Terror in the party room | HALLOWEEN

in #hive-1525242 years ago

This is my entry in Cinnamon Cup Coffee's Halloween creative writing contest. Thank you for the invitation made to me by @universoperdido.

terror in the party room.pngMakarios Tang | Unsplash

At the reunion

Halloween night had arrived and we had a party organized by someone we didn't know. We only received a text message that was passed from person to person, so we didn't know who was going to receive us. We didn't care, because we wanted to have a good time.

I finished showering after my football practice and got ready to pick up my girlfriend, Samantha. I'm not one to be late anywhere, but being the team leader also delegated certain responsibilities to me that I had to attend to. While I was taking care of it, my coach was probably already drinking a few beers at home in front of the TV.

I looked at the clock in the living room and it was almost 11 o'clock at night. I borrowed the car from my father, who for a moment hesitated to give me the keys claiming that I should take good care of it since it was a very precious object in his life, as he had traveled many places with it. I nodded my head and thanking him I went out that door seeing behind my shoulder my father sitting on a sofa, enjoying his way tonight.

While I was in the car I could see how there were children begging for candy in different houses decorated in a very peculiar way. I thought it was something very striking to see the spirit of this date, it even reminded me of when I was a kid going out trick-or-treating, although to tell the truth we did all kinds of pranks like scaring people. I honestly don't think we ever made it.

The instant I arrived at her house she was there, dressed in a somewhat gothic costume. Which in fact, I would say she almost always dresses like that. The truth is that she looked really beautiful. I didn't have the time to do that, so I grabbed what I had on hand; clothes from a metalcore band, which more or less intoned the dark garb of this encounter.

As I got there, I noticed all around me many people holding a glass of beer. Some smoking in the main courtyard and laughing about who knows what, others inside chatting and telling obscure anecdotes to set the mood for the night.

Of all of us there I could see several well-produced costumes and outfits. There were the classics, i.e. skeletons, witches, a rather terrifying one dressed as a butcher.

But there was one that caught my curiosity. One who was dressed as a simple coffee bean and it was the one that frightened me the most, because his gaze through his glasses was very penetrating, as if he had some kind of personality disorder. He was isolated from the others, with a serious look on his face, even reflecting a gesture of sympathy in the face of the comments about the costume he was wearing. Undoubtedly, he was hiding something or was there for a reason.

Many of us at the party were schoolmates from years ago. So we considered this party more of a reunion. Seeing each other a little older was a reason to tease each other about how we had aged, although that's just an exaggeration.

Panic on the scene

I had lost sight of Samantha and after seeing that guy I got too scared. Not only because of his appearance but also because I had already seen him hanging around and I know he was up to something. I assumed that anything could happen, as it is said that many take advantage of these festivities to commit their shadiest atrocities, but maybe it's just my bad perception of things; I love her madly and I swore to protect her in any circumstance, even giving my life for her.

I searched everywhere, every corner of the house which was very spacious. Until I finally found her, crying inconsolably telling me that someone put something in her drink and she started to get dizzy, until she collapsed on top of me losing track of time and space.

After that I heard shrieking from the back of the room coming from the kitchen. Several people began to run frantically and out of their minds towards an exit, but someone had closed the doors.

In the panic I felt a cold chill run through my body when I noticed that someone was clinging to my legs, perhaps asking for help, although it was more than clear to everyone. But the confusion did not allow me to know what was happening until a few moments later I understood.

From where those boys were running for their lives I glimpsed the silhouette of someone carrying a knife in his right hand, while in the other a woman's head. It wasn't until he came closer to us, practically cornering us, that I could see the traces of blood on the glass of his glasses and part of his cheeks filled with a reddish hue.

I took my dying girlfriend by the hand, because I knew she was weak of pulse and while he began the hunt for guests so to speak, we slipped out through an exit that apparently, was not taken into account by him.

This house was an event hall, because having worked in one at some time I knew that by security standards there was one more exit through which we managed to escape. Unfortunately, after the police arrived they found an atrocious scene. Several had lost their lives to a strange substance given in a coffee punch, others from tasting the edge of a knife.

It is to this day that we wonder if the killer was the man dressed as a coffee bean or the one who was sporting a butcher's hat. Either they were the same or there were two killers on the loose. No arrests have been made and we are anxious to know what will happen next Halloween.

I invite @eliezerfloyd to participate in this contest! And of course many are invited to participate, you can read the terms and conditions here.
Photoshop CC and Canva have been used for image editing.


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @vikvitnik ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

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I always assumed that the text length of the story is taken into account, not everything that exceeds it. I checked the text of the story and came up with a total of 998 words. Also tested from PeakD.


Of the times I participated in micro-stories, for example, I was always validated on the length of the post that focused on just the text. Is there any way to fix the misunderstanding?