in #hive-153850last year

One virtue I believe everyone must have is understanding. I would generalize it and say empathy is essential when dealing with people. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. With empathy, people can connect, communicate, and support each other.

What is life without understanding one another? We live better when there is understanding among us and Forgiveness comes when there is understanding.

The journey of life has taught me a lot and the greatest of all is understanding. Understanding others is a vital skill that encourages empathy, effective communication, and stronger relationships. Here are some insights on how to cultivate a deeper understanding of people: Trust me this would help your new and old relationship with people.

  • Active Listening: Always listen to what others are saying and give them your full attention. This shows that you value their opinion or their side of the story and you are genuinely interested in understanding their thoughts and feelings.
    I have a funny neighbour who always runs to my house whenever she needs to talk to someone about everything, The fact that I listen to all she has to say and make some encouraging contributions, makes her come back for more. Imagine the feeling you get when you trust someone to talk to and share your pain.

  • Imagine their state: Beyond just putting yourself in their shoes, try to imagine their emotional state. Think about their fears, hopes, and motivations. This can help you understand how they feel.

  • Ask questions: Ask open-ended questions that encourage people to share more about themselves. This can help you generate an understanding of their experiences and emotions.

  • Patience: Understanding others takes time. Avoid rushing to conclusions or solutions. Allow the person to express themselves fully before responding.

Share your own stories( true/fictional): Sometimes, sharing your struggles or encounters can encourage others to open up. It establishes a sense of trust and mutual understanding to save the day.

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A friend of mine was a victim of domestic violence and after all her explanation I understood her husband has anger issues for peace to reign I told her when my husband gets angry, I try to ignore him at that time, I pray for him and speak to him when he is calm and ready to talk to me as his lovely wife. This works for us trust me because we understand each other. She told me how she tried it and it worked but how could she always keep calm when he gets angry? Hmm at least that worked for the time being.
Been hurt by those who lack understanding
Been hurt can deeply affect our emotions and can be challenging. It can affect your feelings and make us uncomfortable that we tend to isolate ourselves from that person.
I have been hurt by friends who lack understanding and refuse to listen to my side of the story. Many years ago I was gifted with a lovely Designer dress when my friend who sells the same dress saw me with the dress, she was sad I didn't buy it from her but never told me her anger. A day came and I went to her store to get just a belt for one of the designer's dresses, she refused to sell for me and her words were when you want to buy the main dress you go to other people and give them the big money and now you have come to my shop to buy only belt am not selling
The words she said and her refusal to sell hurt me so badly but because i understand I ignored her anger and moved on.

In conclusion, understanding is one virtue I believe everyone must have to enable us to be at peace with all.
Thank you for reading.


We should understand each other and if we are not understood by each other, many conflicts will arise between us. We should all be one and understand each other.

You are very correct, although sound impossible for us all in this world to be one but the fact remains that with understanding we could avoid conflicts, unpleasant issues and the evil in the world. thanks for stopping by.

Yes, you are right, if we all agree to do this, we can learn a lot.

With understanding there won't be conflict between individuals or nations. It's lack of understanding that's causing the chaos in the world today

exactly, Lack of understanding goes a long way to hurt people and that's why we need it. thanks for stopping by

The pleasure is mine

Many people are impatient and that's why they lack understanding too. I have also been hurt by people who lacks understanding and the experience is always unpleasant. Indeed, we need this virtue and if for, settling dispute wouldn't be a hassle

Thanks for sharing this with us

I would still say understanding is the topmost virtue everyone must have. some unavoidable issues could have been prevented if only understanding comes in. I agree with you dear, We all need this virtue.

Thanks for the post.

I think I prefer your word Empathy to Understanding because it implies feeling the needs of the other person. I've been married for almost 25 years and without empathy I think the marriage would have been doomed.

I prefer empathy to Understanding because I do my best to be empathetic with my wife....but after 25 years I don't think I'll actually understand her. She can be weird sometimes..then again she says I'm weird too. Just weird in a good way :)

Thanks for writing.

Honestly, i wanted to pick empathy is a virtue everyone should have but it involves a lot including understanding so i picked understanding and focused on it.
wow you must have a beautiful marriage in the 25years you have lived together and i know because you understand her with your empathetic heart you're still together in love. thanks for sharing