Hello, I'm happy you came to check on my blog today. The topic about I want to discuss today is from the contest of the @hive-learners community which is titled POLLUTION.
This is a very important topic and cannot be neglected in the environment we find ourselves today. Join me and let's talk about this problem called pollution.
What is pollution, before we proceed let's remind ourselves about the meaning of pollution.
I will simply define pollution as a bad change of the environment caused by the activities of humans in the environment, and this affects the lives of the people living in that environment. Pollution has so many damages in our environment today, and it keeps on increasing, both the government, industries,company and even we the citizens all contributes to this problem called pollution. Pollution can affect the environment in so many for m through water, air, land, noise and many more.
Pollution can be caused by so many factors and materials which are called pollutants.
Air Pollution
Air pollution occurs when the air is contaminated with harmful substances or chemicals such as carbon, coals which reacts with Oxygen in air to form bad oxides in which when inhale it cause serious damage in the body of an organisms, there so may things that contributes to air pollution which are activities of industries, cars and motorcycles, generators and bush burning e.t.c.
Water pollution
Water pollution occurs when the water is contaminated with harmful substances. This chemicals makes it hard for organisms living in water to survive, and it makes the water we drink to be unhealthy and as a result of this so many people suffer from various forms of diseases and sickness. Water pollution in my region is mostly caused by vandalization of oil pipelines and disposing of undegradable substances inside the water, so many industries in my country are victims of this. So many water we drink nowadays are all contaminated, water have to undergo so many process of treatment before it can be taking to the public for consumption.
Land Pollution
Land pollution is mostly caused by we humans, irregular disposing of waste materials everywhere the environment can cause land pollution, polluting the land can also result to air pollution also.
How to control pollution
Pollution can be controlled and manage properly with the help of government and also the citizens, we have to help ourselves by keeping the environment clean.
Our waste should be kept and disposed properly to avoid land pollution, the rural area should be educated and informed about how not keeping the environment clean can affect us negatively.
Industries should be regulated and properly checked to avoid air pollution. Industries should be located far away from place where people live, oil refineries should be built far away from the cities or town.
Vehicles should be controlled, the government with the help of the forces should punish those who drive vehicle which are not in good shapes and are producing smoke anyhow.
There should me no dumping of refuse is the river or ocean, substances like ceramics and other materials that are not degradable.
Government should try their best to stop oil vandalism, so that our water will not be contaminated.
I know pollution can not be stopped completely but it can be controlled by me and you and also the government, so lets try to keep our environment clean and safe.
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