[ENG/ESP] An invitation to visit the Coffee: Sabor Café

in #hive-152524last year

Greetings to all the members of this warm community. Today I want to talk to you about a picturesque Café, whose name is Sabor Café. Some time ago I was interested in an invitation to visit the place made by our friend @theinfiltred, as he explained that the quality and variety of offerings were very tempting, in particular its Café Bombón and tacos al Pastor, so I did not hesitate at the first opportunity to check for my own eyes everything I had heard and I confess that the place exceeded all my expectations.

First of all we must refer to its location, this cafe is located in the Almacenes San José, as its name suggests it was an old warehouse used by the port of Havana and now houses the very popular Craft Fair of Havana.

You can enjoy and buy various handicraft items, from textile confections, jewelry, handbags, household items, ceramic pieces and paintings, really in one day you can not assimilate all that exists, if the heat exhausts you you can go to the end and enjoy a tasty coconut water while contemplating the sea and a nice breeze caresses you.

It is precisely in this environment where Sabor Café is located, in fact their work area is a small kiosk and in front of it so that visitors can enjoy their offers they have wooden tables with benches, some of which adjoin with large windows that allow the place to cool naturally, they have also had to set up some benches because the place is becoming very popular and there are many people waiting.

As I show you below you can see on the blackboard the variety of coffee offers, the café bombón is very popular although many are also attracted to the iced coffee because for this hot season it is very refreshing, the quality of the coffee is very good, my sister and I prefer to drink a coffee with milk and vanilla that really reminded us of our childhood because my mom used to prepare it that way.

Although we had no intention of eating anything, the tacos caught our attention, in Cuba it is not very common to find tacos in the cafeterias so we did not resist the temptation and ordered some chicken tacos and other tacos al Pastor that I can assure you are delicious, but they could have been much better if they had some sauce, when we asked they told us that they had run out and only had ketchup and mustard, which between us they did not put on the table, we also tried some nachos that were handmade and that my sister and I found very similar to the taste of the chibirico if we had put sugar (the chibirico is a thin dough made with flour), they were very tasty.

I must comment that the attention of the employees is good but does not reach excellence, they lack a little more commitment to their customers, so for example they were offering fried malanga, but when you asked for them they told you that they could not offer them because they were frozen, it was easier to withdraw this offer from the board until they could really offer them, or when we asked for the tacos they could explain before that they did not have the sauce, but as they were prepared they were also very, very special and they would not be telling lies, these are small details to keep in mind to improve their service although we could not be very severe in judging them because there were quite a lot of diners in the place.

We wondered why so much movement? And we learned that on that floor there was a theater and many of those present had tickets to enjoy the show, unfortunately there were no more tickets for sale, but this is one more option to take into consideration when visiting the place.

To finish my post I just want to reiterate the invitation to visit the place because it is a compendium of many variants that make it very relaxing, this combination of good art in all its manifestations is spectacular and that little corner to enjoy a good coffee makes the difference, it is a source to renew strength to continue enjoying the environment.

I thank you for reading this article and I hope that I have been able to convey to you the desire to know this Café.

The images are of my property taken with my cell phone Samsun Note 8.
Use the Translator DeepL

🌺🌺🌺 ESP

Mis saludos a todos los miembros de esta cálida comunidad. Hoy quiero hablarles acerca de un pintoresco Café, cuyo nombre es Sabor Café. Ya hace algún tiempo me intereso una invitación a conocer el lugar realizada por nuestro amigo @theinfiltred, pues él explicaba que la calidad y variedad de ofertas eran muy tentativas, en lo particular su Café Bombón y los tacos al Pastor, así que no dude en la primera oportunidad en comprobar por mis propios ojos todo lo que había escuchado y les confieso que el lugar supero todas mis expectativas.

En primer término debemos hacer referencia a su ubicación, este café está ubicado en los Almacenes San José, como su nombre lo indica eran unos antiguos almacenes utilizados por el puerto habanero y que ahora alberga a la muy Popular Feria de Artesanía de la Habana.

Usted puede disfrutar y comprar diversos artículos artesanales, desde confecciones textiles, joyas, carteras, artículos para el hogar, piezas de cerámicas y pinturas, realmente en un día no puedes asimilar todo lo que existe, si el calor te agota puedes ir al final y disfrutar de una sabrosa agua de coco mientras contemplas el mar y te acaricia una agradable brisa.

