in #hive-1525249 months ago


Greetings dear friends and great coffee lovers. Today I am very excited and want to share with you my first visit to a coffee shop. As I have told you in other publications, my community is somewhat small and there is no establishment dedicated to the sale of the nectar of the gods.

Taking advantage of the fact that I had to go out to the city of Cúcuta for some family matters and do the respective shopping for the Christmas season, in the midst of so many activities we arrived to have lunch at a shopping center called River Plaza,we went up to the food fair we tasted our lunch and when we were about to continue with our shopping in the middle of a corridor I could visualize this small cafeteria and it was there when that idea came quickly to my mind, it is the right time for you to live this magical and unforgettable experience away from home.

So I told my husband that I was going to invite him a coffee and we sat comfortably, while a very kind girl took our order, even though I finished lunch a few minutes ago, I decided to take a rich and frothy Cappuccino, while my husband decided a small Expresso.

While we were waiting my husband took some pictures of the front of the place, the café is called "Fran Café" which means Frankly the Best Coffee. When I received my drink, it had a beautiful heart drawn on the top, I felt that they discovered my love for my favorite drink like coffee.

I tasted it slowly because of how hot it was and to enjoy the place and the people passing by, while my husband was complaining every now and then because his coffee was too loaded and bitter and he could not consume it in its entirety, that is where it is important to make the right choice to avoid these unpleasant situations.

Although they had some sweets on the counter we did not consume them, because we had not yet fully digested our lunch, but if we left the choice of coffee for later it would be impossible to return, because we were somewhat removed from the mall where we were doing our shopping.

On the way out I took the opportunity to take a picture of myself in some Christmas decorations that had the mall and as I like to keep record of every step I take, I told my husband to take a picture to keep in my heart and my blog, the first of many other visits I hope to make to other coffee shops and to live unique experiences with the coffee

I thank you in advance for dedicating part of your valuable time to read my work and may God multiply the support you give to my publication. Blessings.

All photos used here are my property and were taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9T phone. The design was made with the GridArt application.



Saludos estimados amigos y grandes amantes del café. Hoy vengo muy emocionada y quiero compartir con ustedes mi primera visita a una cafetería. Como les he comentado en otras publicaciones mi comunidad es algo pequeña y no hay un establecimiento dedicado a la venta del néctar de los dioses.

Aprovechando que tuve que salir a la ciudad de Cúcuta por algunos asuntos familiares y hacer las compras respectivas por la época de navidad, en medio de tantas actividades llegamos a almorzar a un centro comercial llamado River Plaza,subimos a la feria de la comida degustamos nuestro almuerzo y cuando nos disponíamos a continuar con nuestras compras en medio de un pasillo pude visualizar esta pequeña cafetería y fue allí cuando esa idea vino rápidamente a mi mente, es el momento oportuno para que vivas esta mágica e inolvidable experiencia fuera de casa.

Por lo que le dije a mi esposo que le iba a invitar un café y nos sentamos cómodamente, mientras una chica muy amable nos tomaba el pedido correspondiente, aun cuando terminaba de almorzar hace unos cuantos minutos, decidí tomar un rico y espumoso Cappuccino,mientras que mi esposo decidió un Expresso pequeño.

Mientras esperábamos mi esposo tomo unas fotos de la fachada del lugar, el café se llama “Fran Café” que significa Francamente el Mejor Café.Cuando recibí mi bebida, tenía un hermoso corazón dibujado en la parte de arriba, sentí que ellos descubrían mi amor por el mi bebida preferida como lo es el café.

Lo deguste lentamente por lo caliente que estaba y para disfrutar del lugar y las personas que pasaban por allí, mientras que mi esposo se quejaba a cada rato porque su café estaba muy cargado y amargo y no pudo consumirlo en su totalidad, es allí donde es importante hacer una elección correcta para evitar estas situaciones desagradables.

Aunque tenían algunos dulces en el mostrador no los consumimos, pues aun no habíamos hecho una completa digestión de nuestro almuerzo, pero si dejábamos la elección del café para más tarde iba ser imposible poder volver, pues nos quedaba algo retirado del centro comercial donde estábamos haciendo nuestras compras.

De salida aproveche la oportunidad de tomarme una foto en algunas decoraciones navideñas que tenía el centro comercial y como a mí me gusta guardar registro de cada paso que doy, le dije a mi esposo que tomara una foto para guardar en mi corazón y mi blog, la primera de muchas otras visitas que espero realizar a otras cafetería y poder vivir experiencias únicas junto al café.

De ante mano agradezco el que dediques parte de tu valioso tiempo para leer mi trabajo y que Dios te multiplique el apoyo que le aportes a mi publicación. Bendiciones

Todas las fotos aquí utilizadas son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas con la cámara de mi teléfono Redmi Note 9T. El diseño fue realizado con la aplicación GridArt.


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It's the Christmas season: give your friends a gift

May this be just one more step on the long ladder I have yet to climb. Thanks for showing me my overcoming friends from @hivebuzz.
Merry christmas

Merry Christmas to you too, @sidalim88! Keep up the good work and continue spreading positivity through your upvotes.

It is fantastic that you could enjoy a coffee from a shop at last, surrounded by all of these festive and fun decorations! The heart in your cup made me smile. Sorry to hear your husband didn't quite love the coffee though!

I was very excited, for a moment I identified myself with a child and his new toy. I understood from my own experience how it feels to enjoy a rich and creamy coffee and I loved the image that was designed on the cup.
Thanks for your visit friend @grindan

Seasons Greetings!

May your festivities be fueled by Coffee, and filled with all the things that bring you joy!

All good wishes from Cinnamon Cup Coffee, a warm Obsessive Caffeinated Disorder (OCD) incubated community. ☕️

Image belongs to millycf1976

Merry Christmas my beautiful community.
Thank you very much for giving me this special space @cinnccf

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Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️

Thank you for your support

@sidalim88 you're most welcome


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A beautiful place to enjoy a coffee. You're right, you have to know very well what you want to avoid having a bad experience.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us. ☕

Good day.

With so much excitement I didn't have time to ask for a menu to identify the types of coffee and not to go through this bad experience. However, from these experiences we are left with a great moral of life.
A hug friend