in #hive-1525242 years ago

Cover by @madridbg, using public domain image. Gerd Altmann

The fact of being confined in a laboratory without being able to demonstrate substantial advances for society in the life of a scientist is frustrating. So was the great Albert, his great impetus and intelligence were apparently only concentrated in his mind, since for the rest of society he was a person with mental problems, to whom time was taking its toll.

His large laboratory only had a space of 2 x 2 meters in the basement of his old house, although for him it represented one of the most sophisticated facilities that could exist for the year 2070, unfortunately his mind seems to wander, there are many advances that humanity and society in general has achieved and certainly he has not been part of them, Artificial Intelligence and advanced technology has come to replace human intelligence, these have made possible substantial studies, so it is thought that there is nothing more to discover.

Undoubtedly, Albert had been cloistered in prehistory in obsolete scientific principles and in the fact of not learning to update and adapt to changes, which has caused society to forget him and to stop valuing his contributions.

Author: Tumisu

Among his greatest works, we can only highlight that great discovery that allowed us to know the missing link of DNA and that allowed us to know in detail the true origin of human evolution. From then on, his momentary success faded away and today he is only mentioned as the old mad scientist, slovenly and with no projections of life.

However, at 60 years old, his love for science is still intact, so he has focused his energy and the little time he has left to live on finding a way to prevent aging, research that he has been developing since his retrograde laboratory.

His studies have been focused on knowing in depth the plant species, he thinks that nature is the answer to the main problem of his research, however, all his efforts have been in vain, until that day where everything would be about to change.

Author: Sieuwert Otterloo

On his daily walk to that traditional coffee shop in the middle of a city full of technological advances that show that not all people are in favor of the majesty and worthless life that artificial intelligence offers to humanity.

In that morning and in his disoriented walk, he met a group of children and one of them had a small bean shining like the sun, which caught his attention, so that it only took a little more than 10 HIVE (200$) which is the new currency in circulation in the city for this child to decide to deliver what would be the future of humanity.

Some questions were necessary, so the boy himself led him to the place where the old tree was full of these shiny beans, his perspicacity led him to experiment with it and in his studies he realized that it was a kind of coffee different from the known one whose properties had never been taken advantage of.

Author: Pexels

After months of research he managed to discover something new, which he had been testing on animals and it was time to test on humans and the only candidate he could count on was himself.

After experimenting on him, he came to the conclusion that he had managed to obtain a way not to age, but for this he had to pay a high price, just as eagles do when they reach the age of 40.

Just by ingesting the cocktail prepared on the basis of that small shiny grain, your body begins to undergo a metamorphosis, your nails begin to bleed and fall off in a very painful way, the same happens with your teeth, the hairs of your skin and the pores of the same ooze blood and with your fingertips you have to tear off the old skin, This painful process takes more than 7 days in which you can not, nor want to eat or drink, because your insides can not stand it, so it is an extreme agony that you live and more for a single man like the old Albert.

Without a doubt I have discovered the new wonder of the world and now I am not sure to share this discovery based on that strange coffee plant that has given me a new lease on life, now I look at myself in front of the mirror and notice a new person, a young man with a little more than 20 years, but with the same ailments of my 60 year old body.

Author: Franco Rodriguez


1. The different topics addressed in this writing line are authored by @madridbg and represent a fictitious approach.


That process sounds awful. Might be worth it though in the end though haha 😄

So much suffering for a couple of hundred years, I think the business is profitable... hahaha.

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Wow your story kept me attentive at all times, you have managed to abstract me in that world of dystopian fiction that you have created and I loved it.

A very Dr. Jeckil and Mr. Hyde or very Invisible Man story, which means it's quite good of course, plus you managed to include in a very delicate way the important element, coffee, without going straight to it from the beginning and generating a nuance of strangeness around the product.

This gives the story a more ambiguous aura and the ending is as incredible as the previous discoveries the important protagonist had already made.

And the coin thing doesn't escape me, a master tactic gentleman hahaha I would give you the prize of the contest without hesitation hahahahahahaha good luck!

Wao! friend no doubt your words are of great motivation for me, since I am trying to diversify my blog, and this type of writing is one of the first to come.

What a pleasure it is to know that you liked it and even more pleasure that you have expressed it in such a valuable comment. Greetings

Wao my friend @madridbg, definitely what a painful way to experience eternal youth, having to peel off your skin with your fingertips must be such a strong pain that just thinking about it makes my skin blush.

Well over there they say that being beautiful has great sacrifices and here is the best example of them.

Hi @sidalim88, in a way you girls suffer for that beauty, as the saying goes to be beautiful you have to see stars.

Now with respect to Albert's discoveries, no doubt that metamorphosis must be painful and painful.

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