion family and has potential health benefits due to its high inulin content, it is a type of prebiotic fiber.

Yeah, @coffeenlove . I have read something about it. Chicory and Dandelion are available here, they are quite well known, but it is not common for them to be added to coffee. I have never tried coffee with those roots.
How interesting. Greetings...

“To me, the smell of fresh made coffee is one of the greatest inventions.

Yes, there is nothing like that aroma to open the day. 😊

There's nothing quite like starting a beautiful day with a aromatic cup of coffee. The rich aroma fills the entire room, setting a positive tone and an inviting atmosphere.

It is an invention, which I am eternally grateful for, it gives me life and peace of mind.

I like how many people talk about the aroma of the first rain, but this is something you can achieve every single day any time you want. Truly, it's a great invention that gives me a great deal of happiness to see you having that peace of mind. As a coffee producer, there is nothing more I'd love to give my customer.

It's too good an invention

Very true, the aroma of coffee is delicious. I love waking up to the aroma of coffee that my husband prepares for me every morning.

Oh you're truly lucky to have someone to make you a cup every morning. I bet that makes your day either way, coffee being the first thing you have, or your husband willingly making a cup specially for you. 💖

The smell of freshly brewed coffee is wonderful, a very true phrase. Coffee is capable of taking us beyond the sensory, an experience of feelings and memories.

I leave you a cup of coffee.☕

Thank you for that Morning Cup!☕️ The sensory feel gives such strong connect to the emotions. Many times, I think the best coffee I’ve ever had, which was in Melbourne. It was actually one of our coffee itself, but it was brewed on my brother-in-law’s espresso machine, which gave such a beautiful aroma of caramel. The caramel sweetness instantly gave us an idea of making an affogato that night. 🤤✨

Coffee sure does something to our senses, and I like it.
A Virtual Coffee Shop A Warm Community-3.jpg

The smell of coffee is certainly special. I remember that I read somewhere that if there was a museum of aromas, coffee would be there. Apparently, even those people who won't ever drink a cup are also fond of its smell. Like some music, it seems to be a universal thing.

Nice photo ❤️

That's just incredible. I never knew there is a thought of having a museum of aroma that would be so cool. 😎 Seems like a place, I definitely would visit. if I ever do have a cafe of my own, I think this is a concept. I would like to have in one of the rooms.

My perfect coffee date is with my son. Talk about our day. In a very quiet place, without noise, illuminated. For those moments I love to drink coffee with cinnamon, this combination seems sublime to me. Coffee with cinnamon reminds me of rainy days. These moments are special moments and then warmly remembered. This outing was last Saturday...and we had a lot of fun. Then we walked through the shopping center and bought corn to make night, a movie at home to say goodbye to the day.


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At this moment I remember this quote de
Honoré de Balzac wrote…

"When you have a cup of coffee, ideas come in and march like an army".

On this day our conversation wanders through a number of topics that varied from our immediate days to small plans of study and work.
So Honoré de Balzac made present and honors his inclination for coffee.

By the way, I also used that quote in a post I made for this community...I love it because it contains one of the charms of coffee.

The properties of coffee accelerate thinking, expand memory and words flow without difficulty.

Sounds like an excellent quote!

Cinnamon coffee is delicious, and if the place is nice, so much the better!

Without a doubt, for me it represents one of my best moments.
Coffee with cinnamon seems excellent to me.
Thank you @yessi08

Hi Sandra! While that's a lovely feeling to share about having coffee with a loved one, it's answering the #tcsp prompt of the week, not the Coffee Conversation question above. For this, you will need to share a quote (spoken by someone in your life, someone famous, or perhaps even yourself) relating to coffee. And maybe tell us why it's your favorite quote.


I like my coffee black with a lil extra effort..png

You must tell us more about this in your post. Would love to read it.😁✨

This is a place where we go frequently. It is a meeting place where you enjoy good coffees, both alone and in company.

