First Aid is an Aid

in #hive-1538502 months ago

There are a lot of times when we find ourselves in unexpected situations, we can’t predict what will happen to us next. We can be fine now and in the next minutes to come we get to experience unexpected circumstances.

I remember a time when I was asked to get something from the backyard. I was in a haste as I kept rushing towards where the thing was, all of a sudden I got my neck crossed on a wire that was passed across for air drying clothes.

It was already midnight and I forgot we used to bend over whenever we wanted to pass that place. Maybe it was because i was scared. But I thought it was some kind of evil spirit stopping me from getting what I came for.

After it pushed me backwards away from the wire. Instead of turning back gently and going back inside, I rather went ahead again with full force. I wanted to know what stopped me and over power it.

The second time got me rolling on the floor. I couldn’t feel any pain because I was still so scared. I stood up immediately and ran inside. What I should have done in the first place.

When i got inside breathing heavily, not even able to explain what i went through. Then mum detected my neck and saw it bleeding. She was so scared. I never knew I was even bleeding. Maybe i should call it adrenaline rush. But it was already night. We couldn’t go to see the pharmacist or any nurse around us.

This is where first aid came to aid. I could remember dad always had some methylated spirits and other first aid kits in a place. Mum went there immediately and started applying the first aid treatment. She cleared the blood with a cotton wool and spirit. Then after which she applied some more things on it.

After she cleaned it was when I realize that I was in pain. She gave me some pain relief and glucose. It wasn’t looking fatal till the next morning when I couldn’t even move myself from the bed. They had to get home treatment for me. Then the nurse said it's all thanks to God for the first Aid treatment that did a great job on my health.

After a few days I was getting better. It wasn’t a small injury on my neck. But that day I realized the importance of first aid treatment.

There are some places where first aid is so important, especially in places like schools where there are a lot of kids playing around. In our homes where little accidents can occur, maybe in the cars too.

First aid is also very important, not not a cure. But at least it would serve as a relief before the main treatments come to place.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in hive learners community for the Week 121 Edition 3 and the topic to be discussed is KNOWING FIRST AID

[Header from Pixabay]

Other images are mine



Children and stubborn thinking, something obstructed you the first time, and the only solution you thought was to go back full force🤣, you are lucky your parent had first aid knowledge like the nurse said, if not, your current gf would run away from you😂

First aid is indeed very essential, like you said it's just a measure to curb the present situation before actually treatment began, and having the kit and knowledge plays a huge role either at home or at the office.

Glad they didn't let your neck go like that 😂😂