in #hive-1538509 months ago

It's never easy to give up something that we are attached to and gotten used to but if it's for greater good then it's worth all the inconveniences. There are many things that I see as a barrier to my self development and one of them is EXCUSES.


I give both reasonable and unreasonable excuses on why I didn't get to attain set goals even when I know that I could have done better. There were times that I know what I am supposed to do but prefer not to do them with justifiable excuses. Like there was a day that I did not post any content online in all of my social media platforms and the excuse I gave was that I was occupied with something else. That evening I read a post written by a woman and she narrated how she managed to get a lot of work done even though she was very engaged with a lot of work. She somehow still managed to squeeze out time to get things done. This challenged me a lot and I get to know that instant that if it's important then you can always find a way.


Letting go of excuses will enable me to get more things done thereby being more productive. When you really want something you will go for it regardless of the barriers and limitations. It will enable me to know that I am the architect of my own life and will cease to blame others for my own failures because life is 10% of what happened to you and 90% of what you do with it. Getting rid of excuses will enable me to take control of my own life and do things in the best possible way to attain a very good results.

Just like my eight years old daughter used to say; if you do your best then you will get the best results.

This in return will offer you a good life and you will have no regret in life no matter the outcome knowing fully well that you give it all your best.


First is to let go of my past snd all the ugly experiences that tend to draw me back and hinder my progress. Being mentally stable and at peace is the first step towards moving forward in life with no excuses of any sort.

Second, i wrote down all my distractions. These are what fuels my excuses e.g watching movies the whole day and never putting out any business post in all of my social media handle and not calling my clients.

Movies , facebook, Instagram, snapchat, friends.

I would have given them up completely but they are tools that I use to market my business. I am currently addicted to Korean movies and it's one thing that I cannot just give up because it helps me to relax after the day's work. The only thing I can do is to limit the time that I spend on them. Social media is filled with videos and other contents that seeks our attention 24/7. To remain focused with other things I have to do i will only focus on my business posts only.

The movie part is something I have thought about over and over again. The solution I came up with is to dedicate just an hour to watch any movie of my choice and it must be after I have finished every other thing on my agenda for the day including reading atleast two chapters of books every day and visiting hive to connect with my amazing community.

Yesterday I was on my second chapter and I was looking forward to my hour movie time before I finally hit the bed but guess what ...

I slept off.

Guess I was too exhausted and one thing about human body is that you can never cheat it. Once it's has reached it's limit it will shut down.

I wasn't unhappy that I didn't get to watch a movie yesterday because not watching any will not hinder my self development but not reading a book, hiving, posting about my business, calling my clients and learning more about my business will definitely hinder my self development for the year 2024.


The truth is that there will always be excuses, one just has to do what is meant to be done regardless. I am very glad that you are actively working on it. Well done ma


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@ayamihaya(2/5) tipped @amiableamara

I also make excuses but not with others but myself. Like I have to do something of mine and I create my own excuses to myself to not do it hehe.


Excuses are pretty way we use to stuant our growth. Hopefully we will find a way out of it

Excuses are prerequisites to procrastination. That's why it is good to have a schedule of activities and try to implement it to the latter. I am a victim of procrastination.

Exactly the two go hand in hand

Amiableamara(64) Amazing work. Excuses never at anytime help one to develop except steps taken to let excuses behind.