That is the perfect coffee date, enjoy a cup of coffee with the loved one is so a beautiful moment.

Exactly. Honere was a writer and drank coffee while he wrote. For him, coffee was a stimulant to make thoughts and words flow.
When I have coffee with people I really care about, coffee works the same lets the conversation flow.

Thanks, @ziyyah for your comment.

Good quote and completely identified with it, coffee awakens my senses and with it just the right point to start my good day with enthusiasm. 😊

Hello, @damarysvibra how good to see you here. That's right, with enthusiasm, flavor, aroma and energy... to start a day very well.

Reading this phrase, I can attest that they are true, when we are in privacy, with our favorite drink, ideas flow alone.

Eso es correcto, @neilamarcano



Indeed! Coffee won't make any less sleepy, but it does fuel my brain. I do think ideas are boosted by coffee, at least in my case 😵

I also like the combination of coffee with cinnamon, I drink it that way when I wake up sleepy and want to cheer up.

You had a nice day with your son.

Hello, good evening... yes. The cinnamon adds aroma and flavor to the coffee...@jordy0827.

I've heard this quote "A bad day with coffee is better than a good day without it."
This quote really suits me because even if I'm having a bad day, everything can restore my mood with a glass of coffee.

Coffee is an excellent mood booster that can instantly lift your spirits and provide a delightful energy boost. If you're enjoying it alone or with a group of friends, the comforting aroma and invigorating taste make it a perfect pick-me-up for any time of day.

Yes you are right, When I was in bad day or bad mood I will drink coffee to lift my mood and spirit. Even when I enjoy it alone, its always good.

That is such a mood booster. Coffee can turn your day downside up! And that’s the best part about it.☕️✨

Coffee has the power to restore the mood. It's like saying I'm not awake until I drink coffee. Coffee reconnects neurons.
Good phrase @ziyyah

There is one more quote that saying "I don't drink coffee to wake up, I wake up to drink coffee."
Thank you @sandracabrera

That's great too, @ziyyah

Well said!!! I second this. Nothing like having a good coffee as a companion to face the obstacles. ☺️☕💜

A good phrase, the truth is that coffee allows you to take a break in any situation and that break is a perfect time to resize.😊

I very much agree with you, having a day without coffee for me would be catastrophic. Grateful for every morning with my favorite drink

Oh, totally! A bad day is not so bad after all if you have good coffee to accompany you. Personally, I don't feel like being with anybody if I'm having a bad day; I don't enjoy sharing unpleasant things that can spoil someone else's day: one spoiled day is better than two spoiled days. But our good friend coffee doesn't mind; he listens to everything and stays cool.

This phrase is very profound and makes us reflect on the importance of coffee for us lovers of this wonderful elixir.

I leave you a cup of coffee for this day.☕untitled.gif

Thank you

A day without coffee is already a bad day for me. Coffee also fixes my day ☕.

Hehehe me too

Happy Weekend All!

I'm enjoying this coffee conversation so far😍

I have this photo saved from IG. It's one of my favourite quotes that pops to mind.

It might be a well-known quote, but reading it is like hearing myself thinking out loud.

Here's a new coffee that I tried with breakfast this morning. It has a delicious chocolatey and vanilla undertone :)))

I have certainly heard it, but we interpret each quote in a very particular way, hence its value.
Enjoy your new coffee. Combining flavors should be easy.
Sometimes I add vanilla to my coffee. I have never tried it with chocolate. It's worth a try, @millycf1976

Is that vanilla syrup or powered vanilla that you add to your coffee? @sandracabrera

When I'm at home, although it's not frequent, I add cinnamon and vanilla (liquid) to my coffee. I try to buy quality ingredients. So they last me and I always have them in reserve.


Rain has been forecast since yesterday, in fact today it started raining. It is very cloudy now. So I got up very early and added 3 drops of vanilla and a pinch of cinnamon to my very hot coffee...Its flavor is incredible!
separador de cafe.png

Oh Milly! Interesting coffee from Peru. I remember making a reel on this as a meme 😂 with the same quote.

