There’s one thing I’ve kinda noticed about people and it can be quite annoying. We all seem to have this anger buried deep within us, and we just transfer it to an easy target, even though that should not be the case. We leave who we should be mad at and then focus all the hate and negative energy on people who don’t deserve it.
Maybe this is an unconscious effort because we can’t actually go after who we’re really mad at, we know we would never be able to touch them and whatever we end up doing may go unnoticed or even put us in trouble. So, we do the one we can. Unleash it on those around us.
What the hell am I even talking about?!
The other evening, I was strolling in my area to get some things when a nice car drove past. With the windows rolled down, it was easy to see that it was a young guy behind the wheel. As he kept driving on, there was a guy at the edge of the road that was in the path of the car. Even though the driver honked several times, the guy kept walking nonchalantly, until the driver was forced to swerve out of the way to avoid hitting him.
Later on, as I walked past the guy, I could hear him muttering something like, “he should have hit me first na, then I will make him regret ever buying a car.” I didn’t engage the guy in any conversation and just continued on my journey because I knew from experience that people like him were just perpetually angry and if you fell into their traps, they could easily turn you into one of them.
This is not the first time I’ve noticed people being angry at others for no reason at all. And usually, the target for this is usually young boys who are doing well. If a young guy is driving a car, it would seem as if the entire world is waiting for him to make a mistake, and the minute that happens, they pounce on him. It’s appalling.
Many times, young people complain of getting harassed by the police. But many times, the issue is never the police. The people around them can also be an issue. It’s just as if being young and rich is now a crime. People don’t even want to know what you do for a living, they only care that you have more money than they do, and in their books, it’s an offense punishable by law.
I know that much of this anger is well-grounded, especially for those who have been victims of fraud in the past. But you can’t tell a fraudster just by merely looking at them. Unless you know for sure, never judge people and punish them for a crime you assume they committed.
There are many people who deserve all this anger, the police, the government, our corrupt leaders… not your neighbors who just happen to own a car. You don’t know if it was gifted to him by his uncle abroad, or maybe it was a part of the perks of working in his company. You simply hate them because they have more than you!
We can do better, as a people. All this negative energy is not needed. If we keep hating on people who have more than us, how can we aspire to have more than we currently do? That’s not how this works. If you wanna be blessed, you have to be happy for those who have been blessed as well. And unless you’ve proved beyond all reasonable doubt that they’re criminals, then there’s no need to punish them for anything.
Even then, they still belong to the law to be punished accordingly.