So, the topic we’re talking about today is one that has been on the mind of many people for quite some time. Why do people own more cars than they can drive at the same time? There are so many reasons people would have to buy numerous cars. Simply because they can afford it, maybe because they have a large family and as such need more than one vehicle, or simply for the affluence that comes with it.
Having multiple cars in your garage, even though they’re cars that you only get into once a year, can be a thing of pride to many people. It’s a sure sign that you’re rich and anyone at all that hears of that will know at once that you’re not one to be trifled with.
Cars will always be a symbol of status, whether we like it or not. That’s why until tomorrow, we’ll see celebrities boasting about the new cars that they added to their fleet. Many of them probably don’t buy the cars, they just rent them and claim to buy them. But it doesn’t matter, just the perception of owning multiple cars elevates one’s status.
But then, is all this good? Is it right that one individual can own more cars than he can drive at once? Honestly, as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t really change anything. Passing a law that will make families own only one car will not do anything to reduce the amount of pollution that destroys our atmosphere on a daily basis. I don’t think it’ll make any difference.
Let me paint a picture; imagine there are only a hundred families in this world, some families own at least ten cars, others own just one and some don’t even have a car at all. They have to rely on public transport for their movements. When a tally is run, it’s found that while there are over 300 cars in circulation, on any given day, only about 70-80 cars will be on the road.
However, on the other hand, when the law is passed that only one car to a family, every family will be forced to buy only one. Now, for the companies to sell as many as possible, they’d make their cars more affordable, so that even the poor would be able to afford it. So now, all hundred families have a car. When the tally is run, there will only be a hundred cars in circulation, but on any given day, there will always be a hundred cars on the road!
I think it’s a good thing that we can’t be in two places at once, because I’m sure that if people could, they’d drive two cars at once. However, that can’t happen. Even if you have a billion cars, you can only drive them one at a time. At the very least, each member of your family will get one for their movement, but everything else will stay in your garage, gathering dust. It’s not polluting the air there, is it?
There’s only one benefit to such a law that I can see so far, and I mentioned it in that scenario. This law would make cars more affordable. Right now, the rich are the ones making things hard for us because of their ability to buy things easier than everyone else. So, this would limit the customers that the car companies would have and force them to make the cars more affordable so they can sell more. However, it would only mean that there would be more cars on the road. More traffic, more pollution, and what have you?
Things are going well enough as it is. Let people own as many cars as they want. If you can afford it, then by all means, knock yourself out. After all, if not that I was taught that too much of everything is bad, what are ten cars that I can’t buy at once? I would have bought it just to make a point, but then, I don’t see the point. Hehe…😂
So, I don’t support such a rule biko. Let there be freedom to own as many cars as you wish.
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