We all have a phrase that motivates us, yours is great. That combination of coffee aroma, with chocolate and vanilla, looks good

I like that play on words in the phrase, a very clever phrase. The packaging of your new coffee is very nice, we look forward to a review of your experience with this coffee from Peru.

I leave you a cup of coffee for this sunday ☕untitled.gif

They dropped an e for the backward spelling, but I guess they give effoc as well 😂🤣

It might be a well-known quote...

Never heard it 🙈 But I lik it!

That coffee looks good. I guess it's Peruvian. I've never tried Peruvian, but this one seems to be good coffee; vanilla and chocolate notes are nice for both a cup of black coffee or latte, in my opinion.

It seems to be delicious coffee with a touch of vanilla, that is another of my favorite flavors, although I have never tasted it combined with coffee.

That is a cool quote. This quote also describes me who has to start the day with coffee so that I can get through the day more enthusiastically.

@ziyyah Hehe! The power of coffee, eh?

That's right


Hello lovers of good coffee and beverages that nourish the soul, I hope your day is going well. I am pleased, to be sharing with you today in this coffee conversation, I come across this quite interesting topic:
What is your favorite or simply interesting or interesting quote about coffee, why does it appeal to you? Share a coffee-related photo you've taken to complement your answer.

I will try to answer in order, this quote came to my mind, after reading this the topic of conversation, my thoughts were very clear about it, here I leave them:

"Coffee, it's my perfect excuse, to wake up every morning."

Miniatura Youtube Redes Sociales Llamativa Morado_20240630_142915_0000.png

I am clear, beyond everything, my favorite drink, is a reason to wake up every morning, and be enveloped in its aroma and flavor, filling me with vital liquid that energizes me and makes me be at peace with myself.

My days are gray when I don't have my morning ritual, so I do my best to stock up on coffee ahead of time.

Let's continue to be inspired by our precious drink, our magic potion, which elevates our world to infinite blessings.


I have found so many people who think exactly like you. Coffee is a great excuse to wake up, especially when you are so attached to it. I actually had a roommate who would get up and the first thing she would do is a coffee powder into her brewing equipment. While she takes few more minutes after the rest until the smell gets intoxicating and fills the entire room.🌻☕️

It's great to read this anecdote from your Friend, at least it made me calmer, knowing that I'm not the only one who does that🤭, I love waking up every morning for my coffee

When I open my eyes at dawn, I think of my cup of coffee; sometimes I feel lazy, but the nice moment ahead while sipping my coffee makes me get up. I think it happens to most coffee lovers 🤭

I read somewhere, "I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee." This sometimes makes sense for me, mostly on vacation, when I know I can sleep a little more.

We are two coffee lovers, with many things in common, I think the same, every morning we all think about our coffee and even better, enjoy it.
You are very right with that phrase, and seeing it well it is like this, we wake up to drink our good coffee.
Yes, vacation is coming and I'm very happy, I'll be able to sleep late 😁

Excellent Sunday of conversation coffee lovers.

Today I come to talk to you about a phrase regarding coffee that I like very much and it says, "Coffee is a drink that helps you to wake up, to think and to create." - Pablo Neruda

I fully identify with these words of the great Neruda. Personally I can say that in my creative process there are days when the words get stuck in my mind, to solve that situation I always look for a very black coffee and with all its caffeine power to put the mind at 100% and then the creative miracle happens.🤭

This has been my answer to the weekly conversation question. I look forward to reading your favorite coffee quotes.

Excellent start of the week and may the power of caffeine accompany you


@rinconpoetico7 That's profound, indeed and a phrase that resonates with many of us:)
Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg

I agree with Neruda. I like your choice of quote 💯 I'm not really sensitive to caffeine, but I think it does help my flow of ideas. I prefer to have my coffee at ease; however, sometimes I need one if I need to get something done quickly but have been feeling a little stuck. A cup of coffee helps me get going in many ways.

