Generally as humans and especially as adults, we are saddled with the responsibility of making decisions in a lot of situations and a lot of times as well. It shapes how our life is and determines how things get to be in our lives. However, because we are not perfect and we definitely do not see the future, some of our decisions turns out to be the best while some turn out to be a nightmare. Coping with the turnout of events also vary from one person to another.
I consider myself a critical thinker, but I am not even going to lie, I sometimes overdo it and it eventually affects my choices. I tend to overthink about things a lot and paint a lot of scenarios in my head. The only silver lining is that, most times, I see things coming, even the disappointments. So, it’s not entirely a bad thing, but I have realized it’s important to know how to not overdo it.
Some decisions actually don’t need to stress over it too much, it’s either it works or it doesn’t. However, it still depends on you to make that decision and be responsible for the results that come after. I think this is the hardest part of decision making—taking responsibility. Because apparently, the outcome of our decisions can either be good or bad.
The first step I take before making any decision is to critically take a look at the situation of things. Then, I weigh the available options after. This might leave me to be indecisive sometimes and that can lead to three things. It’s either I just simply go with one I feel might be the best option, or I over analyze the situation (not so healthy though), or I just seek another person’s point of view on the situation. This works like magic because I get more clarity of the decision to take.
Honestly, this doesn’t come with a timeframe because again, the situations can be different. So, basically, it’s until I gain clarity on a situation that I go ahead to make decisions on then. I know it’s important to not take too much time, so I always keep that in mind.
Life goes on! I check if there is a remedy to the situation (life gives second chances sometimes) and if there isn’t, I just accept it, get wiser, and handle things better next time. ’There is no need crying over spilt milk’, I always tell myself that. I used to get so worked up about things and when I realized that it actually does more harm than good to me, I took a chill pill and chose the better approach to it. In life, things won’t always go one’s way, disappointment is inevitable. That is why it is just better to keep an open mind, even to life itself.
Thanks for reading❤️