in #hive-1538508 months ago


Health is wealth. It is important to take good care of our health, doing so shows how much we value life.

In a busy World like ours, some may become negligent of their health. Some practice self_medication when down while some refuse medical help due to religious beliefs . Another group visit the hospital only when there is crisis.

Taking Nigeria as an example, the economic situation of the country is going from bad to worse. Due to this, some people's health are deteriorating and many more will continue to deteriorate, unless situation of things improves.


Eating healthy foods is important in taking care of our health. However, dome of these healthy foods though are expensive to purchase these days. Imagine one water melon for N2500., one pineapple going for almost same price. How many of these can one buy for the family meal and how often can one eat it? A friend of mine told me that he has stopped buying fruits because they are expensive. 😅 Do not stop please.

Moreso, some of these foods are no longer cultivated properly Some are grown with fertilizer while others are preserved with chemicals that consuming them much could lead to health hazard.

There are lots of health tips out there that can be used to improve our lifestyle., However the first tip I love and my family employ is as discussed in this post.



I believe you cant improve your health if you know nothing about your health. Therefore, as a family, we monitor our health status.

Two occasions necessitated this move. First, I was in School one day and a colleague said to me "Madam are you alright?" I answered in the affirmative. But she added " Go and check your BP". I laughed and thanked her.

At the end of work, I went to service. After service, on my way home with my family, I told Hubby what the lady at School had said. He asked what necessitated that advice? I told him I do not know but lets stop at a pharmacy and see if I can check .

Did you know that when they checked my BP, it was very low? I learnt if it is low, it is as bad as being very high. Immediately we got some medications and I also got advise on how to boost it.

A second reason that necessitated monitoring my health was one time I came into the room to ask hubby a question. He was about going out to see someone in the neighborhood . But i needed to inform him of what he could help pick up on his way back. Immediately I got into the room, I collapsed into the bed. He never thought of anything and so he left not only the room but the house.

I was there lying lifeless in the room, no one knew. My girls were busy with their chores. After about thirty minutes, I received a hot slap.😄 Then I woke up. I looked around the room and found myself still lying on the bed with my small girl by my side. I asked her what happened and where is her Dad. She told me her Dad had gone out but when she noticed that I didn't come out of the room, she came to see whether I was alright.

But to her surprise she noticed that I was sleeping, and that wasn't my sleeping position 😃. According to her, she tried waking me up but I refused. ( She knows I am not a deep sleeper). So she thought I had passed out . She called her older sister but that one had ear piece and couldn't hear her call from the room. So without thinking, she decided to give me a hot slap. Hahaha. That worked. That slap was hot and that slap woke me up. Upon learning about what she had done, I just hugged and thanked her. Still I couldn't stand up.

Just then, her Dad came back in. He still met me in bed and asked what happened. My daughter explained everything and he was surprised. He said he saw me slum into the bed but thought it was because the bed has been neatly laid that morning 😅. He told me he saw me but just didn't ask or say a word. "Do you mean you have been unconscious for almost thirty minutes? " He asked. I told him to thank God for using our daughter.

Immediately he took me to the Hospital for test. I guess he thought I was pregnant. But behold, the test revealed that my PCV was very low. The Doctor recommended a blood transfusion but we refused. I don't engage in it. instead we opted to get some vitamins drugs and we went back home to boost it with more vegetables , fruits and a locally made blood booster.


It waz then we resulted to getting the equipments for monitoring our health and every monthly, I just walk up to my hospital where I have NHIS card and just tell the nurses that i need to check my PCV. At home, I check my BP, blood sugar, weight and others.


I alsk drink lots of warm water. I drink more now in this hot weather than before.

We hear of people who slump and die, we hear that some have underlying illness. It is important to monitor our health regularly so as to know what foods to eat, what medications to take or what lifestyle change can help.

No one is going to live forever but a few life changes which includes the health tips you may already know and monitoring your health status and help us.

May God by grant us good health. Amen

Yours, @adoore-eu.

Unless otherwise stated, the images are mine


This is truly insightful, thank God for your very observant daughter. I also think I need to check my pcv and bp as well because for a while now, I have difficulty standing up and I experience fatigue alot which is quite unusual.

Thank you for the heads-up ma

Sorry to hear about your difficulty standing up. How do you Sis? You need to watch your sitting position and also don't stand abruptly from bed when you wake up. I learnt letting your feet drop on the ground and sitting for a few seconds before leaping up is better.
Yeah,my daughter was of immense help that day.
How have you being? Thanks for reaching out

Thanks as well for your helpful tips. I will be more careful now.

Regards to your family 🤗

Today I have a watch that monitors my heart, stress and blood oxygen, this really helps to improve our quality of life.

Yes there are products like that. That is very commendable of you to get in order to monitor your health.Thanks for the visit too

Your experiences really highlight the importance of staying vigilant about our health. It's a wake-up call to not take any warning signs for granted and to invest in regular health monitoring.

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