Breville Espresso Machine Review

in #hive-1525242 years ago
For years now, more than five, my wife has been talking about buying an espresso machine for our home. We've always held off for one reason or another but last year she was a adamant that we would be buying one first thing when we returned home to Canada. We had been talking about it for so long that I really couldn't argue about it. I had grown accustomed to drinking rich European coffees for three years anyway, so at that point I was 100% on board for that reason alone. Recently we but the bullet and bought our espresso machine.


We do everything for the Hive, including opening packages of products. You know how it is, don't try and pretend that you wouldn't do exactly the same thing.


We decided on a Breville espresso machine and grinder combo because we did some research and narrowed it down to just a few models that we liked and this one happened to be on sale at the moment of purchase.


It came with everything we needed as well, including an extra filters and descaling tablets and little stuff like that. We didn't really have to buy anything extra though we did purchase a box to empty out the grounds from the portafilter. It wasn't necessary but it was inexpensive and we didn't want the portafilter touching our indoor green composting bin, which can get pretty disgusting at times.

The Grinder


There is nothing better than freshly ground coffee. I had been told for years by many different people that it makes a world of difference to your morning cup and now that I've been grinding at home, I would have to agree. Even a regular hand grinder would do wonders I'm sure.


This grinder has a lot of good features, like an easily adjustable grind size and grind duration, but we have also experienced a few issues with it as well. We have figured it all out now but to be honest I couldn't actually recommend it to others. One very small annoyance is that there is no off switch on the device, just an automatice shut off after 5 minutes of un-used. It takes only 15 seconds (literally) to grind the coffee though so to me that seems like a lot of unnecessary idle time. I know that the energy consumption of the device is negligible but an on/off switch just seems like an obvious "no brainer" to me.


The bigger issue that we've had with it is that it will not grind light roasted coffee. Apparently, light roasted beans are denser and less brittle than dark roasted and they have less moisture in them. As such, they jam up the machine whenever we try to grind them and make an awful sound as if we are breaking down the motor. They actually sound like they are going to destroy the device entirely so we have stopped trying to use them. We can grind them on the largest, most coarse setting, but not on the espresso setting which means that we can not really even use them in our espresso machine. It's not like the device is cheap either, so I would have expected it to grind whatever coffee beans we purchased. All that being said, the grinder will only grind dark roasted coffee beans.

The Espresso Machine


We had spoken to a few different people before buying the espresso machine and most suggested that we should get one with a dual broiler, meaning that the espresso machine and the steamer have their own separate heating elements.


This saves you from having to toggle between temperatures when using each of the devices and that seems simpler and more convenient to me, so I'm glad we took the advice in the end.


You can make just about any sort of coffee you want with the machine, from espresso to Americano and everything in between when using the steamer and the manual water spouts. There is a bit of a learning curve to figure it all out, but overall we've been pretty satisfied with the machine and the coffee it produces.


I typically drink Americano in the morning simply by doing a double espresso shot and then adding water to it manually. You can also mimick filtered coffee by adding even more water.


My wife uses the steamer nearly everyday to make herself a latte. It's why she wanted one so bad after all.


Creating textured milk seems like it would be super easy when you watch others do it but I'm pretty surprised at how hard that it's been for me. So far I've seriously sucked at it.


I can generally make some large bubbles in the milk, but not the microfoam that you need to make a proper cappuccino. The bubbles never seem to be incorporated together, so I mostly get liquid milk with loose foam on top. This makes for a cappuccino that drinks more like a coffee with a lot of milk.


I've watched a bunch of videos recently, after get super frustrated by it, so hopefully the next time I'll be able to do better. Maybe one day I'll even be able to make some coffee art in the mug.

Below is my wife's latte. She has mostly gotten the hang of texturing the milk but is still working on making it look pretty.

