in #hive-153850last year

We are beautifully made by God, But development, technology and other environmental factors have made us reduce our self-esteem amongst others. A picture is a reflection of How we look.

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Greetings everyone and welcome to my blog. This week's topic has originality in it and I intend give my honest opinion.
I love taking pictures, and being a blogger has increased my desire for picture-taking.

When you take pictures of yourself, do you apply filters to make yourself look better?
I have two answers to this question, YES and NO
Yes, I do apply filters when I take personal pictures. I apply filters to make myself look better and because it's a trend in society I don't want to be left out.
Many years ago, I was gifted a Samsung smartphone, then filters were not known in phones but when you have a high-quality phone like an iPhone, Blackberry or a Samsung phone, your picture quality would be very fine without filters.
Then all the pictures I took were very clear and beautiful and you could tell I use a very good phone from the pictures I displayed on my social media. it didn't last for a very long time because the battery was always running low and I couldn't get a replacement battery in my country Nigeria.

No, I don't apply filters when I take personal pictures for business purposes because I indeed to present originality in the quality of my product, to enable the end users to gain the satisfaction of quality and trust to patronize me.
Technology has made picture quality better and affordable, you don't need to get a very expensive phone to get a good quality picture all you need is to download the picture application on your smartphone and you get a good quality picture. Although, those Higher quality phones give a higher-quality picture.

Do you feel there is anything wrong with this?
I now understand why YES is important as NO is also important.
YES, the use of filters is wrong because it defects the originality of the picture and gives you another colour, size, height and more enhancing effect of the picture.
NO, The use of filters is not wrong because it brings out the beauty in the picture where everyone has the opportunity to look beautiful. The enhancing quality of the picture makes it attractive for all to see and it promotes your charisma

I have had two remarkable experiences with filters in pictures.
Where an old friend started admiring me because I look fair in my pictures but to his greatest surprise, seeing me after many years at a function I attended he was disappointed in my dark colour and never chatted with me again.
Another incident was the pictures and videos of my friend, which made her look slim and fair but to my greatest surprise when I attended her son's birthday she was a little fat and darkish brown.
Filters could do wonders for original pictures.
Thank you for reading.


This is seriously serious. Hehe. So he stopped chatting with you 😂. At least it not that you are not who he saw, he should have known that’s the work of filter.

Anyways you are right about good quality pictures from good phone and doesn’t needs filters. I am a living testimony 😆

Yes, he stopped chatting me. You know looks are deceptive and am sure he must have been fantasizing on my picture but to his greatest surprise I wasn't what he was expecting. Sure a good phone would give quality picture. Thanks for stopping by

There is nothing wrong with filters as I have mentioned in many other posts, it only becomes an issue when we overuse them and paint a different picture for people to see.

Filters have the ability to change pictures completely so there is no point creating a different version of me. Enhancing the image moderately to look good ain't bad also.

Sure the use of filters is not bad but excessive use can create a deceptive deceitful look. All the same too much of a particular thing is not good. Thanks for stopping by.

I love how you started this writing. One thing is us appreciating our wonderful self. Believing we are beautifully created by God. I love the high level of originality you maintain when using your pictures for business purposes.

Aww, thank you for your encouraging comment, am glad you love my contribution. Giving people the original "what i ordered verse What i got" is very important in business and i intend to run a honest business. Thank you once again.

That's what we can honest. Honesty won't give one reputation alone rather it comes along with recognition and massive business growth. Honesty in business is one of the criteria to hold tight.

Yes that's true. Thanks for sharing

If we don't want people to be disappointed in us, then no need to lie about our look. Thanks for sharing.

Sure, Making yourself look a little bite beautiful and colourful is not an intentional act to deceive the person but when its too much it becomes at act of deceit.

That is very correct my dear. Welcome and do have a great week ahead.

If we don't want people to be disappointed in us, then no need to lie about our look. Thanks for sharing.

I think it's low self esteem to engage in any act that would make someone appear better in pictures. For you not to use it for your business purposes, it means you are not using it as an agent of deception. That's very good. Filter should be just a little finishing to a pictures. However, if you see what some people do, you would be surprised. A totally different appearance off phone.

Thank you for your nice comment, people are different with the way the accept things. The world is changing.

He never chatted you up again because you were not fair? hmm. I beleive He is not serious. His miss sha. Filter though could be deceptive.

He never did, you know men can be very funny 😄 but I wouldn't want to have anything with him. However, filters could be deceptive

Very deceptive I tell you. Never liked using them.

Sometimes you could try them out for fun🤣

I agree with you, too much of filters won't you recognize that person again 😂 well i so much love the fact that you snap real pictures. It's rear to see a lady with no filter on or using Snapchat. You really nailed it .

Thanks for sharing

Thank you for your encouraging comment. However, am glad you also agree with me that too much filters are not good. Thanks for stopping by