Times Have Changed!!!

in #hive-15385028 days ago

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It feels like while technology and civilization keep expanding and evolving, some things don’t really get better. While one problem is solved, yet another problem comes up to take its place. Probably one that is tougher and as a direct result of the previous solution. This is the kind of life we’ve found ourselves in and at this point, there is nothing we can do. We simply do what we can and cope.

For this week, one of the topics we talked about was conspiracy theories, and reading so many posts on the topics, especially from my Nigerian friends, I was reminded of a lot of things that we were told as kids. Many of them were simply told to us to prevent us from straying from the path laid out for us. However, we ran with it and believed it with everything that we had.


These things were so many; if you follow a stranger or take something from them, you’ll be kidnapped, if you pick something from the floor you’ll turn into a yam or a goat, anything that touches the floor belongs to the devil, that kids are the leaders of tomorrow, and if you’re talking during church service God will come down from heaven to make you stop… I could go on and on about these theories. However, it’s safe to say that when all was said and done, we didn’t see anything. We came to the same conclusion that it was all farce.

However, these theories were needed because, without them, so many of us would not have made it through childhood. Back then, things were so much different and easier. That was a time when ritual killings were still kind of rampant, yet in some way, that period is still safer than today. That was a period where you could play outside for hours and your parents will not be concerned about your well-being simply because they knew that as long as there are adults around, every child in the street was under supervision.


Back then, we went to school ourselves and returned ourselves. Of course, we always got sidetracked, we always played and played until our uniforms got so dirty it was as if we went for a mudbath. Yet, we always returned. This was because we all had the stories in our head, and the one rule for every child; “if someone you don’t know is coming towards you or giving you anything, scream!” Only God knows how many kids this particular rule saved.

Sadly though, all this are in the past. The trust neighbors had among themselves is gone. Then, you could easily send your kids to their friends house and you won’t mind if they eat anything there. But today, that’s different. Everyone is now so guarded, we all keep our kids under lock and key. People are avoiding see-finish and they simply don’t trust their neighbors anymore. These days, if you so much suggest a parenting tip to some people, they’ll almost want to arrest you. That’s how bad it is.

For some reason though, now that parents are more guarded about their children, I still don’t think they’re safe. Now that kids no longer easily fall for the scams of being leaders of tomorrow and turning into yams and goats, now that kids know that there are friends and foe, there are still so many victims. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?


It’s especially worse now because your child could not be safe in the neighborhood, but he could go online and still not be safe either. Everywhere you turn, there’s one attack or the other to shield them from. So, honestly, is there a way we can go back to the society of the past? Now, you can’t even allow your child to be out of your sight for five minutes because you could very well lose him. You can’t trust the male friends your daughter keeps because you can’t trust their upbringing and the things they’re exposed to. Threat is everywhere, left, right, and center.

So yes, while technology and evolution has made things better and have helped us debunk all these theories, it has also removed the very essence of what made us a community. That thing that made us all bond together and made the statement “it takes a whole village to raise a child” very true.

Now, all it requires to raise a child is a single person. And that is never enough.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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