morning coffee with simple cheese (a thoughful sunday post)

in #hive-1525243 years ago


Part of post rewards I give out to 'Cinnamon Cup Coffee' and 'Fungi Lovers' - two of my fave communities. But there's much more Hive can suggest! Please support your fave 'spots', let them flourish instead of become dull and dusty. And of course, engage with others; dont only milk up and on and on.

Dunno, why I had a lyrical prologue to my post like this... Maybe I am a bit late, and this was supposed to be my #thoughtful-sunday-post? hehe, anyway. Relax and enjoy the photos and story below. It won't be too long! Below is a fresh #streetphoto from yesterday.


Russian authorities gave their citizens an unforgettable spring season of 2022, hell yeah. However, the human psyche tends to compensate negative stuff with a positive stuff, looking for it or faking it, if theres none. Damn! again, my blog tends to turn in the wrong direction again (I am so drawn to write a #thoughtfulpost!). Ok, just look at these cheerful faces. Actually there are no occasions for any rejoice, if one will care to think about it, but they do smile, and harvest some simple pleasures.

However, there might be a pack of cigarettes in their pockets, and the hand is holding a cup of hot coffee, and a friend’s hand has an iPhone, making a cool photo for Instagram (by the way, the Russian authorities have banned #Instagram in Russia for what is often called in social media “a hate speech”: inciting a hatred against Russians). But the main thing, of course, is that coffee continues to please us, even when nothing else can do that.

Российские власти подарили своим гражданам незабываемую весну, о да. Впрочем, человеческой психике свойственно компенсировать негатив позитивом, выискивая его или придумывая, если нет. Тьфу ты! Опять не туда (меня так тянет написать мыслебогатый пост!). В общем, посмотрите на эти весёлые лица. Радоваться-то им, если подумать, в общем нечего.

Однако есть в кармане пачка сигарет, а рука сжимает стаканчик с горячим кофе, а рядом рука друга протягивает айфон, делая клевую фоточку для инстаграма (кстати, Российские власти забанили инста на территории России за то, что в западных социальных медиа называется "хейт спич" - разжигание ненависти в отношении России). Но главное, конечно, то что кофе нас продолжает радовать, даже когда не радует больше уже ничего.

And now I am finally coming to my actual blog, hehe. My today's coffee was all the same as always. I brew it altogether with sugar and spices,


I still have a small supply of unrefined cane sugar of a wonderful amber brown color.

For coffee I prefer to use the cane sugar, which has this beautiful honey-amber tint (this is more due to an aesthetics rather than a question of taste). I have left a small supply of this precious stuff. It is not produced in Russia, it is an imported product, which is 3-4 times more expensive than regular white sugar made from beets. Most likely, the Russians now have to say "Goodbye, we will miss you!" to this product!

В кофе я предпочитаю добавлять тростниковый сахар, он медово-янтарного цвета... (вопрос скорее эстетический, нежели вкусовой). У меня остался небольшой запас; В России он не производится, это импорт и он в 3-4 раза дороже, чем обычный белый сахар, производимый из свеклы. Скорее всего, россиянам придется сказать ему "прощай! мы будем тебя помнить..."

My jezzwa's volume is suitable for making 4 cups of coffee. For this volume I use a proportion of 4 spoons of sugar / 7-8 spoons of grinded coffee. For coffee beans, I provide a fine grind (but not the finest, which makes it "a powder").


The spices asset included all the same ingredients as usual:


Cardamom (facultative), cinnamon (a must),


ginger (this one is really a must! you can brew the coffee with a ginger extra only: it will provide it more "focused and sharp" taste, I don't know if I can say that the tonic properties of coffee with ginger are higher than coffee without it? I don’t know for sure, and don’t want to check ))))


...and star anise (not a must at all, but my wife and me's fave - we are addicts).


Besides that, it does look so fancy! One of my fave objects to shoot, along with @txatxy


In the photos, the spices are laid out for beauty, of course, you should not add them to coffee with spoons, I put literally 1-2 grains / slices

На фотографиях специи разложены для красоты, конечно не стоит добавлять их в кофе ложками, я кладу буквально 1-2 зернышка / слайса.


And, finally, we are there! Coffee with a remarkable crema... and a simple mild cheese, to bring out the taste.


I hope this will brighten your mind and have a pleasurable coffee too!

надеюсь, пост вас порадовал визуально, ну а в плане вкуса, уверен, вы себя порадуете сами ))))


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
My posts at
Thanks for visiting my blog!



That's an interesting brew! I have for some time now been mixing coffee with cardamon, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. I will need to ginger!

your receip is almost ideal. nutmeg is 146% classic. cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg are the three basic spices that go with coffee so well! but you need to try ginger too.
(for your notice: a little bit of salt or garlic also can do the job of making the coffee taste more "strong" and raise the tonic effect, but I dont go this way most of the time.
and thank you very much for your pleasurable feedback!
have a !PIZZA - it always goes with coffee so well!

