A necessary introduction
As for this week's topic, I find it very interesting because it deals with enlightenment and what it can cause when consuming a cup of coffee.
Illumination and mood
From a psychological point of view the lighting you prefer is according to the mood you are in and whether you want an intense light or not depends on how you feel and how you want to be in a place, in this case in a coffee shop.
I must say that sometimes you go to a coffee shop to a work meeting, informal or with several friends and on those occasions you will almost certainly prefer that the predominant light is intense because you are going to have fun and you want to see in the expression of others how they are having a good time.
If the gathering is more intimate, private or less informal you will almost certainly prefer a softer, less intense light.
My preference
When it comes to consuming a cup of coffee I prefer any kind of light, but, like all mortals I prioritize coffee shops depending on what I'm going to do at the coffee shop and what my mood is.
A cup of coffee and a beer under a dim light
I recently visited a coffee shop and my goal was to consume a cup of coffee accompanied by a beer. I was not in a good mood because I am going through a difficult process of illness that in the next few days the doctors and tests will give results and diagnosis.
As expected, I preferred to be alone and the cafeteria had the least intense light possible, so I went to the Cafeteria Cubita and enjoyed my cup of coffee and my beer as quietly as possible.
No one saw my sad face or could notice my mood. In the solitude of my table I was accompanied by a cup of coffee, a beer, some doyles, my thoughts and me.
Note: I used the translator DeepL Translate.
All photos are my own taken with my Samsung J2 phone.