Es precisamente en este entorno donde está enclavado Sabor Café, en sí su área de trabajo es un pequeño kiosco y en su frente para que los visitantes disfruten de sus ofertas tienen mesas de madera con banquetas, algunas de las cuales colindan con unos amplios ventanales que permiten refrescar de forma natural el lugar, también han tenido que habilitar unos bancos pues se está haciendo muy popular el lugar y hay muchas personas a la espera.

Como les muestro a continuación pueden ver en la pizarra la variedad de ofertas de café, es muy popular el café bombón aunque también a muchos les atrae el café helado pues para esta temporada de calor es muy refrescante, la calidad del café es muy buena, mi hermana y yo preferimos tomar un café con leche con vainilla que de verdad nos hizo recordar la niñez pues mi mami lo preparaba de esa forma.

Aunque no teníamos la intención de comer nada, nos llamó mucho la atención los tacos, en Cuba no es muy usual que se oferten tacos en las cafeterías así que no resistimos a la tentación y pedimos unos tacos de pollo y otros tacos al Pastor que les puedo asegurar son una delicia, pero pudieran haber estado mucho mejor si tuvieran alguna salsa, cuando preguntamos nos dijeron que ya se les había acabado y solo tenían kétchup y mostaza, que entre nosotros no lo pusieron en la mesa, también probamos unos nachos que estaban hechos artesanales y que a mi hermana y a mí se nos pareció mucho al sabor del chibirico si le hubiésemos puesto azúcar ( el chibirico es una masa fina hecha con harina), estaban bien ricos.

Les debo comentar que la atención de los dependientes es buena pero no llega a la excelencia, le falta un poquito de más compromiso con sus clientes, así por ejemplo tenían ofertando frituras de malanga, pero cuando las solicitabas te decían que no te la podían ofertar pues estaban congeladas, era más fácil retirar está oferta de la pizarra hasta que pudieran realmente ofrecerlas, o cuando le pedimos los tacos pudieron explicar antes que no tenían la salsa, pero que como estaban preparados también estaban muy pero muy especiales y no estarían diciendo mentiras, son pequeños detalles a tener presentes para mejorar su servicio aunque ,pudiéramos no ser muy severos en juzgarlos porque había en el recinto bastante comensales.

Nosotros nos preguntábamos ¿Por qué tanto movimiento? Y supimos que en ese piso se encontraba una sala de teatro y muchos de los presentes tenían entradas para pasar a disfrutar del espectáculo, lamentablemente ya no había entrada a la venta, pero está es una opción más a tener en consideración cuando se visite el lugar.

Para culminar mi post solo me restar reiterarles la invitación a visitar el lugar pues es un compendio de muchas variantes que lo hacen muy relajante, esta combinación del buen arte en todas sus manifestaciones es espectacular y ese rinconcito para degustar un buen café marca la diferencia , pues es una fuente para renovar fuerzas para seguir disfrutando del entorno.

Les agradezco su lectura y espero que haya podido trasmitirle el deseo de conocer este Café.

Las imágenes son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular Samsun Note 8.

Utilice el Traductor DeepL


Hi, the coffees you mention sound very tempting, and I think that like you and your sister I would have ordered the coffee with milk and vanilla, here in Venezuela we drink it a lot. :-)

@carisma friend Thanks for commenting, if you see the offers it really makes you think, I'll be honest I would have ordered chocolate coffee too, but it was over budget, we love coffee with milk.❤

@carisma amiga Gracias por comentar, si ves las ofertas de verdad que te pone a pensar, yo te seré honesta hubiera pedido café bombón también, pero se pasaba del presupuesto, nosotros amamos el cafe con leche.❤

Well, bombon coffee sounds very good, and yes, coffee with milk is delicious and I love it, too bad that due to health problems I don't drink it very much. Good luck

what a shame.Take care

I do try to take care of myself, although sometimes I indulge myself, but I take good care of myself.


A place full of a lot of activity and Perfect to spend a great day there enjoying and walking, also an incredible decoration and has a great unique touch, in order to capture attention. It's great that they enjoyed a good coffee, food and spent some time enjoying and different, since moments like that are unique.

@davidpena21 Thank you for your comment and your good wishes, the place really has a lot to offer us, I am very pleased that there was a theater room. We really had a super special afternoon. A hug

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Lots of history. It's great to enjoy coffee in places like this:)
Jolly good time.jpg