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I learned something new today: cardamom and ginger go well in coffee. I shall try it out myself! Can you add them straight with the coffee , boiling them together? Or you just add them at the very end of the boiling process?

no, no, I guess it should be added at the very beginning, - especially sugar. brewing with sugar makes it different (to better). I am happy to enlarge your coffee knowledge 'piggy bank' 🤩

please let me treat you with a Hive !PIZZA 🍕

Hey @qwerrie, your photos are stunning as usual perfect lighting, sharpness, and tones :)
I love the simplicity of the coffee, bread, and cheese.
It's nice to see a recent street photo from your city, brighter days are finally here.
It's always nice to see you drop by and many thanks for your contribution to the community. 😁

yes! brighter days finally arrived, er... if we speak about the weather. 😥 thats why I take pictures again with pleasure. but we are under the war, and this changes it all..

thanks for the compliments. I love the tones too. oh by the way 🍕 your Hive !PIZZA courier arrived

Yes, the situation happening is sad indeed. Let's hope it all comes to an end soon 🙏

Thank you so much for the pizza 😋

a small coup d'etat and change of the bandit and thief for a less nasty person would be a god-blessed deal for my all-suffering country.

You're spot on there!!

You will be surprised to know the figures how many our folks are simply praying for that, in years. Maybe, more than 75% of the population. Obviously, one cannot get the exact figures

I bet! There will always be a strong
fear factor when there is an unstable government in control :(

If only that would happen 🙏

Hey @tengolotodo, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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heh... probably it could not, just my poor painful fantasy. (and millions of folks share it). but yes, its not gonna happen...

🍻 😥 !BEER

It is always the same, the people suffer, and the 'leaders' don't care about the people.

кофе с мягким сыром? Да ты эстет. Или гурман? ;)

эстет -- определенно! по фотам же видно 🤪 а гурман... ну нет, не думаю так про себя.

have a Hive !PIZZA, my friend!


Hey @alechi, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

эээ, а к чему относятся последние три смайлика?..
наверное теперь становится ясно, почему я не снимал зимой, и чего ждал...
и кстати, где комплименты приятственному цвету фоточек?.. !BEER

I’ve never seen coffee spiced up so much! I will have to give that a try. The sugarcane sugar in coffee is something I have not done in years. These days I just put a little cream. I hope you won’t have to say goodbye to this sweet gold.

Excellent photos. You are a pro with the cam.

meowwwww! always a pleasure to get such a compliment. 🤸 I am an amateur, not a pro, you know.

have a nice day! 🙏

Well you must have a really good camera then hehehe. I really liked the shots. I'm an amateur photographer myself with a so so camera 📷 . But I still started up my OpenSea collection because Beauty is in the eye of smartphone holder.

because Beauty is in the eye of smartphone holder.

hehe. correct! modern smarts (not necessarily even the top ones!) can beat some cameras, for sure.

I have accumulated over time 3 DSLR canons, but use only one of them - Canon 5D, its a decent full-frame camera (with no video option), yes, it is good. just note, it is photographer does the shoot, not the camera itself. lighting imo is very important, its more important than camera - during the 'magic hour' iphone will do a better capture, than DLR in the grey skyes condition. ... and, ofc, further editing of the shots does matter too.

and, smartphones now has this .raw file editing option, as well.
so... getting a smaller compact camera or smartphone is a good option too, big 'pro' camera isnt a must anymore. but personally, I just love itself the process of doing it with a huge black camera, and having a decent arsenal of good dedicated lens.

here i s a !PIZZA to treat you

I am not a fan of flavours and spices in my coffee, but your photographs are amazing!
Who knows, maybe I shall try some of what you like😁☕

I am not a fan of flavours and spices in my coffee

well, a good coffee is good without any 'extras', I easily can admit. the case is partly that I cant buy very expensive sorts and stick to the medium price segment (which is in my case about 10-15 USD per 1 kg). .. so I improve coffee taste with these tricks. and partly, it is a ritual cause I do love spices a lot xD

have a nice day! 🙏

Now I understand 😁
I thought it was your ritual, but it is partly because it is not the expensive coffee.
Well, it makes for wonderful pictures of the spices and your ritual.