There's nothing more I love than being creative and unique. Coffee does inspire the confidence and creative thinking, which elevates your ability to work in the right direction. 😍✨

Hey, coffee friends!

If you love someone, pour them a hot cup of coffee 😄 If they leave, it was never meant to be 😑 If they come back, pour hotter coffee on them 😒


I was thinking about coffee quotes during brunch today. We had hot latte and homemade pizza, and I was remembering some funny quotes by George Cralin that had nothing to do with coffee; then I adapted one and wrote it down for today's CC.


Now, I'm not sure if I have a favorite quote, but I have this fridge magnet that a colleague and friend brought back as a souvenir from her trip to Curacao, 6 or 7 years ago.


We had an electric coffee maker in our office, before organized crime destroyed my office along with the classrooms, libraries and 90% of our campus--now I have to take my coffee to my classroom in a thermos--. Not only does this fridge magnet remind me of my friend but it also reminds me of good days. Only a few moments in life mark a before and an after. I love that the "after" coffee happens daily and comes with good vibes... Is there life "before" coffee? Yes, but after coffee, I think it gets better.


Aww 🥰 That fridge magnet makes me think way more than I need to. The way I see it, life is good, but coffee completely elevates it. The electric coffee maker may not have survived, but the love you have for coffee was so deeply embedded. I bet the thermos became your every day, friend.😂

I agree with Tigo, after coffee our life improves for the better, it gives us good vibes, even if we have a bad day, our coffee gives us the energy necessary to tolerate it or cope with it

Sure thing!

Today, for example...

The kitten that was dumped in our yard two weeks ago pooped under our cabinets. The kitchen smelled horrible, as cat's poo is supposed to smell, hehe. After cleaning it up and sanitizing everything, including the cat, hehe, I made coffee and the smell renewed the day. This made me think of a nother famous quote that can be adpated to suit coffee ineterests:

Shit happens.

But also,

Coffee happens.

Don't you think?


What a beautiful gesture with the kitten, the date has a lot of room, coffee renews the smells and pleasures of life

@marlyncabrera That's such a pretty sign. I visited Curacao many moons ago and I loved it. 😍

Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg

It's on my fridge, and Curacao is not far from here 😁❤️



Beautiful sunrise for everyone.

This phrase resonated with me from the moment I read it. I came across it in a hospital coffee shop, after a long night. It seemed so true to me, because when we prepare our coffee we decide whether we want it bitter or softer and sweeter. Life presents us with different situations and just as with coffee we decide how to take it.

Hermoso amanecer para todos.

Esta frase desde que la leí resonó en mí. Me topé con ella en un cafetín de hospital, después de una larga noche. Me pareció tan cierta, pues cuando preparamos nuestro café decidimos si lo queremos amargo o más suave y dulce. La vida nos presenta diversas situaciones y al igual que con el café decidimos como tomárnoslo.

It reminds me that depending on my mood, I know how I like my coffee...or where I like to drink it...or with whom.
The truth is that around coffee the moment is intimate.
I like the phrase, @damarysvibra . , for these reasons.

It's a wise phrase. Some people live better lives that are not as fortunate as others, but they know how to brew it and drink it in such a way that it tastes better 👌

Very true, this phrase, everything is how we prepare our cup in life, we have ups and downs, but it depends on us what attitude towards life we will take, whether it makes us happy or bitter.
Happy day Bella

True, everything is a choice, it's up to us how we deal with things. Same with coffee, we choose it as we like 😄. I liked the quote.

I've never thought from this perspective before. It actually makes me reflect on how we spend our lives, realizing that it's our experiences and choices that truly make life sweeter or sour.

Life presents us with different situations and just as with coffee we decide how to take it.

That's a smart quote that can help us with our code of conduct and outlook on situations 🙌
Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg