Bonding Over Coffee || STB #77

in #hive-152524last month


There is no doubt that coffee is a social drink. Though it's not taken by everyone but we can say that a fair amount of people consume this beverage everyday. How did I come to that conclusion? My answer to this is that while I don't go about taking statistics of how many people consume coffee, I can deduce from people around me which are my friends,families and other acquaintances. I won't say all my friends and family like coffee but the few that do, also enjoy coffee as much as I do.

There is this friend of mine, she is not only a friend but I also see her as a sister. She loves so much, sometimes I think a little too much 😃😃😃.

Her name is Barakat and she has a shop not far from my house. Whenever she comes to visit or I go to visit her, I don't need to be told twice as to the drink to serve her, she takes nothing other than coffee and the same is accorded to me whenever I visit her shop.


I could remember the day she came to visit me. It was one of those days that I was just too lazy to do anything. I could barely get out of bed, I just lay there pressing my phone when I heard a knock. I managed to drag myself out of bed to receive her.

When she came in, I think she noticed my mood and knew it's one of those days for me 😀😀😀 , She didn't bother to disturb me and went into the kitchen to prepare some coffee.

”Why am I no seeing any coffee ? “,She asked frowning as she came to meet me in the sitting room with her arms akimbo.

”Oh, I think I took the last one yesterday, I am yet to get another “, I explained.

”A coffee lover with no single coffee in her home, isn't that ironic?” She teased me, trying to get me out of my mood and it surely worked.

According to her, a true coffee lover never runs out of coffee in their home. She somewhat mocked and teased me asking if I am really a coffee lover like I claimed while I rolled my eyes.

We laughed and talked about other things while she took some water instead since I am out of coffee.

But If you think she has forgotten about what happened the day she visited, you are in for a surprise as the next time she visited,she came along with her own roll of instant coffee.


”It's not up to that na”i said, rolling my eyes when she brought it out of her bag.

”Well I have to prepare myself because you might run out of coffee “again”, “, she said, teasing me. I just knew she would never allow me to live it down.

I just love this amazing soul that has found her place into my life. We bond over a lot of things,coffee being one of those things and now that I think of it, I can say she is one of the reasons why I never ran out of coffee in my home till today.

All Images used are mine.


Lol! I couldn't stop smiling when I learnt that she brought her own roll of coffee. It's better to visit prepared 😄

A coffee lover should always walk with coffee regardless of where he/she is going to

Hahaha, she is crazy like that. Thank you for reading.

Lol, your friend is super-prepared 😂😂😂

Nothing should go wrong with my coffee 😂😂

😃😃😃😃 you bet.

Thank you for stopping by.

You are welcome

The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.

Thank you for having me.