50:50 View on Rehab

in #hive-15385029 days ago

I am always of the opinion that change is the only constant thing in life. People change and most times we can likely not predict a person’s change. It is the most constant thing in life but then it is difficult to predict just like the cryptocurrency world. Either way, we speak on things like this based on statistics. We have heard several topics as regards this Rehab, Prisoners, Criminals, and more.

There have been good stories and also there have been terrible stories. We live in a world where crime has become the most common thing to ever exist. These days, people see crime as nothing. For instance, Fraudsters are no longer made to go through a long period of punishment because they pay their way out. People will always be of the opinion that they could pay their way out of any situation and even when they don’t, they will still come out to do worse.


The big question is ” Do I believe in Rehabilitation?” When it comes to this, I think my answer is 50:50, in a way I believe that people could change when they are put in Rehabilitation centers and then I also think that most people can never change even if you take them to the strongest Rehabilitation centers. The world of crimes can never be understood. Most times people are in the world of crimes due to some situations such as low financial resources which isn’t a valid point, but I think if these set of people are put into rehabilitation centers, there could be some change.

There is a Rehab home, a few kilometers away from my home. Some boys from these Rehab homes are naughty and whenever they are asked to come out to clean the environment, along with several inspectors, you see them fighting and also inflicting injuries on some of their colleagues, this is to say that people are beyond Rehab they can not change. Some people have made up their minds to die in a life of crimes and it has become part of their lifestyle.

Rehabilitation centers are good and I have seen and heard people who were hardened criminals but left Rehab a changed person. I have also heard of people who have left Rehab and come out and become worse. You can not determine a person’s interior motives or if a person will change or not.


Sometimes I feel that the Rehabilitation Centers are good while sometimes I feel that most criminals should be given their punishment as no rehabilitation center can ever change them. They even come out worse and give the rehabilitation facility a bad name. This is a dilemma but then I think the Rehabilitation facility is trying its best. It is not easy changing a dangerous man to a good man. So when it comes to this, my thoughts are 50:50, i want these Rehabilitation facilities because there have been stories of good people born out of hardened criminals.

It’s just a thing of the mind. In a way, these Rehabilitation facilities are good and have been helping but then most times I just want some bad people given their rightful punishment.


All images used are mine except otherwise stated

Thanks for stopping by💕
Cheers 🥂

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Our opinion regarding rehabilitation is similar, rehab is a complex process especially when dealing with unpredictable creatures like humans. It is always hard to tell sometimes if rehab is the best solution for some hardened criminals but then there are cases when such people also change for the better, it makes you wonder, what exactly trigger that change in them? Is it the rehab or there is something else to it.

The truth is rehabilitation centres in Nigeria are not even making it easier because there was a time I visited a correctional center in Ogun State, we got to one division, even the officers were scared of getting close to some criminals to show how far gone they were.

I think I'm in full agreement with your view, some people might come out from a rehab with a changed life while others will never change irrespective of the measures implored to make them better.


Thank you so much

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Whenever those people come out and start fighting, please record them and share to me, I'd like to watch. Lol😅
This is nice 👍
