in #hive-153850last year

He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing is how the holy bible book puts it and so over the weekend my boss here in the land of Abeokuta walked down the isle with her husband on the life long journey of marriage.

As an event decorator coming from the southern part of our country Nigeria to the west was a dream come through for me and then as a student who wanted to make ends meet for my self I decided to search for event planners and decoration brands in the city using social media

This is how I meet Damieghold as her brand is popularly called we got talking and I discovered she finished her university education here in FUNAAB federal university of agriculture Abeokuta.

Something in July I had a job with her and she told me her wedding was coming up and she would like me to be part of the decoration team I agreed and over the weekend it happened

The whole event was planed by both the bride and brides mom who happens to be the one who introduced the bride to Event business yeah Glorious events is her brand name, decoration started on Tuesday with church decoration which took place till Wednesday evening and then on Thursday morning the decoration of the reception venue kicked off at Providence event center very close to OOPL COMPLEX.

Because OF school activities I joined the team on Friday morning and we worked together till the early ours of Saturday morning all hands were on deck as some groups handled table arrangements and placement of accessories on the tables as well as chair arrangement, some other groups were worked on the fabrics, stage and lighting were also handled by other small groups all working together to achieve a common goal of making the event memorable



The event was graced by individuals from within and outside of Ogun state as it had royal fathers and other dignitaries fram various works of life being the event of a vendor

The couples and families went to church for the blessings and there after came for the reception which was a three in one party cause the event started with the engagement with some traditional activities.


Immediately after the engagement the couples went out to have a change of clothes, while they were out the DJ Shinani trilled the audience with danceable tunes.

The couples rejoin the event as they danced to beautiful tunes from the DJ shortly after their entrance the spiritual father of the day made an opening prayer the MC took the stage as he made the audience to play some games while he also cracked some helarious jokes soon it was time for the cutting of the cake and then the couples feed each other.

The couples had their first public dance together as a life band graced the atmosphere with some old love songs after wards it was time for the bride to dance with her dad and the groom also got his moment to dance with his mum on stage

Food began to go round as there were different delicacies from fried rice to jollof rice to various kinds of soups



The after party was put together by friends of the bride and groom they sang and danced along side the music friends of the bride and groom danced together with the couple until the couples were ready to to say hi goodbye the event finally came to an end with the vote of thanks by the groom and there after the closing prayers was made and the event finally brought to an end.

Thank you for stopping by my blog see you on the next ✌️