Is This Really A Blessing?

in #hive-153850last year



Blessings in disguise are easily one of the best things to happen to people. They just sneak into your life when you least expect it, and over time, they turn into something so good and beautiful. Makes you grateful for whatever trouble and suffering you had to endure as a result.

It’s safe to assume that many of us have found ourselves in such situations over the years. At least at one time or the other, we have been blessed in a way that we never expected. Thereby turning what should have been a bad thing into something good and beautiful. And I’m no different.

Some people come into our lives to serve one purpose and that’s all they’ll ever do. The moment they’re done with that, they move on because they were never meant to be with us in the long run. The purpose could be bad, just as well as it could be good. The thing is that once it’s done, nature will have no reason to keep them with you so they’ll gradually pull away.

However, in the time leading to that definitive moment, they can be anything at all. Good, bad, just something enough to keep them on your radar until they can fulfill their purpose in your life. And for me, I had an encounter with such a person, and believe me when I say this, it was not a good kind.


The guy used to live in my area, back in Lagos. At first, we were just strangers, but you know how when you keep seeing the same face over and over, you eventually start to greet each other because you can recognize yourselves? Yeah, that’s how it was for us. We didn’t have any mutual friends or anything, we simply gravitated toward each other.

The time we bonded was over a rude trader. We went to buy something from the same shop and the woman was nonchalant, simply watching a movie on her phone and telling us to wait for her sister to come. At first, we believed maybe something was wrong with her for which she couldn’t get up to answer us. However, to our shock, we saw her get up and make her way to the deep freezer where she pulled out a soft drink for herself. When we demanded that she answer us, she said it was her sister’s shop and we had to wait.

What we needed to buy was pretty simple, just hand it over and take the money. I couldn’t wait, and neither could the guy. That was how we walked out of the shop and as we went to another shop, we talked. Along the way, the bond was formed. And from then, we became friends. We no longer just said hi to each other when we bumped into each other on the road, instead, we stopped and had conversations.


One day, he approached me and asked for my help. Before now, I already told him about how handy I could be when it came to appliances. Although at the time, the only thing I had actually been handy with was sockets and switches, however, motivational speakers had me believing I was handy with so much more. Lol. And that was how I communicated it to him.

He believed me. He told me one time that he got some ceiling fans and needed help installing them. I agreed to help him. Installing a ceiling fan is not difficult at all, as long as you have the manual. I went to his place and this guy not only bought a ceiling fan, he also bought a GoTV decoder, a new flat-screen TV, and some other gizmos. It was a feat, yeah but all these things had to be installed and that would take a lot of time. I came to his house believing it was only for the fan.

But then, I stayed and chose to help him. Every single thing I did there that day, I did it for the first time. Installing the fans, pinning the TV on the wall, assembling the GoTV antenna and setting it up for use, and even setting up his sound system. It’s all pretty easy, you just have to be patient enough to go through the manual carefully. As easy as it is though, it was a lot of work. We spent hours doing it and by the end of the day, I was sweaty and dirty.


When it was over, everything worked perfectly. We watched TV for a while, and the only form of refreshment he gave me was pure water to drink. This hurt my feelings because I spent so much time doing this, I worked on it like they were my gadgets. Now, he was my guy, I didn’t expect him to pay me or anything. But he was supposed to show appreciation, even if it was food. He could give me food to eat or even N1k would have gone far.

And I told him straight up, that after everything I did for him, I deserved more than just pure water. If I refused to do that, he would have had to hire someone and they would have charged him nothing less than 7k. He had to give me something even if it was to buy soft drinks. He assured me that he knew all that, he then said he had done so much spending and was short on cash, but he would see me later. Lamba!

I left that day, and I and the guy never met again. We saw each other on the street, but our conversations became forced and eventually, we stopped saying even hi to each other. Back to where we started. And I didn’t mind. I didn’t want to be with someone who didn’t know how to appreciate the good done to him.

As luck would have it, about a month later, I was walking down an adjacent street of mine when I saw an old man struggling with his mounted GoTV antenna. I know the man very well and so I approached him to help. He said it wasn’t receiving a signal anymore, and he had turned it all the way but it wasn’t working. I studied it and noticed that the cord was not properly fastened to the antenna which I fixed. I also helped him reset the antenna and turned it away from the trees so he could get a better signal. The man was impressed and told me to take anything from his shop, I settled for Indomie Hungry man size and two eggs. However, I also told him that he could tell his friends about me. And I listed out everything I did at my friend’s house.


