Legend has it that in the upper Amazon, a Venezuelan jungle of thick vegetation and enigmatic landscapes, there was a hidden treasure, which was brought by the great Spanish conquistadors at the time of the meeting of two worlds.
Everyone was fascinated by the story and more than one had ventured into the thick jungle, but no one had been able to find the treasure that was said to be guarded by the gods under the shining sun of the Amazon.
One day in a meeting with my friends: Andrés, Cristóbal, María and Carmen, fed up with our situation and impregnated by the adventurous spirit that we have always had, we decided to live the magical experience behind the hidden treasure, since our passion was involved in the desire to find the riches in those mountains, which together we believed that it was a chest full of gold and precious stones.
Arriving the day and being prepared for the whole expedition and confident in finding the wealth of riches, we went deep into the jungle, in the depth of a wooded area, with tall trees and huge rivers that seemed to speak to us, is that the mystical and sacred enveloped the place.
The day dawned cloudy, and when we least expected a strong storm forced us to stop, until we could see in the distance a cabin that appeared to be abandoned, but to our surprise it was inhabited by a man with long beards and mysterious appearance that kept all the secrets of the jungle.
Kindly the old wise man invited us in and then as night fell completely, he began to tell us a fascinating story about the true treasure that is protected by ancestral spirits.
Dear children, more than 500 years ago the legend tells that a group of men of strong appearance, tall and with airs of conquest arrived to these lands, they came after the legend of the "golden" gold of our lands and our region, but they met an ethnic group of low intelligence that decided to change the jewels they had for some seeds, similar to some grains that were brought from those distant lands.
The aborigines decided to plant those seeds, watered and cared for them with care and there grew plants from which in turn other seeds sprouted and those grains were baptized as "coffee". That plantation grew more and more each day and then they made the magical discovery that from that seed, roasting and grinding it and combining it with hot water, a drink of dark aspect but of unequaled flavor emerged.
They constantly met as a group to taste the drink they had discovered and they realized that it gave them energy, kept them happy and alert and that day they understood that not even all the gold in the world could compare with the pleasure of tasting a steaming cup of coffee. And right there they understood that the true treasure is not in the material nor in the gold of that precious metal, since the true fortune is to share pleasant moments, of friendly conversations and of those moments of tranquility that fill the soul and in those moments coffee is the drink that unites hearts all over the world.
This is my participation. I greet you and I will see you on a new occasion.
I invite the following to participate @davidpena21
Gracias por dedicar un tiempo para leer mi publicación, la escribí con mucho amor.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, I wrote it a lot of love.
Me despido.
I bid you farewell.
Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es de mi autoría, cualquier duda hacer mención a mi persona y con gusto les responderé @surglen.
All the content found in this publication is my authorship, if you have any questions, mention me and I will Gladys answer you @surglen.
Las Fotografías son de mi propiedad, excepto las citadas con su fuente.@surglen
Photographs are my property, except those cited with their source. @surglen.
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