I managed to overcome low self esteem by loving who I am.

in #hive-1538502 years ago


It started when I was a kid,I was always scared to talk or confront my mates even when they do something wrong to me,it's not as if I really knew something then but I was scared,there was a time I moved to another school probably primary one class, because I just came primary two seniors wanted to bully me,it wasn't really funny,there was nothing I could do,I was supposed to start from primary two because I was in primary one in my previous school but the new school said I should start from primary one,so the people in primary especially some particular set of girls they always thought they more older than me and I shouldn't talk when they are talking.

The more I grew up the more I feel inferior,I always don't talk,it's not as if I don't have something to say but I feel whenever I talk people might say what is she saying,who ask her to talk,so it was always a difficult thing for me,it was really a difficult thing and I think there are reasons for that back then, sometimes I feel I don't measure up to their standards,I could remember that when I got to secondary school, some of my friends can buy anything but I can't, there was a time me and my friends were contributing money,I don't always contribute everyday because sometimes I don't have money to contribute,when the day finally came to recieve the money I contributed,it was the lowest among all, and it actually made me sad.

My dad believed back then that kids should not have luxury of things, like there is limit to everything they have so they won't get spoilt but to me I was not happy with that,it always makes me angry then.
There was a time also that we had our anniversary at school,it was in a grand style,we all bought the anniversary clothes from school but when the day finally came I didn't have black shoe to wear,the one I had then already torn underneath,I tried to tell my parent but they didn't really take it serious,I was so sad,I wore it to school like that because our principal said it's only black shoe we must wear to compliment the cloth,my friends wore fine shoes but my own shoe was bad,I felt inferior,I couldn't really do much that day because I couldn't really go around with the shoe,I felt like crying but there was nothing I could do,it really did alot of bad than good to me,I couldn't speak out, always silent.

So there was a whole lot of reasons while I felt inferior,they will look down on me then because to them i was a helpless girl that had nothing,but since I grew up I decided to go against inferiority complex in my life,I don't allow anyone to bully me or look down on me again,I'm really better right now.

I realized that irrespective of what I have or don't have people can still look down on me if I allow it and it all starts from loving ourselves,when you love yourself and realize no one can be like you,you won't allow low self esteem,you won't allow anyone to look down on you,so always love yourself.
And I also learnt from own experience that I will make my kids better no matter what, they won't feel inferior to their mates.


I too have a similar experience but the joy is that you are able to build your self-esteem and no one can intimidate you again

Exactly....we shouldn't anyone to or the situation we are in

I know this feeling, especially the one of dressing rough in a 'tattered' wear while others are neatly dressed. That inferiority feeling is always on another level

It was really a bad day,I couldn't move about,I just sat in the class


Loving yourself is the first step into overcoming an inferiority complex, this is rightly said, because we truly don't need others to make us feel less of ourselves, it's all up to us.

Yeah,it's up to us, opinion of others does not really matter.
When we focus on ourselves we will achieve greater things.

You felt that way because you are very young, seeing our mates doing the things we can't do can be truly disheartening. Honestly, I wouldn't fault your parents because they didn't shower you with everything you wanted.

You eventually learned to love yourself regardless and that's the beauty of it all.

Yes it can't be,I was young but that low self esteem I had while growing up really dealt with me, sincerely I would parent should check their kids well because they don't really have knowledge of everything while growing up,so at end they end up feeling bad or lower than others.
Since I became an adult I decided on my own not to allow all,I never allow anything to lower my self esteem again.

My dad believed back then that kids should not have luxury of things, like there is limit to everything they have so they won't get spoilt but to me I was not happy with that,it always makes me angry then.
There was a time also that we had our anniversary at school,it was in a grand style,we all bought the anniversary clothes from school but when the day finally came I didn't have black shoe to wear,the one I had then already torn underneath,I tried to tell my parent but they didn't really take it serious,I was so sad,I wore it to school like that because our principal said it's only black shoe we must wear to compliment the cloth,my friends wore fine shoes but my own shoe was bad,I felt inferior,I couldn't really do much that day because I couldn't really go around with the shoe,I felt like crying but there was nothing I could do,it really did alot of bad than good to me,I couldn't speak out, always silent.

I feel so sorry for you, I also had the experience while growing up, dads don't really care about material things, as long as they can put food on the table... thanks for sharing with us

Yeàh, some dad's don't care about those,all they care about is if you have eaten or not,so that's just it
Thank you,..