in #hive-1525242 years ago

Interestingly, we taste with our noses too. When we take a sip of coffee, the smell is 80% responsible for the taste; meaning that if you can't smell, you probably only can taste very faintly that it's coffee....,we%20experience%20come%20from%20smell.

But just for the caffeine factor, I'll probably have to choose with losing the sense of smell and drinking a 20% tasteful coffee, otherwise, I'll never wake up. 🤣


I guess I could also snort it.


Snorting coffee eh! Now that's the kind of coffee nerd I wanna be friends with! What say we go snort some coffee later this weekend!

Try not to drown in it though

I am not responsible for whatever happens after the snorting 😉

It should be written on every coffee packs 😂👍

I'd buy that pack 😂😂

You decided to talk about scientific fact, so I'll go with the first part, I prefer 100% of the smell rather than 20% of the taste. I'll see how I stay awake 🤣

Lol snort it. 😂
It's true what you said about the link between smell and taste. Our tongues can mainly only register sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami, most of the other tastes come from smell. Blind folded with your nose plugged, its really difficult to discern the difference between and apple and a raw potato. Lol


@leaky20 It's funny that you say that about apples and potatoes. As a teenager, I never liked apples because I thought they were like eating raw potatoes. 🤣
That's because I compared (American) apples to my local Jamaican apples which are soft, delicious, and sweet. They are known as Otaheti Apples. I had massive trees in my backyard that would be laden with those apples. 😋

otaheti apples.jpg

This fruit is known as Puma lacquer or Puma rosa.😁

I will look it up 👍

That's interesting. I've never even heard of those before. So many fascinating fruits and vegetables that I'm unaware of.

Yeah, "exotic" fruit is amazing. My husband is not a fruit guy, I have to force him or trick him to eat fruit, but it's just different culture... and I have to admit that fruit that he might like such as pomegranate might have been more like punishment for me to eat 🤣


No to pomegranates...interesting

Haha! That lion is so cute. I wish I had a cheetah as my bodyguard here. I haven't ventured out much in local towns, but having a cheetah by my side would be reassuring 😁

I'm sure you know that potatoes in french is Pomme de terre? Which is "earthy potato" literally...

Yes, that was one word that I could say and understand 😂

@edprivat Haha, snorting coffee would be hilarious. I guess what you say about smelling and tasting makes a lot of sense.
It's the same with semen. I gather women would be keener on tasting/swallowing for its natural medicinal benefits; but somehow, the strong scent could be a deterrent. That's a shame because there are so many beneficial healthy claims of semen being an excellent mood booster, sleeping hormone and anti-depressant.
#justsayin 🤷‍♀

Wait, I thought I was reading about coffee for the last 10 minutes. How did semen get into my coffee 😝

Haha! It got your attention though 😂
I will check to see what your choice would be:)

If my coffee will have semen in it I will have to give up both smelling and tasting it! 😂

Haha! We have come up with the most effective way to kill the coffee industry right there 🤣... I would be right with you lol!

The world is no longer a safe place.


LMAO! I'm with you on that! 🤣
That gif is funny AF!🙌


Hahaha what a way to start the day, I read all the comments from bed and couldn't contain my laughter.
Here in Venezuela there is a fruit called Ciruela de huesito, it is small and not very fleshy. Once when I was in the office a coworker was eating the fruit and another one said to her, "Finish it quickly because you smell like semen" we all laughed and I replied... "I thought I was the only one who had noticed the similarity of smells". So the bony plum smells like semen.

Haha! That's hilarious🤣

It's good when you can identify whatever it is that emits that smell, so you know what to avoid on important occasions.

I like to make trouble sometimes 🤣

Omg 😱 this conversation took a wrong turn giiiiirl... 😫

There is a tree here in Spain, it's called the carob tree and I kid you not, when it was flowering last month, its full scent is semen smell, and we got used to it eventually. So, so should you 🧐😂😂😂

You know what I am taking the conversation in an even darker corner, did you know that drinking you own urine is good for you? There's an MMA fighter that was promoting this for a while, he did look very young for his age, but I don't know if it's related to his daily practice...

Aaaah it's almost midnight the kids are sleeping 😌 it's time to take all the wrong conversational turns hahaha

Haha, there's a parish here in Jamaica that smells like semen. It is miles away but I remember driving the long distance to de-stress when I used to live here 🤣

Drinking your urine, my my! I only just started drinking beer recently, but before I swore to my husband that I'd drink my pee over drinking beer... Now I've gained new knowledge that maybe I missed out on a healthier option.... damn!!!🤣

Don't ever apologize for dark conversations, they are encouraged here! 🙃

Jesus, this conversation took a turn
Lmao. I want no part of the smelling or tasting of urine or semen.



ha,ha,ha ha,ha,ha,😄😂👐



That's the thing about the smell. It's almost like you can't taste it if the aroma isn't there. Now I've got scientific evidence 😃😃.