Greetings, friends of @cinnccf. There are some anecdotes related to coffee that have become good moments and bring a smile to my face when I remember them, but today I am going to tell you one that happened to me yesterday and although it makes me a little embarrassed I know no better way to overcome this feeling than to put a touch of humor on it and let it go, especially when it is embarrassment with oneself.
Yesterday I woke up very early and when I left the room, supposedly ready to start the new day, I set up my coffee pot to get my precious brew. I prepare everything, put it on the stove, turn on the stove and while the transformation happens, I go to the workroom, turn on the computer and go back to the kitchen, put away some dry utensils that were left out of place the night before and the coffee pot starts to ring. The coffee is ready.
I reach for my cup and pour myself the first coffee of the day. Horror. It was water! I hadn't put the coffee in the pot. There alone, I laughed and said to myself with a bit of irony: thank goodness you were ready to eat the world and full attention on what you are doing. Keep it up, keep it up! 🙃🙃🙃😋😆😆😆