Juliet was very annoyed as she walked into her mom's room, her first clenched, her eyes in rage, she stood for a while, looking from side to side as she yelled out, “Mom!”, “Mom!”. Her mom was arranging her clothes in the wardrobe when she heard her daughter's voice.

She said “ Yes? Why are you yelling my name in such a manner? Did something bad happen?”

Juliet said, “ Yes Mom, Yes. How could you do such a thing, Mom?”. Her high tone suddenly reduced.

“What have I done dear?” Her mom said, facing her daughter with her clothes still in her hands.

“Mom, how could you agree to sell me off to that man, when you know very well that I don't love him”, Juliet said, pointing in another direction where no one was.

“Ohh, is it James? He's a good man don't worry, he'll make a good husband” she replied as she continued arranging her clothes.

“Mom, I would rather die than marry someone I do not love, he isn't the one for me mom, I don't love him and I won't marry him!” She said as she folded her hands beneath her breasts.

Her Mom on hearing this, stopped what she was doing, held her shoulder, pointed towards the bed and said “My daughter, sit let me tell you something”. They both sat down, she then faced her daughter who was still annoyed and not looking. She knew her daughter was serious about what she said so she needed to convince her about this marriage.


“My daughter, I am your mother and I want the very best for you. James is a very good man and wants to help in paying for your father's hospital bills, but he says he wants to marry you in return, could you imagine such a favour?” she said.

“But I don't love him, Mom, you accepted his offer without hearing from me Mom, why?” Juliet said, this time looking at her Mom.” He's not the man I want, I can't marry him!”

“ My daughter be calm” she said, patting her shoulder,” This would benefit both our family and you also, imagine being the daughter of a rich billionaire and having money to buy……..”.

“ Mom, why are you so selfish and care so little about someone else, this isn't fair,” Juliet said, almost breaking into tears.” I'm in love with Philip and I love him so much, how could I leave……”.

“ That wretched boy, who can't even fend for himself?” Her Mom said.

“Mom, Philip isn't wretched, he's trying”, she said.

After some moments of argument, Juliet left the room sobbing with tears in her eyes, she saw that her Mom's mind was made up and she couldn't change it. Her Mom saw her daughter leaving and told her,” You must marry him Julie, whether you like it or not, so prepare”.

On hearing this, Juliet ran out of the house as fast as her limbs could take her. Her Mom felt bad but her mind was made up. As Juliet left, her Mom said to herself,” What has this stupid boy put in my daughter's head? My God!”. She then continued packing her clothes. She wanted her daughter to get married to James Stuart, a rich billionaire, who wants to help support her husband's hospital bills but wants to marry her beautiful daughter in return. James is a tall-skinned guy with curly dark hair and broad shoulders who owns a big multi-million company. He fell in love with Juliet and wanted to marry her, but Juliet, however, didn't love him but was in love with Philip, her boyfriend. James promised to pay for the hospital bills of Mr Andrew, Juliet's Dad if he marries her daughter. Mrs Andrew accepted the offer. Juliet got annoyed when she heard of this and went on to confront her adamant mother.

Juliet felt so sad and left the house to her boyfriend's place. Philip lived in a rented small apartment a few blocks from Juliet's house. Juliet often slept over at his place if she wanted to. She loved him. When she came in, she was subbing slightly and her face looked so dull. When Philip saw her, he was perplexed and wondered what happened.

He asked, “ Babe what's wrong, why are you crying?”.

Juliet, trying to clean up her tears, said,” Nothing”.

“Come on, what's going on, something must have happened to make my baby cry, so tell me, what happened?”. She was still trying to clean up her tears. “Hope nothing bad has happened to Dad?, hope he's still fine, is he worse? Come on, say something”. He said putting his hands on her beautiful face, using his thumbs to clean up her tears.” Tell me babe, what happened?”

After some soft sobs, she said “My Mom wants to sell me off to a man just because he agreed to pay for my dad's hospital bills”.

“What do you mean?” he said, with his face having a mixed feeling of surprise and anger.

“Mom wants me to marry someone I don't love” she replied.

“How could she say such a thing, after everything? I helped and assisted her in the little way I could and what she could do was pay me back with this?” He said.

“She didn't even ask for my opinion, now she wants to sell me off like some dog or something” she said.

“But do you love him?” Philip asked.

“ Nooo!” She said, her eyes slightly surprised at the question.

“Will you marry him?” He asked again.

“Nooo!” She said.

“Are you s….” She used her fingers to shut his lips and then leaned forward to kiss him. His lips were soft and they kissed each other gradually, softly and warmly.

Then she said, “I'll only marry you, my love”.


They both continued kissing each other. The kiss was so intense, that they moved towards the bed. While kissing, she took off his clothes and his broad chest was open, they continued kissing, and then he took off her shirt. She was wearing a black shirt with the writing “feeling strong” on the back. He then took off her bra and kept kissing her. They were breathing heavily as they kissed each other. They cuddled and fondled for 15 minutes after which they slept.

The next morning, when she woke up, she was feeling a little bit tired. Philip had prepared and was about to go to work. He then came towards the bed and kissed her on the cheek.

“Hey babe, Good morning, how are you doing?” He said.

“Good love” she replied, still feeling dizzy.

“I wanna go to work dear” he said.

“Alright dear, take care, love you,” she said.

“Love you too,” he said and kissed her again. He left.

Soon after he left, she rushed into the toilet and vomited. She then tested herself and saw she was pregnant. At first, she was happy, then she remembered about her proposed marriage and her countenance fell. She knew she had to figure out something quickly. She couldn't leave her Dad to die, although she didn't love James, she wanted to help her Dad and would feel bad if she was the cause of her father's death. There in the bathroom, she washed her mouth, washed her face, and was staring at the mirror right in front of her, thinking………………

If you were Julie, what would you do, would you save your Dad and get married to someone you don't love or would you run away with the person you love?

Did you find this interesting?

I intend writing more episodes so more coming up……