"I have a knack for eating food in weird combos. I used to call myself a foodie but now, I have graduated. I am a Food Lover (mark the capital letters). As I was saying, I love eating food. I love mixing 'em up to get a burst of beautiful flavors or...really devastating ones. But let us face it, there are some foods that just can't go together no matter how we think of it. They are meant to stay apart; like okra and rice. Yuck!"
A Simple Choice To Make
Anyway, the point I am making here is, I would rather not be able to smell anything that not be able to taste anything. Unlike most of us, I am not a coffee freak (I meant that in a good way of course). I like coffee. I drink it especially when I'm mad or anxious (because the strong bitter flavor is exactly what I need) but I do not think I have gotten to the state where it has become a ritual. One thing I love about my relationship with coffee is that I can get it when I need it. I won't lie though. There is this teeny weeny feeling of power that comes with a small cup of the black steaming liquid. Is it just me? I have this -what should I even call them- flashes of impressive images when drinking coffee. Not just that. It may sound insane, but Coffee burning my tongue is always like a revelation. Mind you, I'm no fanatic but I do like it a lot. I wonder how people find a cup of black coffee disgusting. It is not. It is really beautiful and while I love milk (creamer too), I also love to just revel in the bitter taste of it. So ask me one more time which I'd rather loose; taste or smell?
The logic might seem really illogical to many but, while I tend to bring food to my nose sometimes (especially when it looks like something crafted by Armageddon), I am more of a bring-it-straight-to-the-mouth type of girl. Apart from days when I just feel sad, I relish tearing things down with my teeth and relishing juices with my tongue (oops. That was all your mind). So, I would rather lose my ability to smell coffee. Like I said before (mostly because I mostly burn my tongue on the first sip - everytime!) coffee burning my tongue is always a revelation. And slowly, it is becoming my favorite beverage (truthfully, hot cocoa is no longer cheap and tastes like expired ball sacks...am I getting old?).
The Little Things Always Count
For what it is worth, I do know that the smell of coffee is orgasmic to many people. I know that what wakes some people from their beds is the smell of a hot deliciously brewed coffee and losing that would be like a knife to the heart. Some people don't understand that we humans can get attached to the very little things which is why (and I am speaking for myself not everyone) we can get upset over really little things. It is always a straw that breaks the camel's back, isn't it?
Trying to explain why something can be very special to someone who cannot understand it can be pretty tedious. How (as a taste lover) do I explain to someone that when I drink coffee, I don't feel like myself? Believe it or not, my imagination gets the best of me and I feel like...(don't laugh) an executive or something. That's what they drink right? Coffee as black as their souls? (That is my fiction nomad talking). Basically, it is almost spiritual. So, I can't imagine what it is like for those who'd prefer to smell. I guess they love to live in the moment. I have read some few posts that say, "Time just stops for a minute...". Wow. I cannot understand how that feels with just smelling stuff because I need to bring it to my mouth. But that is what makes us so unique and so special I guess? Our very own ways of enjoying the things we love.
Again. In my opinion, I would rather live a lifetime with the ability to taste coffee than lose it. I can deal with not being able to perceive that dark, earthy and soulful aroma it doles out but, I can also have my own moments because I was built to feed. To feel. My whole body from head to toe is a bundle of nerves created to enjoy touch. And that is what I enjoy each time I drink it. I love it!