Concluding Remarks


Overall we are pretty satisfied with our purchase despite having issues with the grinder. On the plus side the coffees that it makes are quite good and the machine can make a wide variety of different coffee beverages by adjusting the water output or using the milk steamer. It's really quite versatile and customizable in that regard. On the slightly more negative side there is a bit of a learning curve to producing a consistent cup of coffee and with using the built in steamer. Its also a bit loud and rumbly and takes quite a while to heat up when it's first turned on. It takes 10 minutes to warm up so it's not the most convenient of devices. However, it does have a programable feature as well so you can set a specific time for it to come on in the morning. That's a nice touch in my opinion.

Like any machine, there are some negative features to it, but i think the pros definitely outweight the cons. Overall its been working great and I'm pretty pleased with the purchase.

Well thats it for now. Until next time, thanks for stopping by.


Well, that’s quite a nice setup! To be honest all the reviews say that my grinder, which is a Breville Dose control Pro(the cheaper option) is almost identical to the Smart grinder pro, that you have. I think they share the same motor and the same conical burr set. Apparently this model has some different geometry, because I have a friend and he told me he had the same issue with light roasts. Who knows why they tend to jam the machine. This friend of mine even changed his grinder in the shop, because he was thinking it was the specific item’s problem, but the other one tends to to the same thing.

My grinder didn’t have any issue even with the lightest available roasts. Guess I’m a lucky winner!

The machine seems good, I’ve seen many reviews of it and for the quality it offers it’s a great deal. Enjoy your purchase!

Okay, good to know. It actually makes me feel better knowing that other people had the same issue because, like your friend, I myself thought that it was this specific grinder - like we happened to buy a faulty model or something just by luck of the draw. It's not a big deal to not be able to grind light roasts because we prefer darker ones but it's good to know that others are saying similar things. It's great that yours doesn't have the same issue. That's a plus 👍

Yeah, I was a bit worried when my grinder was a day old and my friend told me the issue, but it turned out the cheaper one copes with all the different roasts. I was relieved, because most of the specialty coffee I purchase is light or medium light roasted 😁

Sounds like it worked out well for you. That's great 👍


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@qwerrie(1/5) tipped @leaky20 (x1)

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That was a very thorough review, I still need to process all the info, I'll get back to you 🤞
I can't help but thinking that France had a good influence on your coffee knowledge and consumption, your heart rate can thank us later!
I'm raising my cup of Dolce Gusto con Lèche to you!

That was a very thorough review, I still need to process all the info, I'll get back to you 🤞

@edprivat May I steal your lines for my banner?

You may, dear 👋😏

Ok, thanks!😉
I'll christen it with my MOD @leaky20 🤣
There is magic in the glass-6.jpg

It's pure art 🎨🤣

🤣 Thanks!
These banners save time and add personality:)

Thays very true. You do a great job on them

😊 You say such nice things 😉

France definitely had an impact on my coffee drinking. When I first got back to Canada we drank a bunch of to-go coffees while we waited for our appliances to come in and I thought that my first few cups were screw ups or that the cafes had reduced their quality since we were away. I actually thought that one cup was just water and cream for a moment lol. I guess you get used to something over time and then everything else just seems super strange... until you get used to the new thing and the reverse happens haha

Yeah you just describe drugs 😂🤔 to me...

Joke aside, you could make a parallel with any taste you get accustomed to. Strong cheese, chili, heavy metal, contemporary dancing, or disc golf, it's always the same process. The more you get in contact with an environment, it has an impact on us, and the beautiful creatures that we are, we adapt and learn.

I am not a Darwinist at heart, but I have to admit the undeniable, everything is a result of habits.

Yes. All very true indeed.

disc golf

🤣🤣🤣 ⛳️

That's really pro set up, you can run a cafe from it! I don't drink coffee much (well I do, but not fussed about it) so the only reason I would buy this is because it looks cool in my kitchen, like when I bought my Nespresso machine. I'd be worried to press all the button in case water or worse still, steam spits out at the wrong time.

We do everything for the Hive, including opening packages of products. You know how it is, don't try and pretend that you wouldn't do exactly the same thing.

You're getting the hang of it now. Just need to venture bravely outside your kitchen into the restaurants!