From this man, I was able to make around 15-20k just from installing gadgets, mounting antennas, and fixing TVs to the walls. After the old man, I started charging for my service. It wasn’t exorbitant because I didn’t need the money. The gigs were far apart and I was a bit scared to be honest because I was handling new things and I knew that any slip could mean huge trouble for me. I was careful though, extremely careful. And I never ruined anyone’s gadgets.

I never considered it as work, because as a source of income, it was extremely unreliable. But I still made a lot of money from it and now it might seem small, but I used it to cause small trouble back then. And all this would not have been possible if I hadn’t done that act for my friend. After we stopped talking, I was left with regret for doing that, because I felt like he just used me. But in the end, it only made me realize just how skillful I was when it came to handling gadgets and that brought me some cool cash.

We still don’t talk. Next time I go to Lagos, if I see him on the road I’ll still pretend he’s invisible. Despite the blessing that came from our encounter, I still can’t be with someone like him who will so easily use someone. Because if I turn the other cheek now, in the future he’s only going to do much worse. So, good riddance to bad rubbish!


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the first topic of this week which is Blessing In Disguise Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images are mine.

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Exactly. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Some people can be so mean and cruel. Imagine him offering you pure water for something he could have spent a lot of money on. So sad but people like him are ungrateful and do not show appreciation to anyone. It's good you distanced yourself from such an ingrate.

Omo... I can't keep having things to do with him because I'll never forget what he did and that alone has poisoned my mind against him. So I'll simply keep my distance biko.

Hmmm! I never knew.
Well, he wanted someone who would do free work for him on an empty stomach without getting anything in return which is bad enough.
Thankfully the old man helped you in more ways than one.

People are like that. They take and take without ever looking to give back. And that's just wickedness.

Pure wickedness.

This indeed is a blessing in disguise!

Let me just call him an ungrateful because what he did was so unfair and it is even funny
This is why you see that people don't like to go extra mile for others because they know that people can be very dissapointing

Exactly, people choose not to help because they know it won't be appreciated. It's only where one is appreciated that they keep doing good.

he gave me was pure water to drink.

😅😅😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Only a glass of water. I think he forgot to drink half glass of water. 😂😂

Jokes a part. I think that kind of people should need to be avoided by us. You have done a lot but he didn't appreciate you and just used you whenever he needed help. You might be able to see his real face if you see did something wrong with his gadgets.
Whatever, those things make you realized how skillful you are indeed a great blessing.

Yeah... If something has happened while handling his things, and maybe one of them broke, it would have turned into something else entirely. You're very correct!
Thank God it didn't.

Some people don't just have sense, I know I sound rude but that's just the fact. How can a person be work for you for hours and the only thing you could give was pure water? Since he knows he was not having anything to give you, he should have atleast told you before you started the work so that you can zero your mind on that. Maybe he was feeling you guys are friends, so there's no need for proper appreciation. That was very bad of him. Well, I am happy that atleast encountering him not only gave you an experience, but opened you up to an opportunity. Nevertheless please when next you see him try and say hi, it won't cost you anything. We are wired differently, it's possible that his level of understanding is not matured enough yet. Not everyone is as strong and as wise as we are. So, give it a try

Omo... I don't think I will o.
I've forgiven him and moved on, but I've not forgotten and that alone will tarnish whatever it is I try to build with him again. So I don't see the point decieving myself and pretending I'm cool with him when I know I'm not.

Make all of us just dae biko😪

Hahha.. my boss.. it's okay, the choice is yours sir

That's awful, he should have at least appreciated your efforts. Your experience that day didn't go to waste and I think the only reason why you met in the first place was to learn and build your confidence about those things you fixed for him.

It's funny how life brings people into our lives for just one reason. If he had given you something that day, you would have stayed longer at his place and might not get to see the old man struggling with the antenna.

Some people indeed have only one thing to bring to our lives, and for him, it was to show me my proficiency when it came to gadgets.

About the old man, I met him later on. Not the same day. But if not for my friend, I would not have known that I could actually help the man.

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Eii... Just pure water?? That was callous of him, man. Very very callous. He had already planned to use you, and to even keep using you if you had not changed it for him. Just keep on with your invisible convo.

On the bright side, that encounter opened up that techy side of you. And, just like you, man, these things come naturally to me. Truth be told, though, the manual often suffices.

Some people are just ungrateful, and they're good at hiding it.

Sometimes, the way others react to manuals make you think it's written in a different language. But for me, I can easily install anything as long as it's clearly written in the manual.