Embracing Politics; An Opportunity For Change. 

in #hive-1538502 months ago

Embracing Politics; An Opportunity For Change.

Photo by Tara Winstead

"Politics is a dirty game, you can't get involved in the game and not get yourself stained," this is what we grew up hearing people say, especially elders.

We've heard and seen a lot of evil deeds coming from politics that made a lot of people not want to have anything to do with it. Most people believe that the game is for those who are physically, financially, and spiritually strong.

If you lack any of those things and don't also have connections, don't waste your time and resources because, at the end of the day, you will lose a lot if not your life.

Of the truth, most of the things we hear about politics are true, most of you are familiar with what politicians are capable of, and they can go any length just to get the positions they desire. Even if it means sacrificing the same people they claim they want to come and give hope.

But is politics really a dirty game? Left to me, nothing is wrong with politics, the game is fair and clean, and it's the people who are involved in it that are corrupt and evil.

You know, I kept wondering if running away from politics like most of us are doing is the best thing to do. where are we going to get the change we have been craving for? There are so many good people out there that could turn politics around for good but they are scared of the kind of things that happen in the game.

Good people who made mouths and beat their chests to make a difference went into the system and became beasts along the line. The fear of not having oneself altered along the line has made a lot of people keep their distance from the game even though they wanted to be a part of it and their reasons are genuine.

Nevertheless, I feel there is still hope for Politics, I know it may look dark but nothing is ever too bad beyond repairs. Politics is just a system, it's not the problem, it's the people in it that are the problem. You can make a difference if you wish, it all depends on the heart and your decision. You can choose to be the light in the midst of darkness and no one will question you for it even though it's not going to be easy.

So, if I am given the opportunity to contest for a political position in my place, I'll definitely take it. I believe that one man can make a difference. I know it might not be easy for me but there is nothing wrong with trying.

It's my desire to see that my people enjoy life, nothing would make me more fulfilled than seeing our government change for good and I know that is what almost everyone wants too, I mean everyone loves good things.

I am being tempted to say that I'll play the game differently but honestly, I see that statement as a setup. I have seen many people who say they will make a difference in the game of politics but they ended up becoming worse when they got into it.

So, I won't quickly say I will make a difference and will play the game differently but I will do my best to stay on the course, having what brought me into the game in mind as a daily reminder.

Thanks For Reading


AGree with you bro, politics no doubt is a bad game, but if we are not going to play our part , how the things will change?

Sure, without we taking a bold step, change may never come

Politics was supposed to be a free and fair affair, not until selfish people came into the system and made it what it is today. It's going to be a tough fight against corruption but if one is determined it is possible.

Exactly ma, it was a clean game until the wolves got involved. But all hope isn't gone, it can be made right again when people Begin to go into it with the right mentality.

Thanks a lot for reading and for the beautiful comment

I agree with you that the people who runs politics are the one who's bad and not politics on it one.

We need to delve in to be the change we want and in glad to see you'll take that step if the opportunity comes up, I wish you all the best and hope the money won't get to your head.

Hahah, it's easy to say I'll be different when am there but when one gets in touch with the privileges in the game, the story becomes something else.. God will help us 🤣

Thanks a lot🥰

How do they even say that thing
“Comrade of understanding” I laugh when people are quick to talk about how they’ll make a difference… well just get there first and let’s see what happens… and that’s exactly what you said


It is really had to say, the thing about politics is its changes people in a way they never thought was possible. I also believe a person can make a difference but not in politics, for you to make an impact in politics you will have to change of the game of politics is played.

Hahahaha, it's possible to make a difference even in politics just that only few would take that path, that's game is not for the weak 🤣

But is politics really a dirty game? Left to me, nothing is wrong with politics, the game is fair and clean, and it's the people who are involved in it that are corrupt and evil.

You're very correct with this, it's the people that made the system corrupt, it's the people that are corrupt not the system, so if we can have good people in the system then it will be good.

Exactly, but the problem is, now that there is hunger, how many people will see the opportunity to walk out of poverty forever and turn it down just to stay on course?

You'll do your own best to stay good and do your best...
That's the promise all of them give when they're about to enter a position. And when they enter, you know the story.

In Nigeria that's the pattern of politics.
If you it's still going to be the same line. There's no righteousness 😎😎