in #hive-15385022 days ago

Democracy is a type of government that allows people to choDrose who will stand for them. People have the right to say out their views, voice it out when need be. But today we only see that in paper. Writing construction and not practice. God help us🙏


Friends you are welcome back to my blog. Today the topic remind me so much about my country. If there is any country that we can use as a very good example of people's construction capture democracy and their type of government, but practice the opposite is my country Nigeria. Going through the constitution you will know that we are sopposed to have a great country if the leaders will follow the constitution.

What we practice here is anti democracy. We can't say that something is wrong with the construction, but the problem is from the people who are sopposed to put the constitution into practice. Everyone decides to do as he or she pleases. That is where the problem is.


Freedom of speech: Not in my country. People don't have freedom of speech her and that is why things keep going worse. Those who try to speak out will be silenced even before you noticed it. Most people today are afraid to talk because after talking your life will be astack. Even when people manage to talk it is useless because it will be be considered as if you have said anything.

Let me share with us what just recently happened to us in our church. The reason why I am sharing is because some of us will just be pointing at our leaders and blaming them so not following what the constitution says. But we still do the same thing in our own local assembly or even at home.
Presently we are planning for our graduation. That is the FYB students. But one of the leaders will just decide on what she wants and impose it on everyone. She don't allow us to make our contribution or state our dislike over anything she have said. She insisted that we must go for a wrapper that she wants and at her own price. When I noticed that she don't want anyone to talk I allowed them and left the church to join another group for the graduation. To my greatest surprised I noticed that most people were not happy but they were afraid to speak out. Later I realized that the leader is now begging people to pay for the clothes because people were no more interested. For crying out loud this is the house of God. If people don't do the right thing in politics shouldn't we do it in church? That is the question.

The second thing in the constitution that we have thrown aside is the freedom of association: Today in Nigeria people are afraid to join some association because of the fear of the unknown. Some people in the association might even be sent as spy when it is obvious that you want to do the right thing and some individuals are beneficiaries of the bad things done in such group. So, we are somehow scared.

FREEDOM TO EARN AND SPEND OUR MONEY: Today in our society, who are you to spend your money anyhow you like it? Even the rich people are afraid of been noticed. Somehow people believe that the government is aware of what is happening, but nothing is done about it.

I believe that democracy is a very good thing that will help any country, but it is the opposite that we see here. We need to go back to the drawing board. We need to start afresh again. If possible we need to start by bringing back the legacy of our heroes here in Nigeria. Some of them lay their lives for us to be what we are today and for us to be where we are today. Let's not allow their efforts to go in vain.

This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 130, edition 2: Anti- Democracy.


After all, what is the benefit of such a democracy when a common man has to suffer a lot. Democracy is made for the people and what is the benefit if the people have to suffer.