Risky Loans Can Make You Lose A Valuable Relationship.

in #hive-1538502 years ago

We all know the saying that everything you do in life involves risk. Some risks are minimal while some are outrageous, but we still had to take one of them at some point in our lives. Also at some point we even have to risk our lives to save our lives if you know what I mean.


When it comes to loans both big and small it is still risky. You can talk about something important to everyone called money and don't involve risk on it.

Before giviing out a loan there is always trust within the person giving the loan and the person receiving it, if not it would not be possible to part away with your money just like that.

The moment when a loan becomes risky is when there is a doubt on the person that you are giving the loan to, there is this feeling inside you that makes you feel the person might not be able and capable to pay back the loan or their would be a delay in the repayment process. The truth about it we know that the person would not be able to pay back at the promise time, but due to the critcal situation of the person in need of the loan, you are being forced bu conscience not withstanding the risk involved.

I have seen and experience different kinds of risky loan, and some did not end well. Most closed friendship has ended because of risky loans, even families are fighting within themselves because of it. When you are not able to pay back a risky loan it sometimes tarnish your reputation and most especially your trust.

I have also had an experienced of giving out loan at my own risk. Mine occured when I was in college, I had this friend who was very close to me and he was also my course mate. we did things together and we render help to each other with the little way we can.

There was a semester this my friend was struggling and due the challenges he was facing, he was not able pay his tuition fees, and there was a policy of no school fees no exams in the college.

It was getting close to exams and this my friend hasn't find any means to get his school fees paid, it became a big burden to him and he was very confused and depressed.

The bigger problem came when he met me and told me that I was his only hope right now. I was very confused and thought about how I was the only hope for him, I barely have enough to take care of myself, the money I had was just to feed myself and there was no miscellaneous so how am I of help in this situation?

My friend insist that I should just help him that he promise to repay me with interest. He had told me earlier that his uncle promised him money but the date set was after the deadline of the fees payment which will be useless after then.

It was hard for me, but through pity and conscience I made a very big sacrifice by giving my friend the only money I had to feed myself and the decision was never easy to take.

He finally paid and wrote the exam, but when it was the time to pay back my money I was hearing different and super story. I felt very bittered because I had nothing with me but this my friend was given me excuses.

I couldn't take any bad decision because he was still my friend. That loan extended to the next semester and even to the next session and my friend could not repay me.

I lost my trust for him and the friendship looks like it was not strong again, even when I tried to act like nothing happened but it was not working. My friend noticing it was worried and I did not noticed.

Then one faithful day I got an alert and afterwards I received a call, it was Freind calling me if the I had received money which I said yes. Initially I told him why he sent the money that I have already forgotten about it, in my mind that was a lie, I have been waiting for the money and I was indirectly keeping malice with him hahaha... He said I should not worry that he got a job in a mini factory and they paid him his first salary which he sent some to me, we laughed at each other after a long time of avoidance and that was how it ended.

Like I said earlier life is all about risk, so when you give out loans know it is also risky. Whenever you are faced with the situation when the person you gave out the loan to is not able to pay, don't be too quick to anger or quick to take bad actions, life happens to everyone and something can change at any moment. Just be patient and wait for the right time. Don't loose valuable relationship because of risky loans, you made the choice by yourself, you should have known the risk involved.

Thanks for stopping by.