I wish you a wonderful rest of your weekend ☕🙏

50-50! partly due to this, partly due to that.
I wish you try at least adding a bit of ginger, if you brew coffee yourself -- to my experience, it doesnt alter the taste but develop it, makes coffee to sound a bit stronger (and better).

tnks for the conversation, I am off to sleep xD 🤪

ah yes you are a couple of hours ahead of the UK I think!
Well I like my coffee strong, so perhaps ginger is a way to go😃

Очень красиво и вкусно выглядит. Я чаще всего добавляю в кофе корицу, иногда имбирь, а про анис никогда не задумывался. Надо попробовать :)

корица и мускат лучше всего с кофе сочетаются, факт. а имбирь, как мне кажется, делает его покрепче и насыщеннее вкус. анис - уже на любителя, много не кладите, вкус сразу меняется :) все равно как если в нейтральную картинку добавить желтого цвета - сразу тю-тю =)

и, спасибо за комплимент. !PIZZA вам 🍕 🤸‍♀️

Hmmm I cannot imagine having ginger flavor in my coffee. Not sure if I wanna try it
Cardamon and cinnamon are great. Anis could be interesting.
Sorry that you cannot get this sugar at the moment. Hope it will change soon! The crazy thing is they stop delivering to Russia and the same time our prices are rising to the moon. No one can win in a war we all need peace. Have you seen the newest Introduce Your City contest? Would be glad if you wanna join :-) one week time left

Sorry that you cannot get this sugar at the moment. Hope it will change soon!

no, you did not get the situation right... right now I can buy it (yet) xD
but the perspective on the horizon is... below zero.
it will change soon, and it will change to worse, hehe

I guess you follow all the news about the sanctions and the boycotto my country is getting from the
indignant world community, ranging from the arrest of the Russian gold reserves stored in the United States, to the revocation of certificates from banks, the termination of visa and mastercard cards, paypal, ebay, cancellation of paid Netflix subscriptions, stop of YouTube monetization for Russian vbloggers, etc. etc. - all these are elements of "the cansel culture", which have nothing to do with the war and definitely striking not at the Russian troops, but blowing at the common Russian people, and I don't see how it can change to the better... but I see 146% it will change for the worse.

Thanks for stopping by to warm up...

Sorry I understood wrong. Thought you still have some but than cannot get new.
Cannot see how sanctions do something good. They are only encreasing anger and normal people suffering. We all will have to stay peaceful in our hearts, thats the only solition I see.

That is very wise of you, thank you for understanding it all. With such attitude you never become a political boss, heh. 🤪


Hey @beeber, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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Yay! 🤗
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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 97 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Tap to help.

Coffee will always be my morning starter though during Sunday hive takes over coffee but when i get up.. i definitely have one. I haven't tried coffee with cardomon and ginger.. so i think i have something to try now. And about sugar, yep red sugar give some authentic taste to coffee that white sugar doesn't do. And i hope whatever happens to the world you don't lose your love for coffee. Stay safe and take care!

during Sunday hive takes over coffee but when i get up..

haha.... well, I should confess: Hive always goes first, before coffee arrives xD I do not feel confused about this fact!

have a nice day! 🙏

Hahahaha and hive eats a lot of our time already. Cheers to hive first before coffee ☺️☺️☺️

Your wonderful post and delighful photographs made me realize just how very basic and boring my morning coffee consumption truly is.😀
You inspired me with many suggestions on how to "spice things up!" @qwerrie

One thing I add to my coffee that was not mentioned in your post is special dark 100% cacao. Mmm!
Tastes so heavenly with heavy cream!
I quit sweetening my coffee about 25 years ago.


Oh. Well, post has indeed caused some unintended consequences )))) I totally understand that I'm seducing folks with awesome appealing pictures that "sell" the idea of ​​spiced coffee :)))) well, in fact, the world is divided into two halves: those who prefer black coffee "as is", and those who decorate its flavor with sugar, milk, ice cream... spices. I understand and admire the fact that for 25 years you have not mixed the taste of coffee with sugar, but alas, I cannot follow you in this 🙏

I am glad that you liked my post and it delivered so many pleasant emotions, thank you very much, Nina - and have a small slice of Hive !PIZZA 🍕


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Thank you @pizzabot and @qwerrie for the token:)

Sacrilege, sacrilege, haha just kidding.
I am addicted to coffee among other things.
My coffee is strong and concentrated, something that my Italian coffee maker takes care of, the modern ones do not achieve the taste that attracts me.
The spices, no spices. Water and coffee. Of course I agree with the brown sugar, it gives a unique appeal to the palate.
The price here is a bit more expensive than white sugar, but there is not much difference.
I feel all this senseless warrrr, it scares me even to pronounce the words.
If they tasted a good coffee. A good roll in bed everything would be different.
Bitter people who don't know how to do anything with their lives and put others at risk.
Take care, friend

IMG_4378 copia.jpg

thank you, my dear friend! will I ever see the streets and embankments of Bilbao and Barcelona? now this is even less probable.

The spices, no spices. Water and coffee.

yes, yes!!

I feel all this senseless warrrr, it scares me even to pronounce the words.

me too. I stay almost speechless... the mankind is so silly.
since February I am reading the book 'Brief history of mankind' by Harari. the men are apes.

If they tasted a good coffee. A good roll in bed everything would be different.

You made me chuckle as I read this comment. Then I visualized the evil Putin and my smile quickly went away. There is no known "cure" for that demon!👺

Thank goodness for our coffe however we enjoy drinking it! Hugs, my friend @txatxy


The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?