Tribute to Tea on its Day

in #hive-152524last year
Greetings to all the members of this warm community.Today I want to participate in the tribute to the International Day of Tea, this millenary beverage deserves respect for being one of the most consumed in the world and one of the most beneficial to our health.

It is native to Asia, stands out in its production and consumption India, China, Japan, Sri Lanka. Turkey, and many more, in America the most prominent countries in its production and consumption are Argentina and Chile.

Tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant, there are several types of tea depending on the season and the part of the tree where the leaves are taken, so you can get green, black, white, blue tea, etc. It is also mixed with other plants, fruits and even flower petals, to obtain different flavors.

Te verde sabor fresa

In many Asian cultures such as China and Japan, there are since ancient times a whole ceremonial to serve tea, also in India and Russia these ceremonies are part of their culture, perhaps the best known is that of England is a custom to take tea at three o'clock in the afternoon, the ceremonies and rituals are diverse, teapots and cups of porcelain or other well-crafted material are used, which show delicacy and beauty, fine sweets or cookies are served and is considered an act of socialization, a time dedicated to rest and reflection.

In my particular case, my family is a faithful coffee lover, but we use tea a lot, mainly as a natural medicine, not only the tea that comes from the tea tree, but other plants prepared as infusion and that also receive this denomination.

Manzanilla y anis

I really like to use chamomile with anise, my children laugh because it is my remedy par excellence, but really to adjust the ailments associated with digestion, it has always worked well for me, ginger and turmeric I use it for pressure and circulation, I like linden tea to relax and lastly please do not laugh at me, buy a tea to help me lose weight, it is natural and the best thing about it is that it controls metabolism, helps keep glucose levels and pressure, stable, so if I do not lose weight I will feel better.🤣🤣

I can tell you that to prepare the infusions I use the sachets that come from the factory, but I also love to prepare my natural infusions, directly from the plants that I have on my small balcony, in other cases I take ginger, turmeric and rosemary from my sister's farm.

I hope I have not tired you with my small recognition to Te on its international day.

Thanking you for your reading and time spent.

The images are my own, taken with my Samsung Note 8 cell phone.
Use the DeepL translate.


Greetings friends, I also like coffee the most and I will always prefer a cup. But you must have a cup of tea now and then and these you share with us look amazing and I would like to try each one of those, the most common is chamomile and a cup of that is very rich, and you even add a piece of ginger and it's a great combination. Excellent tribute to tea.

Thanks for sharing. The chamomile tea is very rich, try to combine it with aniseed and tell me what you thought. Greetings

Everything you showed there looks so good that with just the images I relaxed, today I had a nice cup of a tea that I like and it really helped me to relax and forget about some things or see them from a less stressful point of view.

@actioncats I really liked your comment, I really appreciate it. A hug

I recognized mint and ginger on the plate; and what were the rest? curious. Also -- 'hi' from Russia! ☘️

@qwerrie Greetings thanks for sharing, in the dish there is also turmeric a root very similar to ginger rosemary and boldo.
One of the tea boxes is a gift from Russia.A hug

In Spain it became fashionable to drink tea a few years ago, until then it was rare to find other infusions other than chamomile and pennyroyal. Now any supermarket has a lot of different herbal mixtures.

I usually drink ginger with lemon. I can't drink tea because tein is very exciting and it's terrible for anxiety. The few times I try it, I lean towards the one that has a red fruit or orange blossom flavour.

Infusions are an excellent method to dedicate a time to relax and delight our senses. A hug. 🤗

thanks for sharing, I really like to use them whenever possible to combat some diseases My family is passionate about coffee.

Ginger has many properties. A hug