There are so many things that are wrong with our school system today. It has never been perfect, but I believe that we had it better back in the day. When I think about it, I’m forced to admit that there are a lot of things the coming generation of students will never get to enjoy, and that’s just sad.
These days, schools are no longer concerned about the wellbeing of the students anymore, they’re only concerned about the money they make. They’re concerned about the number of students that enroll and the amount they get to charge them, and all that matters is that they keep getting more and more students.
The only school system I feel still acts in the best interest of the students is the government schools. I went to one from my junior secondary up to my senior secondary and I can tell you that to date, they’re the one set that really cares about students. Maybe because in government schools, money is never the issue. Everything is covered by the government, we don’t pay school fees and they give us some textbooks. So, since the hunger for money isn’t there, the school focuses on actually impacting knowledge to the kids.
Schools these days don’t allow their students to have enough fun. There’s this private school in my area, the only time you hear the voice of the children is during assembly when they’re singing and praying. After all that, it’s zilch. You won’t even hear them during break time because the school has made having fun a crime.
I don’t really know about much but most schools these days don’t allow their kids to play football, like, how is that even possible? During my time, football was food for a lot of people, that was how many of us discovered our talents. Then, there were dancers, actors, and other form of extra-curricular activities. It’s saddening that we don’t have these practices as before, instead, students get to do debate, trivia, maths pop quizzes, and the like. How can such students be happy?
Although government schools still allow their students to play football, I don’t think such students can be stopped from playing. Hehe… My main focus though is on private schools and how they box in their students just because they want to maintain a particular reputation.
And then, one thing that students enjoy these days is the ease at which so many things can be done. Thanks to the internet, and with projectors and all, teaching has been made easier. Parents can keep better track of their students simply by joining the same WhatsApp forum where all announcements will be dropped.
Although, when we think about it, the internet poses problems as well, the benefits far outweigh the risks. It’s easier now for parents to keep track of their children’s academic life while they’re busy with their work and whatnot. All these were not really possible back in the day, but now it’s at the forefront and helping for a better schooling experience.
I just hope that these schools will learn and try to act more in favor of the students than for their money. But then, note that the private schools I mentioned are based on the ones I’ve observed in my neighborhood here. Private schools in your area may be different, so the problem I raised might not exist in yours. But then, since it exists somewhere, then it has to be fixed, right?