Haha yeah that's true, I could set up a small Cafe for the folks on my street lol.
It does look daunting but it's relatively simple once you figure out where everything is.

Just need to venture bravely outside your kitchen into the restaurants!

Haha I know. I'm working on it and slowly getting better at it.

These are literally really good machines for home !! I have never seen the breviile grinder before !! Are we going to get some good latte art soon !!

Are we going to get some good latte art soon

I hope so. So far I haven't even figured out how to create the foam properly lol. 🙃

You can practice with soap and water !! So you don’t waist milk !!

Okay, good tip. Thanks I'll try that 👍

You jumped in! I actually knew you would! Nobody lives in a European cafe for three years only to come back and drink our drivel.

What a professional-looking kitchen! No lie. I love it and pretty sure I would be looking at it wondering who was going to make it for me! There are a few ways you can get the same effect with the milk for the latte. I use an immersion blender or shake it in a jar. Both work pretty well. (doesn't look as cool, but, hey, just don't show the Hive)

I really need to get in the habit of unboxing for Hive.

I hear that coffee is at your house tomorrow!!! Nice machine!!!!

Yeah we have had a few small milk frothing blenders in the past and they can actually work quite well. The machine definitely "ups" it another notch though...or it would if I could figure it out 🙃

Yeah, you'll have to do some unboxing for Hive yourself 👍

Dear @leaky20, sorry to jump in a bit off-topic.
May I ask you to review and support the new proposal ( so I can continue to improve and maintain this service?
You can support the new proposal (#240) on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.

Thank you!

It is done 😁

Thank you for your support @leaky20, really appreciate it! 👍

BTW, I noticed I miss your witness vote 😢
Do you mind casting one to me? It would be much appreciated too!

Wow! this look very, very sympatico. I hope there will be much more pros than cons, and you will have a great time playing with your new toy! 🙏


Yes the pros do outweigh the cons. Most of the cons are from user error so far with some minor exceptions. Once we figure them out it's smooth sailing lol

Most of the cons are from user error

; )))))

!LOLZ "user -- invalid", as we joke

Exactly 🤣

Oeeeee nice one! I know how much of a drag it can be to be on the hunt for the perfect machine in this one. I really found it difficult to set the grinder on the perfect grind for the beans, as that makes a difference if it because sour or bitter. Experimenting in that nearly gave me a caffeine overkill ahaha

Indeed, it is more on user error than on the machine in the end. The machine looks decent! Nice onboxing there!

Yeah figuring out all of the settings and what not takes some time.

Experimenting in that nearly gave me a caffeine overkill

Yeah that was me as well trying to figure out how to texture the milk. I was having an extra cup each day and it really started to affect my sleep lol 😆 🙃

Congratulations on your purchase. If I had you as a neighbor, I would make up any excuse to go drink coffee hahaha I could bring the cake.
I laughed at the on/off button and having to wait the 5 minutes anyway.
I hope they improve the next production of coffee makers.

You would be welcome to have a cup of coffee anytime 😀
All the more so if you brought cake 🎂



It looks and sounds like a great buy!
You must be pleased 👏

The cons though...

It's not like the device is cheap either, so I would have expected it to grind whatever coffee beans we purchased.

Yeah, I wouldn't have expected discrimination of any sort from a machine.

All that being said, the grinder will only grind dark-roasted coffee beans.

That's the height of colorism... you ought to seek compensation.😂

make some large bubbles in the milk, but not the microfoam that you need to make a proper cappuccino

I make an exquisite cappuccino by shaking hot milk vigorously in a tightly sealed recycled jar. The result is always a PERFECT foam that would be accepted in a Michelin-stared restaurant, that's fit for a King. 🙃😆

BTW - your spotted cups remind me of my onesie pajamas...


A discriminating coffee grinder, that's funny. Maybe it's just super pretentious. "What is this...stuff, that you're putting into me, rocks? I only grind beans that have been roasted for over 30 minutes." Haha 🤣

Those pajamas are a close comparison. 👍