Well… Coffee is something that everyone consumes. It is one of the things that js popular in every country… in one form or another. This makes it a thing that has wide variety of preferences in consumption.
I think that my coffee preference puts me in a relatively small group of people - people loving and willing to pay premium for specialty coffee.
I remember having an extremely passionate conversation with a friend of mine (not so close) about morning coffee routine. He insisted that there is nothing better than pushing one button and letting the bean-to-cup machine do the miracle for you in about 30 seconds. My point was that I am willing to pay 2 more minutes and have a superior (in every aspect) shot of coffee and I am happy with the time spent on that job.
Of course every person has the right to choose the best way to prepare and enjoy his coffee and what makes me happy is far from what makes someone else happy. But yeah… I felt that I was a bit aggressive after thinking about our “fight” for coffee, but this is what makes me passionate. I think my friend was passionate about his coffee too. 😁
But trust me… knowing how your coffee gear works and pushing it to the limits gives you best results… The greatest pleasure when preparing it and the greatest joy when consuming it!