How I Escaped The Cage Of Boredom 😩

in #hive-1538502 years ago

Good day great hive minds, I'll love to think that everyone is fine, happy and doing well ♥️😊

People have different methods and ways on how to deal or control mood swings and boredom, some persons love to talk to other people which makes them feel relieved and less burdened, some love listening to music which sooth their mind on whatever they're going through and some people may love to go out for a walk, shopping or to eat just to feel refreshed. Even if these remedies don't last for too long but I know they last more than what some persons do.
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Some persons grog around to ease themselves of boredom, well it also works in a way but just for a short period of time I because, when you get drunk, you only need the time to regain consciousness and then go back to the same depressed and bored you.

Another way people use to change their mood is music, this is one of my most recommended ways to be happy. By just being alone in thier fortress of solitude and Listening to music lifts so many persons spirit up. But mostly introverts love this methods so, how about the extroverts? Because being alone only makes them bored, hungry and add to their minds wings. So, how do they get rid of their mood swings?
It is these set of persons that loves and needs to go out with friends (or alone) have a walk, talk, laugh and engage in fun games with others in order to o feel better and forget any worries at all.
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Some persons who are not really good at socializing like introverts, try to socialize and make friends to ease them from their boredom but it doesn't take long for them to start feeling some effects in their body language and mind. Most times, they start acting irrational and feel uncomfortable at that moment. For people like this, it quite obvious that the way to ease themselves of boredom is by having their alone time with no disturbance. But I do wonder how they cope with being alone.

My Experience With Boredom😩

My worst boredom experience was last month, as the first person to resume for the section in my room, I had no one to talk to except the silly statue which has no reason to be in that room. On a particular day, I finished doing everything I had to do, there was no light to charge my phone to see a movie, play games or call anyone. I tried reading but it just didn't work as I knew the reason behind the action. I tried to sleep too but sleep was far away from me and I had no choice but to start crying lol. I cried for about 30 minutes thinking it'll help me sleep but NOOOO my big eyes just didn't wanna close.
I decided to start selecting my beans I brought to school but I ended up doing nothing but littering the whole place which resulted to me sweeping and mopping again. I didn't know what to do at that point and crazy thoughts started creeping in.
I had no choice but to go to a gaming hall in school which was supposed to be for only boys but I begged to enter and promised to do nothing but sit and watch. That was like the best I dear I had for that day coz I ended up laughing, smiling and went back to my room happy with a fully charged phone lol.....

For me, the best way to get rid of boredom is a change of environment. Leave that place I am at the moment. I want to receive a new feeling of fresh air when I'm bored, I want to see New faces, try new delicacies and talk to people, it replenishes my energy a lot that I forget that I was bored....
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How do you get rid of boredom when you find yourself in that situation?
Thanks for reading to the end guys, I appreciate😊❣️


I once felt this way and the best thing I could do was to relocate, because I was having alot of expectations but the environment I was in was not giving me the vibes, and so I was bored all the time, I had to leave that environment for good.

I think the same work for both of us, cheers to discovering the secret🥂

I used to think that the thing with changing am environment is that, you have to get adapted to the environment no matter what but mehhnn it seems the environment has to get adapted to you lol

Because, no matter how you try to understand that environment at that point, boredom will still rule untill you leave.... I'm happy we both share same thoughts in this one @blacktarri ☺️

I swear, if you like go out with friends, enjoy yourself, have maximize fun, when you are done with all of that, the boredom will kick again even more than it was, so the best thing in such cinerio is to leave that environment.

I understand this I swear!

I wish I had time to be bored, which never happens, so I don't really know what boredom is. There are so many hings to learn and do, that the day is not enough. However, I'm glad you have been able to figure out how to get rid of boredom.

Whao Whao Whao... I love this

Are you kidding me😹....this is quite new to my hearing.

You really don't have time to be bored. Awwwwn, i don't wish for you to be bored though because it's not funny...the feeling ain't nice but you just have to know how it feels one day you know right??

No, I'm not kidding you, I'm actually dead serious and it's sad to see people wasting precious time by being bored.

the feeling ain't nice but you just have to know how it feels one day you know right??

Unless I'll be incapacitated, so sick in bed that I can't even read, that's not going to happen.

Hahaha,, you cried? 😂😂 that was so funny to read.
Yes, when one is bored, crazy and negative thoughts start to creep in and until you find a solution to the boredom, it will continue like that.
I also believe that changing the environment can actually clear boredom and before you know it, you start to get motivated and allow positive thoughts in your mind.

Yes i cried dear😹😹
I was so frustrated that i didn't have any other thing to think
It's nice to know that you think the same way i think on how to get rid of this stuff called boredom ☺️👍

Alright then. Boredom is so bad until we get rid of it on time not to have effect on us on the long run.

I love your vulnerability ma'am.

When I'm bored, I can't deny the impact of music, maybe you need to try new music because I also get tired of songs

I also check my to do lists to see what I can do at the moment

I check myself so far and check for ways I need to improve, I journal all of these

I write like I'm talking to someone and sometimes, I even speak out... This is what led to me creating video contents.

I check through my CL and call a close pal.

Asides music, listening to great podcast channels also (like that if Rob Dial 🤩).

And sometimes.. I just embrace the boredom, lie down and allow myself feel what I'm feeling... Just sometimes.

I agree with everything you've said dearie but you see that part of embracing the boredom!!!!!!

Oh no😹. I just can't, I'll end up crying or doing something very
Thanks for dropping by though ☺️♥️
