Hello to all hive users 🙏❤️😊
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life🙂
This thing is common in almost every country that there are some cities which have a very high population and some cities are such where the population is many times more than the capacity of that city. After all, what are the reasons for this over population and how can this over population be controlled, today in this post we will talk about this topic.
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
Many years ago I also went to a big city for a job and seeing such a huge population I used to feel suffocated. I was surprised that why there is so much population in one city, most of the people who were living there had migrated from some other state and the only reason for all this was employment. Because of employment I also went to another city from my home to get a job but the area where my house is is a very peaceful area and basically there used to be very less population at that time but now the population there has started increasing. I like peaceful and less populated cities, I do not like to live in these big cities. You have to face many types of problems in cities with high population. The main problems in these big cities are as follows.
The first problem is that of accommodation because you must have noticed that in the metros, if you go to rent a house, you are quoted a huge amount and you have to pay an advance amount for that as well, which people living in metros must be well aware of. Now if a person is planning to go to a big city from his home and is looking for a job there, then he needs some or the other resource for accommodation and until he does not have a job, how will his income be generated and without income, how will he be able to live in any house on rent there.
The second problem is water and electricity. When a city develops, resources are allocated to it according to the city limits but if after a few years the city starts getting overpopulated, then the same amount will be provided but the quantity is reduced because if the consumption of these things increases then it will also affect the natural resources and this will result in the natural resources getting exhausted very quickly.
If a lot of people are living in a city, then the transport resources will also be available there and if so many people move around then there will be traffic jams and the carbon emission from these vehicles will increase even more and this will affect the Air Quality Index due to which the air will become more polluted and people may get health related diseases. If more people move around then there will be more accidents.If the population is high then there will be more pollution in those places and due to this pollution, global warming will increase further.
This was about some of the main problems. Now if we move towards the solution of these problems then it seems to me that there are some things which can be changed.
As I told you earlier, people migrate to these big cities for jobs. If they get jobs in their own cities, they will be able to reduce migration. Why so many factories to be set up in one place? If we set up these factories in different places, the first advantage will be that the people of the place where the factory will be set up will not need to migrate to another city and they will get employment near their homes. The second advantage will be that if the number of factories in big cities is less, the pollution level there will also be less.
If we talk about a big city, there are hundreds of factories here and most of the people working in these factories are those who have migrated from other cities to those cities. Those factories which can also run in other cities should be set up in such cities from where people are migrating the most so that migration to those cities is reduced and employment opportunities increase there.
If employment is distributed across different cities instead of being concentrated in a few cities, this will reduce the population of cities and the pollution level there will also be reduced.
Thanks for reading till the end
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