Being A Vegan Is Not A Big Deal

in #hive-15385016 days ago

Being A Vegan Is Not A Big Deal

Photo by Wendy Wei

We are uniquely made, each of us has what we prefer in everything in life. Sometimes these choices are triggered by our environments, family, personal experiences, and so on.

When it comes to food, I don't have a particular class that I prefer the most. Whether vegetables or animal products, I am in for all. What really matters to me is the food should be well prepared.

I reckon myself lucky to be that way because, with this kind of economy, a person who is either solely dependent on vegetables or animal products alone will be in trouble, except if the person is well-to-do. These days we eat anything that comes our way as long as it is a balanced diet, LOL.

If not for any reason, I think it would do us good if we are able to create a balance and adapt in both situations, consuming both vegetables and animal products.

It may sound difficult to people who are already accustomed to one kind of food, like vegetarians but it's very possible to change to fit into whatever situation, it will only take consistency in training ourselves.

The reason why I said that is because we don't know the kind of situation we will find ourselves in. We may probably find ourselves in situations where what we are used to eating won't be available, it would be so unfortunate if we didn't provide a room in our body to accommodate the latest change.

Is being a vegan something I can attempt?

The answer is a big "Yes," being that I already love vegetables a lot. Recently I have been compelling my mom to make spinach stew for us every Sunday, she got tired and decided to stop, lol. I love seeing those greeneries.

It's very easy to survive solely on vegetables, they are always available and also very affordable. One thing I also love about vegetables and fruits is the fact that they contain little to no side effects.

There is no limit to how much we can consume. Instead of causing us harm, they contain vitamins and minerals that build our bodies and provide immunity to them to combat diseases.

Being a vegan won't be a big deal for me. If I should find myself in an environment where I am surrounded by only fruits and vegetables, I am so sure that I'll cope.

How long can I go?

I can go as long as it will take being a vegan. It's already my thing and coupled with the fact that my system is built to adapt to any situation I present to it. I am sure, I can live years being a vegan and I'll be okay with it.

Is it healthy?

Well, for food to be considered balanced no matter how rich and excellent it is, it must consist of all the other classes of foods.

There's nothing wrong with being a vegetarian but I think our bodies need other products too. Being solely a vegetarian might make our bodies lack certain nutrients and that's not good.

Left to me, it's best we embrace all, vegetables, meat, and everything, let us have it all so that our bodies can get the adequate nutrients it deserves.

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