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In every country I believe that must be a mandatory service for every citizens and it will also be for a stipulated time. But for Nigeria we have only one year compulsory service and it is only for those graduating from the higher institution.

This is a period of one year that graduate are expected to give their country service and it is sopposed to be done in another state where he or she was not brought up. The reason for this is that the individual involved will also have the opportunity to mingle with others, learn from others and also teach them what he or she can. It is expected that at the end of that one year, the individual will get acquainted with others, probably develop interest for that land for that period. The country also made it easy for the young person serving his or her country by providing a stipend at the end of the month. The little money that is given is meant to make life easier for the person serving his or her country.


Some youth Corpers use that opportunity to get a good job because after serving their country in any state, they will be retained and that will be a new beginning for them. It is indeed a very good experience for the young ones.


Though the country made it compulsory which is good, but it is only limited to people within the range of twenty nine years below. This has caused a little set back for some people. Because people really want to serve their country they will be compelled to reduce their age so as to serve together with others when they are through with their studies. I know that there is no any good reason for one to lie, but it would have been better if everyone is allowed to serve despite their age. Some students also see it as a way of getting a little money from the country as they await employment opportunities. Some also see it as a means of getting job employment seen that they may be retained in the state where they are posted for youth service.
This is one of the things that I don't like about the one year compulsory service. Like myself who started going to school at after I turned thirty years and today I am about to graduate from school and already I have passed that age that I will go to serve my country. It pains me because when I see others with their youth service uniform I just love it and wished that I will have that opportunity to wear it on. That chance can't come again because I am above thirty years of age.

The second thing that I don't also like about this compulsory service for one year is that most of the students that are posted in a very far state from where they live spend two times what is given to them because of the distance and the cost of living. It seems as if the country just give a little money for the whole month and never cared if you need anything at all. I believe that the period when people service their country will be a time when they are taking very good care of.

In regards to this question I believe that I have just two things that I just want to change in my country regarding this compulsory service for one year.

  1. Allow anyone who wants to serve to participate not minding the age difference.
  2. Taking good care of everyone serving the country in all aspects - providing accomodations, food, enough money to take them the whole period of their service.
  3. Making sure that everyone who has served the country very well will be given a job opportunity.
    This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 127: Mandatory service.

The age barrier has prevented a lot of students from being eligible for NYSC, I can't seem to figure out the exact reason for it. The aspect of deploying corp members to far away places is indeed a need for great concern. I have some of my colleagues that are currently serving in the north who are unable visit their families in Lagos due to cost of transportation.