Do we have free will? Or what is free will?
This was the first question I asked myself after thinking deeply on the market: even if we do have free will, should we be using it the way we like just because we do? Can I just go to an old man and give him a slap? I have the will to do so. If you are wondering what free will is, then hold on; let me explain it to you.
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What is free will?
free will, is the supposed power or capacity of humans to make decisions or perform actions independently of any prior event or state of the universe.
This means we get to choose, make decisions, or perform any action without any care in the world. In the world we live in today, rules, regulations, and laws bond us. Can we really say we are free or do we have the free will to do what we like? In a society where people allow the intoxication of their free will to hold control over them, then such a society will be in danger of different things.
We live in a world where our actions are shaped by societal norms, cultural values, and legal systems. The bond the rules and regulations hold on us makes us fear the consequences of our actions, leading us to question the true nature of our freedom. There are rules that guide every society, meaning we are to watch our actions but that doesn't stop us from doing what we want to do for free, inasmuch as it doesn't bring shame or put the person next to us in danger.
Now, let's answer this question Does living in a society run by strict rules and the threat of punishment not mean that indeed no one is free?
Although it may seem that living in a society with strict rules and the threat of punishment limits our freedom, it doesn't. Like I said in the beginning, a society where there is no rule or regulation to guide the action of people who already possess free will will be swallowed up by chaos. It's essential to consider the complexities of individual intent and social responsibility.
People who have no food because they are too lazy to work will have the free will to take from people who have worked all day of their lives, and if there is no strict rule to punish such action, then stealing will be a normal everyday activity. I hope you understand.
So, rules don't mean we are not free. We have our human rights and freedom, which should guide us on everything we should do with our will but when free will starts bringing pain to a fellow human, then disciplinary action should be taken unless everyone follows such a path.
Thank you for reading. My name is Fashtioluwa, an alien from Mars. I hope to see you in the comments section. Have a great day!