Why It's So Hard To Change Your Behaviour - What You Can Do

in #hive-1538502 years ago


Change is hard, no matter what your personal struggles might be. That saying might as well be true for human beings as it is for animals. We’re creatures that love to stay in our comfort zones. The only difference between us and animals is that we’re able to recognize that staying in our comfort zones isn’t good for us in the long run.



We're constantly told what to do and what not to do. When it comes to change, we're hesitant, especially when it's so hard to do. This article will help you learn why change is so difficult and how you can help more people succeed at changing their habits.


What makes change so difficult?

One reason change is so difficult is because we often get so used to the old habits that we can’t imagine going through the discomfort of learning new ones. We're so used to society telling us what we should and shouldn't do, that sometimes we're afraid to try something new because we might be called out for doing it wrong.


Habit is a powerful thing

Although it’s often considered a bad thing, one thing that makes change so difficult is that a lot of our behaviors are habits. When we’re used to doing things a certain way, it’s an effort to change those behaviors because they’re so regular to us. It's difficult to break habits, but necessary if you want to change more.Identify and break your bad behaviors.


Motivate the behavior you wish

Another reason change is so difficult is because it can be hard to take yourself seriously when you’re trying to change. When we’re struggling with change, we often don’t take ourselves seriously because we don’t think we’re doing anything that’s important. We have to recognize that change is important and that our own personal growth is also important. If you want to change certain habits, break them down into more manageable steps. If you want to start exercising, break that down into weekly or daily workout plans.


Be patient with your new habits

A final reason change is so difficult is because it takes time. No matter what you do, change is going to take time. There’s no way around it. We have habits that we’ve used for a long time, so even if we want to change our behavior, we have to go through some discomfort in the beginning. It’s important to be patient with your change, and not expect to see results right away. You may want to read about how to change your habits more quickly.


Take small steps when trying to build a new behavior

Another reason change is so difficult is because it can be so intimidating. We have to build new habits, and that’s intimidating enough on its own, but we also have to do it in new ways that aren’t natural to us. We have to ask ourselves, “How am I going to change?” “What does that mean for me?” and “How long will this take?” You must be willing to be rejected or criticized for trying new things. You have to be willing to take bigger risks in changing your habits.


Change what you can change

Finally, another reason change is so difficult is because change is scary. We’re all going to change, whether it’s slowly or suddenly, but many people stay scared away from it because they think that they have to break everything in their life. You don't have to change everything; instead, focus on what you can change and feel confident in the things that don't need to change.


Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t change everything right now

The last thing you should know about changing your habits is that it’s okay that you can’t change all of them right now, and it’s okay to beat yourself up for it. It’s important, to be honest with yourself about where you are and what you can change right now. If you want to change more, change what you can - it's okay if you can't change everything now. Try your best and learn from your mistakes.


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