Dear Next Generation 

in #hive-1538502 months ago

Dear Next Generation

Photo by SHVETS production

When I see how things are going in our generation I get hurt so much. The way youths are messing up their lives doing just anything to get riches is giving me cause for concern each day.

Honestly, each time I remember that I'll have kids someday, fear grips me. I am just wondering how the next generation is going to be if things continue like this.

If I have the chance to talk to the coming generation, one thing I am going to say to them is they should take their time and get a profitable skill, whether digital or offline while they are still young.

I discovered that the reason why most people are into all kinds of crimes is poverty. In a country like Nigeria, our parents believe that education is a success. They can spend everything they have just to ensure their children go to school.

In their day, when things were good, education really paid off but nowadays, it's the opposite. When you finish school and return home, they start expecting you to start taking responsibility, when you fail to do so, it becomes a problem.

There are so many graduates on the ground with fewer job opportunities.
One's certificate is not a guarantee for a job. It's so bad that we put so much confidence that the government will provide jobs for us.

That mentality has crippled a lot of people. Imagine how painful it is to spend your time and resources in school with the hope that as soon as you graduate you will get a job and start up a life, only to graduate and keep dropping applications without getting a response and your family and life is on your neck.

It will take a strong-hearted person to remain decent and hold onto a peanut salary most private organizations offer in this kind of situation.

I wish I had someone who opened up these realities to me while I was much younger. The chances of the government offering you a job are less. So be wise, don't go to school expecting the government to offer you a job by the end of the day.

Be the government of yourself, while you have time, learn a skill. Being self-employed and being the boss of yourself. If you check around very well you will discover that those who have a skill always have money flowing to them.

I was with a friend a few days ago who is a tailor. He was telling me how he makes 150,000 Naira suits for people. I was like "Wow! That's beautiful," such a person needs not to go and beg or scam anyone to earn money.

Learn a skill, and don't just depend on the school and the government, it may fail, there is so much pressure on the government. Remember you are not going to be the only graduate, there will definitely be others seeking for opportunities like you, imagine the competition.

Start building your financial life now to avoid getting stranded when you come in contact with life. If you find physical skills competitive and annoying, there are also skills online. Forex, programming, graphics designing, and other amazing skills are there. Pay the price, get one, and focus on it.

Build yourself and be prepared even before you reach the age of responsibilities. Some of us didn't know all these things, but we thank God we are meeting up. Avoid competition and focus on building yourself. The little time you have, invest it in a skill, you never can tell what tomorrow has in store. Your tomorrow is an empty slate, let no one deceive you, if you don't plan it today, you will get nothing tomorrow.

I believe that anyone who has something that can fetch them money will barely think of doing illegal things to earn. I know that some people will still do evil but the rate will be less. We won't have a lot of young people doing all forms of evil things to earn a living.

Thanks For Reading


Learning a skill is more gain to you as a person, a certificate could sometimes just serve as a bonus especially in a country like Nigeria.

My dear, a big bonus for that matter. White collars jobs are so scarce, one total dedicate time waiting for them may wait until old age.