One of the things that makes life beautiful is our ability to integrate and navigate through life. In one of my post, I said life is like two side of a coin. In this subject, I would like to consider one of the side as a phase where one has the tendency to forget while the other phase constitutes the tendency where one recalls or remembers things. These two phases are constantly in play in everyday life.
All human beings have the ability to forget and remember things. This is one of the functions that God in his graciousness has give unto us perhaps to showcase how limited and frail we could be. This makes us to be dependent on him for everything. The border line here is, when you forget a thing to what degree do you quickly remember? What's the disposition of your heart when you forget something? What effect does this have on you? What's your ability to switch between forgetfulness and remembering?
In this post and for the purpose of the topic given, I would like to discuss and share how I became a victim of forgetfulness and how it really affected me and I vowed never to repeat such mistake again. If someone ever said I would forget something like this hmmmm I would blatantly reject it. I had so much confidence on my self and believed that I can't just forget a thing.
This event happened when I was doing my higher education studies commonly called Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE). It's a federal college where students across the various gained admission for studies. I was given admission to study chemistry and biology. I started from pre-NCE and fortunately fall amongst the best that triumph to NCE 1. Something happened when we were writing first semester examination. I was the class representative for my department. There was this course that I forgot the exact time.
I was at home reading and preparing for Biology. I was thinking the exams was for 11am not knowing that it was 8am. I left my house around 10am thinking of coming early to settle down before the paper begins.
As I came closed to the exam hall, I saw everywhere empty. I kept wandering why not even a single student in the hall waiting for the exams. After a while, I quickly went to my HoD office to inquired since the time is now 11am and no one has shown forth. To my surprise I was told that the exams has finished since. It appeared to me as if I was dreaming because I never thought of it this way. This was one of my favourite courses that I did well in the continuous assessment just waiting for a little grade in exams to land in my A.
I couldn't hold myself, instead I started crying because I knew that this is automatic carry over.
Later I bashed into the lecturer's office and explained my ordeal to him. He sympathised with me and felt it considering that I am one of his best student.
He said I shouldn't worry, just prepare to retake the course and he'll keepe posted when there's any CA subsequently.
Truly it was really an ugly experience for me. I quickly told myself never to repeat such for any reason.
Don't just depend on yourself alone. Try and relate with others and confirm things than living in costly assumption.
I don't ever wished this should repeat itself again.
Thanks for reading through.