A city of Traffic Mysteries

in #hive-153850last month

Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. Transportation is a big source of communication between cities in a country. For a smooth transport system, we need smooth roads so that we should be able to save our vehicles from either traffic deadlocks or traffic accidents. Regarding transportation, there is also a vital need for fuel. Whether there is an issue with the roads or with the fuel, its smooth supply will be disturbed. We need a delicate balance between roads and traffic; otherwise, communication between cities is impossible.


Regular Traffic Deadlocks

I belong to one of the best Pakistani Historical City, Lahore where traffic issues are very common. In some places, there are roads with many jumps. When you are traveling either in public or using personal transport, your whole body starts toasting during your journey. There are roads with Potholes and Cracks. When you are driving, the tire of your vehicle punctures and the pare malfunctions.


Moreover, there are roads where water from the drainage system is the source of road pollution. Yes, when you take a ride on these roads, not only do your clothes become dirty, but also you have to cover your nose due to the putrid smell. Additionally, there are ongoing road projects that are big headache for transportation in Lahore. Everyday there happened thousands of accidents and many lives are lost on these roads due to poor supply of transportation.

To increase our problem, our government is also making its participation. Fuel prices are going closer to the sky. The current fuel prices in Pakistan is 1 Liger Petrol = 1$. Yes, dollar price is nearly equal to one litre of petrol. Poor economic government policies are also resulting into transportation problems. More passengers and less public transport are also part of our daily headache.

I have witnessed a life threatening event recently when I was driving my car towards my Home. There happened a clash between a bike and a Rickshaw on a road having jumps and cracks. The person on the bike after striking with Rickshaw had fallen on the road while one van crashed his both legs. There was a stream of blood on the road. Due to this accident, smooth supply of traffic was broken. Even the Ambulance was unable to save the life of pour soul and he died before he got admit into the Hospital.


For Multi traffic Problems, One single solution

Lahore is hub with transportation problems. If we want to overcome these problems then we should emphasize our government for making new routes with new roads. The renovation for 12th Century roads is not a solution. We should make specific routes for specific vehicles. Bikes, vans, tractors and Heavy Vehicles can't pass smoothly on a single road. We should make flyovers everywhere. We should make an alternative traffic planing if any deadlocks is seemed. We need better road management and better roads. If Communication gap between different cities is bridged then we can decrease our daily economic loss. I hope, our government will take significant steps for the traffic issues I raised here. We need to raise our voice for rights if we want that a chain of accidents will be broken soon.


This post is my entry for HL Weekly Topic Public Transportation. I hope, you have enjoyed my post. Thanks!

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I guess this is common to all the countries. A country where the government does not care for the masses is no longer a country. Making lives hell through fuel increments is not just worth it.

Fixing those roads is supposed to be the best option.

Dust taking over places and making one look rough is just a result of the kind of government we all have.

It is hard to find people who will be perfect. Yeah, governments should take care of the general public and we should not only decrease fuel prices but also renovate roads.

I wonder why it's so difficult for the government to do the needful knowing fully well these are the needs of her citizens. Over here in my country it's same issue but one way or the other we would survive.

We need to survive in either condition. I hope things will be better in the coming future.

I hope so too

Well I now now that every nation government has that one thing it's citizens complain of. Cos it's same issue here

In all underdeveloped countries, many issues are the same as I mentioned. Thanks for stopping and dropping some words.