[ESP-ENG] Sublime Sunday: Together 🪷🌷🪷🌷🪷🌷

in #hive-152889last year
Hace algunas semanas, en una hermosa y tranquila tarde (casi noche) nublada de domingo, salí con unas amigas.

Some weeks ago, on a beautiful and quiet cloudy sunday evening almost night, I went out with some friends.


Fuimos a este adorable y colorido bar en el centro de la ciudad, llamado:

We went to this colorful, cutely decorated bar in downtown called:






Hay muchas flores de tela y luces azules y rosas allí. Nos sentamos y empezamos a ponernos al día, ya que teníamos mucho tiempo sin vernos. Especialmente con una de ellos, estábamos algo distanciadas. La amistad se estaba enfriando.

There are a lot of fabric flowers and blue and pink lights there. We sat and started catching up, since we had a lot time not seeing each other. Specially with one of them, we were a little bit distanced, the friendship was getting cold.


Creo que a menudo olvidamos que las relaciones de amistad también pueden requerir esfuerzo extra de nuestra parte, para alimentarlas y hacerlas crecer. Las personas somos complicadas, a veces alguien se aleja y pensamos que necesita espacio o que no nos quieren junto a ellos por cualquier razón, así que renunciamos a hacer cualquier esfuerzo para llegar a esa persona. Sí es verdad que todos necesitamos nuestro espacio, pero algunos nos aislamos de más cuando pasamos por cosas difíciles, y eso no quiere decir que queramos estar completamente solos. Se puede dar espacio y aún así tener gestos con esa persona para que sepa que estás allí.

I think we often forget that friendships can also require extra effort on our part to nurture and grow. People are complicated, sometimes someone walks away and we think they need space or that they don't want us with them for whatever reason, so we give up making any effort to reach that person. It is true that we all need our space, but some of us isolate ourselves too much when we go through difficult things, and that doesn't mean we want to be completely alone. You can give yourself space and still have gestures with that person to let them know you're there.


Mis amigas y yo estábamos pasando por momentos duros en nuestras vidas personales y ninguna sabía de la otra, nos desconectamos, hubo total falta de comunicación.Ese domingo fue la primera vez que nos vimos después de varios meses y afortunadamente logramos reconectar.

My friends and I were going through hard times in our personal lives and neither of us had hear from each other, we got disconnected, there was a complete lack of communication.That Sunday was the first time we saw each other after several months and fortunately we managed to reconnect.


En el caso de la amiga con la que estaba más distanciada, ambas nos habíamos enojado por la falta de comunicación de la otra, sin mirar primero hacia adentro: las dos estábamos fallando. Por cierto, a ella le encanta hacer flores y arreglos florales de tela, le quedan muy bonitos.

In the case of the friend with whom I was more estranged, we had both become angry at each other's lack of communication, without first looking inward: we were both failing. By the way, she loves to make fabric flowers and floral arrangements, and her creations are beautiful!

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A veces tratamos a las amistades como si fueran flores de tela, como si realmente fueran a estar allí siempre, incondicionalmente aunque no les dediquemos el más mínimo cuidado, y no es así, las relaciones no son inmutables, cambian y se transforman, y si no las cuidamos, se marchitan 🥀

Sometimes we treat friendships as if they were fabric flowers, as if they were really going to be there always, unconditionally even if we don't give them the slightest care, and this is not the case, relationships are not immutable, they change and transform, and if we do not take care of them, they wither 🥀


Aquí una foto recortada de mi bebida de esa noche: piña colada 😋

Here's a cropped photo of my drink from that night: pina colada 😋



Gracias por leer y dar su apoyo a mi blog 🤗 les deseo un feliz inicio de la nueva semana a todos ✨ recuerden regar sus plantitas y sus relaciones 🌸🌿

Thanks for reading and giving your support to my blog 🤗 I wish you all a happy start to the new week ✨ remember to water your plants and your relationships 🌸🌿


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聚开心。interesting name.
I leave it here for you to translate and find out yourself. 😎

Awww it's such a cute name! The outdoor sign says, among the Chinese name, in Spanish "Juntos" together. The two of them together would be something like "Having fun Together"? so cute 🌸 thank you for this interesting language fact 😁

You're welcome.