🤎 An afternoon coffee 🤎

in #hive-152524last year

Hello friends, I hope you are doing well ☕ I have spent a few days without posting here but I have not stopped reading every blog. Today I have been at home all day and I have done many things, I have organized the activities for the rest of this month which is something I had very pending to do. As always in the morning I prepare a good coffee to start my day.

As I progressed through the day, new things to do came up and between one thing and another I was not as relaxed as in the morning so I took a deep breath and continued with my work. The afternoon came along with one of those annoying headaches, which are not so strong but continuous and well the neighbor did not collaborate as he had his music at full volume and it became annoying and more because the songs were not at all to my liking. So with all that I decided to take a break and went to prepare a coffee ☕ normally in the afternoon I take a coffee that if it is so strong, I soften it with milk so it is not so brown, but today I wanted the opposite I wanted it a little strong coffee and very little milk.

This coffee is super easy to prepare, I just prepare the coffee as I normally do, then I heat the milk and mix it with a whisk to make it creamier and frothy and the last step is to place the coffee in a cup and on top I put the amount of milk I wanted, this time it was just a little. This coffee is like I knew why I was preparing it, it was super beautiful at first sight, just by looking at it I think my stress level went down hehehehe.

I find it impressive and it never ceases to impress me how therapeutic coffee can be, not only to drink it but to be able to prepare it and that in the end it gives you such a special result that helps to improve anyone's day.

I always appreciate every day, the good and the bad.... But without a doubt this coffee has been one of the best moments of today for me and I want to share it virtually with all of you who also appreciate a good cup of coffee. From this side I send you a strong hug with the aroma of coffee ☕ wishing you an excellent day.

All images were taken with my little x3 pro phone // divider made with Canva // cover photo edited with inshot.

Hola amigos, espero que se encuentren muy bien ☕ he pasado algunos días sin publicar acá pero eso sí no he parado de leer cada blog. Hoy he estado en casa durante todo el día y he hecho muchas cosas, he organizado las actividades para lo que queda de este mes que es algo que tenía muy pendiente d realizar. Cómo siempre desde la mañana me preparo un buen café para arrancar mi día.

A medida que fui avanzando en este día, fueron saliendo cosas nuevas por hacer entre una cosa y otra ya no estaba tan relajada como en la mañana jejejeje así que respire profundo y continúe en lo mío. La tarde llego junto con un dolor de cabeza de esos fastidiosos, que no son tan fuertes pero si contínuos y bueno el vecino no colaboraba ya que tenía su música a todo volumen y ya se tornaba molesto y más porque las canciones no eran para nada de mi agrado. Así que con todo eso decidí tomarme un break y fui a prepararme un café ☕ normalmente en la tarde tomo un café que si sea tan fuerte, lo suavizo con leche para que no quede tan marrón, pero hoy quise todo lo contrario lo quería un poco fuerte de café y muy poca leche.

Este café es súper fácil de preparar, solo preparo el café como lo hago normalmente, luego caliento la leche y la mezclo con un batidor para que se ponga más cremosa y espumosa y el último paso en colocar el café en una taza y encima le pongo la cantidad de leche que deseé, está vez fue solo un poco. Este café como que sabía el porque lo estaba preparando, quedó súper hermoso a simple vista, ya con verlo creo que mi nivel de stress bajo jejeje.

Me parece impresionante y no me deja de impresionar lo terapéutico que puede llegar a ser el café, no solo el tomarlo sino el poder prepararlo y que al final te de un resultado tan especial que ayude a mejorar el día de cualquiera.

Siempre agradezco cada día, lo bueno y lo malo... Pero sin duda este café ha sido una de los mejores momentos del día de hoy para mí y quiero compartirlo de manera virtual con todos ustedes que se también aprecian una buena taza de café. Desde este lado les envío un fuerte abrazo con aroma a café ☕ deseando que hayan pasado un excelente día.

Todas las imágenes fueron tomadas con mi teléfono poco x3 pro // separador realizados con Canva // foto de portada editada con inshot.

Coffee helps us stay awake and focus our mind to work. Thank you for sharing @enovf

Thanks to you for reading me ❤️ @minhtrang

Hello, it's good that you were able to get organized, that's certainly important, added to that the opportunity to have prepared a break, what a good preparation, glad you enjoyed that good coffee.


The good thing is that I already have everything organized.

It’s amazing how much a cup of coffee can lift a person’s spirits. Your glass of coffee looks tremendously appealing, thank you for sharing it with “us”. ☕️☕️

It was an excellent choice at that time of the day ☺️ thanks for reading me!